Wu Yin
China is the largest and the oldest country near Japan. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, China-Japan relations have been intricate. Japan’s policy toward China has been an important factor affecting the relations between China and Japan since ancient times. All along, Japan set the goal of becoming a major regional power and even a world power. Based on the strength comparison between China and Japan, Japan has formulated different policies toward China. However, Japan’s major goal is exclusive, highlighting in particular the zero-sum confrontation that emerged in the new century. Since its ancient times, China’s foreign policy upholds the core concept of “Getting along with peace and Influencing all countries with good moral character,” and today it has developed into a diplomatic policy featuring the concept of “peaceful development, win-win cooperation and building a community of human destiny.” China looks forward to creating a new situation in the relations between China and Japan in the new era and is also not afraid of provocations and hostilities.
Xu Jianxin
A great number of nation-states in the contemporary world have a great variety of issues over national identity. In social history, the Ryukyu (Okinawa) has experienced two national identities. The first national identity was formed and completed during Ryukyu Kingdom, while the second national identity occurred after Japan’s annexation of Ryukyu, which is caused the demise of the Ryukyu Kingdom, in the late 19th century and developed to this day. The issue of national identity in contemporary Okinawan society is extremely complicated, which is caused by both historical and realistic factor, also factors from the society of Okinawa and international relations. The future development of the national identity in Okinawa society not only has an impact on Okinawa’s social development, but also will have a significant impact on the external environment for the development of our country.
Li Zhuo
China is one of the earliest nations which invented its own calendar. The Chinese calendar brought huge influence upon the surrounding countries. For a long time, Japan introduced and used the Chinese calendar. According to the traditional view of China, the use of the Chinese calendar means to honor the Chinese dynasty as “Zheng Shuo” and to pay political obedience to China. This study aims to research the changing process of the Japanese calendar system, and to find the real image of “obeying the Zheng Shuo”. This study takes on step forward and explores the nature of Sino-Japanese relations in the context of “obeying the Zheng Shuo”.
Liu Yijun
After the establishment of the Puppet Manchukuo regime in northeast China, Japanese imperialism took Fascist colonial culture as the vanguard to steady its colonial rule, all-sided cultural control, inventory and clampdown have been carried out in northeast China, The Chinese national culture has been seriously damaged. To kill the Chinese people’s resistant consciousness, and to turn to be “loyal and good citizen” at the mercy of the Japanese imperialists, the so-called founding spirit which is at the core of “Kingism” and “Ethnic harmony” is indoctrinated, the spirit of the Chinese people was greatly tortured and poisoned. In addition, the Generic Japanization was pushed under the bureaucratic rule, Japanese fascist colonial culture was rampant, human civilization has suffered serious havoc.
Wang Yixin
The necromancy, an old witchcraft, is intended to link the two worlds, the living and the dead, for the purposes of evocation, divination,exorcism and so on. The Greco-Roman world and the ancient China prevailed the similar ideas, practices and a plenty of tales, but differed in some details owing to the different context of cultural traditions and the influence from different cultures abroad. The paper attempts to compare and analyze the ancient necromancies in the range of necromantic tales and of practices, so as to get insight into the similarities and differences in the social life, religious beliefs, laws, ethics and cultures of the two traditions, and try to give explanations. The necromantic stories include varied ghost tales, some of which happened in the dreams. The necromantic practices refer to divination, evocation, possession by spirits, enslaving ghosts, exorcism, purification and varied black magic.
Chen Dezheng and Hu Qizhu
Guo Songtao was one of the first scholar-bureaucrats in the late history of Qing dynasty who initiatively learned western culture and introduced western classics to Chinese. His oversea diary not only recorded official contacts, political observations and visits, but also wrote sporadic anecdotes about the ancient Mediterranean Sea. These sporadic discoveries opened up an “exotic space” for Chinese by describing the ancient Mediterranean Sea, which dissolved chinese scholar-bureaucrats’s arrogance partically. Meanwhile, after witnessing the relics of the ancient Mediterranean Sea as well as European reality, Guo Songtao abandoned the viewpoint of “Western Learnings originated from China”,and insisted that Western Learnings had their own origin.The turning of Guo Songtao’s thinking indicates that chinese scholar-officials began to reflect their culture painfully.
Ma Feng
Augustus’s principate had dyarchy political representation. However, with the role of Princeps from the trustee by citizens’ groups into the “father of the motherland”, the principate gradually get rid of dyarchy political representation. From a development perspective, the history of the principate is the process of transition from presentational dyarchy polity to an absolute momarchy. The Principate originated in the Republic is a mixed system of government and the monarchy of the Republic coat. With the change of the authority of the Princeps, the development of the Principate has become more and more characteristic of the autocratic monarchy of the East.
Ai Rengui
Subject to the small geographical space and the scarcity of natural resources, as well as the bad geopolitical environment, Israel has always attached great importance to the planning of the national space since its founding. Since the 1990s, with the influx of immigrants from the former Soviet Union and the rapid development of urbanization, Israeli academics and political circles have jointly formulated “Israel 2020 Plan”. The plan’s goal is to address the challenges of the 21st century through systematic planning the national space in Israel. Although the “Israel 2020 Plan” does not have legal status or coercion, most of its contents and spirit have been absorbed into the official plan of National Master Plan 35 and have been officially given legal effect. As an important program of Israel’s response to the challenges of the 21st century, the “Israel 2020 Plan” has an important guiding significance for Israel’s national spatial policy in the new century.
Lu Peng
At the beginning of the founding, under the guidance of Ben-Gurion’s strategic thinking of “peripheral pact”, Israel implemented regional balance of power strategy in the Middle East in order to safeguard its national security. The two pillars of Israel’s balance of power strategy is made of “Israel-Turkey strategic cooperation” and “Israel-Iran Strategic alliance”. The strategic purpose of Israel is to use the strategic resources of Iran and Turkey to weaken strategic pressure from the Arabia world, and to build the first defense line for Israel’s country security in Middle East. The Israel-Turkey relationship and Israel-Iran relationship had been negatively affected by the Arabia world, showing obvious fluctuating and stage characteristics.
Jia Qingjun
At the later laterstage of the cold war, the change of international situation made China and US approached, and the United States changed past overbearing policy in the South China Sea. The United States no longer publicly denied China has the sovereignty of the South China Sea,and took a certain “neutrality” on the sovereignty dispute of the South China Sea However, for the maintenance of hegemony the United States still valued geostrategic value of the South China Sea, and still swaggered in the South China Sea.The United States not only didn’t publicly acknowledg China has the South China Sea sovereignty but also violated it. This shows that the United States’ “neutral” is relative, and is a kind of “hidden containment to China”. America’s South China Sea policy which is “neutral” on the surface and is against China at the back gradually changed from 1989 to 1991. After “Peace Evolution” aimed to China failed, the United States again pubicly took policy to contain China.
Lv Hongyan
The separation of sex from reproduction was considered immoral in the nineteenth century. In the early twentieth century, abstinence, withdrawal and douching were widely applied to limit family size in America. Due to failed contraception, many American women died from abortion. The Depression provided a compelling justification for family limitation, cervical caps, spermicides and condoms became the most widely used forms of contraception. The diverse interests that supported birth control, including feminists, eugenicists, physicians, and rubber manufacturers all struggled to change laws and win public acceptance of contraceptive practice.
Chen Tianshe and Wang Weijiong
Israel, the United Kingdom and the United States are three key countries in the studies of the Six-Day War. The studies are mainly focused on three fields. The first field is the factors of the Six-Day War’s outbreak, which included the geopolitics, the water resources conflicts, the leaders, the Samu incident, the Soviet Union’s false information, the revenge attacks, the nuclear weapon plan’s upgrade and others. The second filed is the effects of the Six-Day War on the Arab and Israeli. To the Arab, the academics focused on the reasons for the Arab disastrous defeat, and the war’s economic, political and psychological effects to the Arab. To the Israeli, the researcher sconcentrated on the Israeli victory’s reasons, and the war’s economic, cultural and social effectsto the Israeli. The third field is the Six-Day War and the Middle East international relations. One is the War and the changes of the Middle East policies in the United States and the Soviet Union, another is the War and the Middle East international relations’ adjustments. In conclusion, the academics on the Six-Day War haveacquired a lot of achievement javascript:void(0);s. The abroad scholars’ studies are extensive than the domestic scholars, and the Israeli’sstudies are extensive than the Arab’s.It is necessary to identify the Israeli’s and Western scholars’works when they are referenced.
Lv Pinjing
As the East Asian is an interrelated whole, the essence of the problem in East Asian could only be found in a holistic perspective. The changes have already become the focus of research since modern times in East Asia.But what can not be ignored is that the changes within the countries of East Asian before modern times affected the modern East Asian world. On the basis of existing studies,the scholars devoted to the study of East Asia issue,further broke through the national boundaries and the language barrier ,taking the East Asian as an entirety to consider a series of issues such as the relationship between pre-modernization China and its neighboring countries, the understanding of China in neighboring countries, the evolution of East Asian Confucianism, the rule and implementation of Qing Dynasty, and the interaction in different countries, etc.This attempt promoted the the forward studies of the East Asian emerging in large numbers. At the same time, the research methods were constantly updated and the research field of vision was expanding. This paper proceeds with changes within the countries of East Asian in pre-modern time, combs the hot issues concerned currently in this field, reviewed the research status of frontier issues in East Asian.
Song Nana
Among the Jimi division established by Tang Dynasty in the northeast minority areas of China, the Jilin division in the silla was a special case. It not only had always been existed as the form of vassal state in the central plains of the dynasty, and not too much involved in the change of the situation in the central plains, but also didn’t become one part of the system. The tributary system between The Tang and The Silla according to the specific historical events can be divided into four stages, each stage had different characteristics. The Silla since the nature of the vassal state, determined that it was different from other divisions in the northeast of China and these differences had a positive effect on both sides between The Tang and The Silla.
Zhang Yan
Ogyu Sorai’sYakubunsenteiis a Japanese reference book about interpretation of Chinese. In the book, Sorai not only criticized the malpractice of traditional Wakun (native Japanese interpretation) and “Chinese teaching method”, but also proposed a new “Chinese learning method”, it promoted Edo Japanese’s learning of China classics to a certain degree. It is important that the came out ofYakubunsenteihad also indirectly impact the formation of Kobunjigaku (study of ancient rhetoric). Sorai realized that there are differences between “Japanese and Chinese” as also “ancient and modern”. He also recognized that the Confucianism advocated by song Confucianism is not true Confucianism, They all depart from Confucius’ theory. Simultaneously,the characteristic of theory of human interests began to take shape. Therefore, this paper attends to interpret theYakubunsenteifrom the perspective of linguistics and thought history, expects to benefit the research of Soraigaku.