2019 IEEE计算机视觉与模式识别会议


智能系统学报 2018年6期

CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.


The Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for students, who are close to finishing or who have recently finished their doctorate degree, to interact with experienced researchers in computer vision. A senior member of the community will be assigned as a mentor for each student based on the student's preference or similarity of research interests. All students and mentors will attend a Doctoral Consortium meeting/luncheon, giving the students an opportunity to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor. In addition, each student will present a poster, either describing their thesis research or a single recent paper, to the other participants and their mentors.


Students must be conducting research in computer vision and be within 6 months (before or after) of graduating with their doctoral degree. Applicants must not have attended a doctoral consortium previously (at ICCV, ECCV or CVPR).

Submission Guidelines

Students that meet the eligibility requirements should submit an application via CMT (link announced at a later date). The applicant must submit the following as a single pdf file (preferred) or a zip/rar file including multiple PDFs.

1. The applicant's CV.

2. A two-page research statement summarizing the applicant's research and progress to date.

3. The title and author list of the poster that will be presented at the consortium, which may or may not be presented at CVPR as well.

4. A signed note from their advisor confirming the date of graduation and stating his/her availability as a mentor.

5. The first and last names and email addresses for 7 potential mentors, ranked from most to least preferred. Note that there is no mentor list provided; you simply have to identify researchers from industry or academia whose work is relevant to yours, or whose feedback you think would be particularly useful to you for a different reason. Do not list your own advisor as a mentor.

Please ensure that all five pieces of information are included in the application. Incomplete applications will be rejected.


ISO/TC8/SC8 期间会议在沪召开