

创意与设计 2018年1期

文/ Ming Chueng (新西兰奥克兰理工大学)

给大家介绍一下我今天的主题,它其实是为用户体验当中设计的一个新的模式,MPR(Media Perception-Reaction)模式。我现在是在澳大利亚工作,我之后会去新西兰的奥克兰工作了。在座有多少人去过新西兰?在座有多少人去过澳大利亚?在座有多少人去过中国?我知道了,我知道中国比较热门比较火。

这是我自己的一个简单介绍,我是Ming Cheung,他们之前叫我Ming博士,实际上我注册了一个我的官方网站,目前还什么都没有。如果我在上面放东西的话我会告诉你的。我是设计教授,同时我也是奥克兰理工大学传达设计系主任。学校的设计学院在新西兰排名第一、全球第五,是非常好的,如果大家想要去奥克兰理工大学进行研究生学位的攻读的话,让我知道。我今天的演讲分为4部分,首先是数字服务创新,然后讲到用户体验设计,再是我最新发明的MPR模型,也就是媒体感知回应的模型,最后讲一讲它的两个应用。



事实上,人们意识到国家、企业在数字服务的创新当中会有很多机会很多利润的。在西方,我们有苹果有谷歌,例如有苹果的iTunes、APP Store,谷歌的搜索、地图、YouTube等。在中国我们可以用百度、淘宝、微信等,其实我们都会用到各种各样的应用。

在英国也有很多成功的公司,如Zoopla, King, DeepMind 和 SwiftKey。其中King是Facebook上最大的游戏开发公司,像SwiftKey在手机输入法的智能预测方面做得非常出色。在澳大利亚,近期的研究显示国家85%的劳动力生产了82%的总增加值GVA(衡量一个部门对经济总产出的贡献度)。因此,服务变得越来越重要。











评分的结果突显了设计师在数字服务创新中需要考虑的几个关键要素。经被采访者同意,这42个、每个大约2小时的访问会被录音并一字不差的记录下来。有两个独立的分析师对上述材料用主题分析法(thematic coding),根据评分得出的主题在采访人信息上寻找符合的主题。









My topic is on the Media Perception-Reaction Model, that I developed a new theoretical model for designing user experience. And I’m currently working in Australia but I’m moving to Auckland after this trip and I’m going to take a new job in Auckland, New Zealand. So I’ll ask you some questions time to time during my 20 minutes’ talk. The first question is how many of you have been to New Zealand? How many of you have been to Australia? How many of you have been to China? I see,China is very popular.

This is a brief introduction of myself, I’m Ming Chueng. People use to call me Dr. Ming. I’m currently working on professor of design,also head of Communication Design in School of Art and Design in Auckland University of Technology.The School of Design in AUT is No.1 in New Zealand and No.51 in the world. It is a very good school.I’m going to develop my topic into four areas, first into Digital Service Innovation, then talk about User Experience Design, then talk about theoretical model I developed called the Media Perception-Reaction Model——MPR Model, then I will draw two implications for my study.

First of all is digital service innovation. Can I ask you the second question: how many of you got a smart phone? How many of you sleep with your phone every night? I sleep with my phone every night, so I’m 24 hours on call, and 3:00 this morning I was checking email. It’s not a very healthy life style.

And how many of you use app every day? These apps are now part of our life. What I want to say is that if you look the scream over there we are moving from a manufacture industry or economy to knowledge-based service economies. And my prediction is that in the next five to ten years the world will be all about service design.

There is also growing awareness of the economic benefits the innovative digital services can bring to nations and organizations. Think about in western world, we have Apple and Google, for example. The App Store and iTunes of Apple, and Google Search, Google Maps and YouTube a lot. I know in China you might not have access to some of these platforms, but you use Baidu, Taobao,WeChat right?

There are also some successful UK companies, such as Zoopla, King,DeepMind, and SwiftKey. King Digital Entertainment is the largest game developer on Facebook, and SwiftKey is famous for its smart prediction technology for easier mobile typing.In Australia, the recent studies show that 85% of the country’s workforce and accounts for 82% of its real gross value added, which measures the contribution each sector makes to the economy. So service is getting very important.

And if you give a second look,then you will realize that these types of service system did not exist in the pre-digital era. So as we have product like this iPhone,and now service is becoming so important that it’s become “a key agent in the production and coproduction of useful things and meaningful interactions with the latter gathering influence in a postindustrial society”.

Why do we need this kind of service system? Because service system can redefine the meaning,value and functionality of physical products and systems. It can also transform them into highly integrated service systems able to enhance the sustainability and humaneness of our social and economic environments while offering industries a competitive edge.

Now I’m moving on to user experience design. You might realize that in the last 10 years we have been using applications every time,we have a lot of information in our daily life. And these kinds of information and application we use on personal devices, home appliances,transportation system, etc. I’ll tell you one thing in my home in Australia. I just bought a house over there. And I’ve got the intelligent home system into my phone, what I do instead before I go to work in the morning is putting some rice into my cooker. So half an hour before I arrive home, I just get onto the internet and press the button, so when I arrive home, the rice is ready. So this kind of very connected and also very smart intelligent system is actually helping us to get better quality of life.

One thing I always emphasize is that we need to study users, but we also need to study contexts. Think about you yourselves, when you are here, you are listening to our talk, when you go back to classroom many of you might be teachers and students, when you are home you are your parents’ son or daughter, when you are with your friends you are their company, you have different roles. So we study context, but the role of users changed according to the contexts. That’s why we are not only study user experience design, but also context experience design. That’s why we have to study interaction between users and contexts. And I’m going to say the service is now the king.

If I were you, if I just started on my design journey, I would really seriously think about service working development career and service design and how you can immigrate the service design into products.

At the same time, I identify some problem in research, I find that many of the studies in design field so far are about self-reflection,practical experience. We also need some theoretical models to come out.So one of my major directions in research is to develop design field.The first one is that I identify“gap”into a system field. I find that user experience and user-generated media content play an increasingly important role in service success.However, most studies to date have focused on one media channel at a time, for example, blogging, service reviews, tweets or videos, and evaluated its effects on service acceptance.

Now we are in a time when media and inter-dependency are getting more and more important. So my question is how can we reflect those things in our theoretical model.

I also identify another gap in the field that as service providers attempt to respond to perceived user demand, it remains unclear whether their online efforts actually encourage trust and satisfaction and whether there are media-specific barriers to active user engagement and willingness to contribute during human-interface interaction. So very often because we are doing selfreflection case study, all we're doing Some interview as well. Very often those Resource we get are secondhand. So I’m thinking about when we do research We need to get some real time data and study how to use the actual development of trust and satisfaction. In the process of interacting with multiple media at the same time. So that is the gap I identified.

So let me explain my academic study to you. I conducted a study to identify the factors and processes that could inform effective user experience design in digital service innovation. It was a two stage study, stage one involved in depth face to face Interviews with design professional employed by 42 service companies in seven major cities,Sydney and Melbourne;Hong Kong,Shanghai and Beijing, London and New York. Why I chose these seven cities is because the cities are home to some of the world's most renowned service companies.

All interviews were conducted in person by myself to ensure consistency in applying the repertory grid technique which was adopted to structure each interview. Each informant was asked to identify six digital service innovation projects in which he or she had had active involvement. Then three of the six were selected at random,and the informant was asked which two different from the third with respect to their service design elements. The results were entered in a repertory grit table. The process was repeated several times with each informant.

They were also asked to apply a rating scale Ranging from one (very little) to five (major impact) to indicate the extent to which design contributed to the user-perceived experience of this service. The informant was also asked to share evidence that might indicate users'level of reaction towards each of the six service innovation projects which were selected.

So this rating process identified the key elements taken into consideration by designers in the process of digital service innovation. With the informants'consent, all 42 interviews of around two hours each, were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim.Two independent coders then undertook thematic coding analyses.

I also find that in the existing literature we cannot find a very clear definition of UX. That's why I try to define it on my own. User experience design is a process of enhancing user trust and satisfaction of a service by improving the user's perception of the innovativeness and athletics of the experience provided in the interaction between the users and service design elements

So you can see this definition actually echo the model I provide.Let me show you an example we studied. This is the application I used to buy my first home in Australia. It gave me just enough information, not more than I need,not less than I need. It’s very easy to navigate and also give you some personal service as well. So on level one you can choose to buy, rent or sold. It immediately gives you these three direction so you won't get lost. So in my case I like to buy a new home. And it let you to do the filtering. It can show me the different types of houses So I can choose the property types of house that I like.

It also allows me to see the selection according to the price from high to low. And also allow me to choose how many bedrooms I need,and how many bathrooms I need. And it also allow me to save the information that I chose so next time I do the research,I can just clicked,instead of redo the selection. When I click to the second level and it gives me the details of pictures and locations, with google map.The description, and the opening time. And what schools are around.It also allows me to visualize the information. For example, it shows me a map with book marks, and every time I click on the book marks, I can see the pictures. It also allows me to send the schedule so it's very convenient.

Stage two of the study involved testing the MPR model via a stimulate field experiment in which the impacts of a full range of design aspects were measured systematically over a four-week period, thus allowing sufficient Interaction amongst the participants to take place. The experimental design consisted of full factorial combinations of the five design aspects (information,navigation, customization, engagement and entertainment.), which demanded the creation of 32 sets of user interfaces.

So for example, interface number one features a strong profile of all five aspects. At the production stage, 50 target group representatives were invited, to access each interface, according to its design criteria And make sure I achieve ninety percent agreement.Then I use structural equation modeling, to analysis the log records and questionnaire together. And I also do focus group interviews with random selected participants to capture their Rituals back to views of the reported perceptions and reactions towards the experimental stimuli.

Then I’ll show you the implications. The first implication is that innovation service design presents a dilemma to organizations.On the one hand, service innovation may offer a substantial economic benefits over conventional business strategies. On the other, it may be perceived by companies as involving significant risk with no guarantee of success. By its nature, innovation is characterized by surprise and novelty. For a business, however,that novel choice will only be allowed or welcome if it means increased profit and better brand value. The core proposition of the MPR model is that causal relations play an important role in innovative service design because they afford the business a way to represent how it envisions and operates, and because they allow it imagination free region in considering, how the users of their service could or would react if changes were made to its design.

The second implication is that for creativity is the act of generating new ideas, then innovation is the process of applying those ideas to a particular context.Creativity merely marks the onset of innovation. Unlike innovations in many other fields, service innovation deals with networks of users often across context and cultures, and thus does not occur in a vacuum. The rationale of the MPR model is to encourage designers to step out of their comfort zone and understand the pros and cons of available options that could potentially maximize their companies' or clients' service value.Surprise and novelty emerge only when they Challenge both existing assumptions and the validity of their constituent elements.


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