

无机化学学报 2018年2期

王 宇 崔洋哲 刘 敏 王梦秦 耿文筱 李中峰 金琼花*,

(1首都师范大学化学系,北京 100048)

(2北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100124)

0 Introduction

In recent years,the study of silverガ complexes based on organic phosphine,especially diphosphine ligands,has attracted considerable attention[1-4].In coordination chemistry,self-assembled silverガ complexes usually have structural diversity and potential applications in luminescent material and antimicrobial[5-8].According to the hard-soft-acid-base (HSAB)theory,as P-donor ligands,bis(2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl)ether (DPEphos)and 9,9-dimethyl-4,5-bis(diphenylphosphanyl)xanthene (XANTphos)can both easily coordinate with Agガsalts.Since the transition metal chemistry and catalytic function of DPEphos and XANTphos ligands were studied by van Leeuwan and his co-workers[9]for the first time,various researches about Agガcomplexes on the two ligands have been published[10-12].

Agガ-DPEphos/XANTphos complexes are widely studied by us and other researchers[13-17].In these complexes,DPEphos/XANTphos is a kind of chelated P-donor ligands,and some bridged co-ligands help to form 1D infinite chains.In some complexes the existence of weak interactions makes the 1D infinite chain structures expanding to 2D networks or 3D architectures.The type of weak interactions appeared in these complexes are hydrogen bond,C-H…π,π…π,anion…π and so on,which can also help to stabilize the supramolecular coordination polymers[8].

In this paper,two novel Ag-diphosphine complexes,namely[Ag(XANTphos)]BF4(1)and[Ag2Cl2(DPEphos)2]·2CH2Cl2(2),have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction,IR,1H NMR and fluorescence spectra.The weak interactions and luminescent properties of these complexes are discussed.

1 Experimental

1.1 Materials and measurements

All chemical reagents are commercially available and used withoutfurthermore treatment.FT-IR spectra (KBr pellets)were measured on a Perkin-Elmer Infrared spectrometer.C,H and N elemental analysis were carried out on an Elementar Vario MICRO CUBE (Germany)elemental analyzer.Roomtemperature fluorescence spectra were measured on F-4500 FL Spectrophotometer.1H NMR was recorded at room temperature with a Bruker DPX 600 spectrometer.

1.2 Synthesis of[Ag(XANTphos)]BF4(1)

Complex 1 was prepared by the reaction of AgBF4(0.038 4 g,0.2 mmol),XANTphos (0.115 7 g,0.2 mmol)and dmp (0.041 7 g,0.2 mmol,dmp=neocuproine)in the mixed solvents of 5 mL CH2Cl2and 5 mL CH3OH.The mixture was stirred for 6 h and filtered.Colorless crystals were obtained from the filtrate after standing at room temperature for several days.Yield:71%.Element analysis Calcd.for C79H68AgBF4O3P4(%):C,68.51;H,4.92.Found(%):C,68.08;H,4.61.IR data(cm-1,KBr pellets):3 514w,3 053w,2 958w,1 971w,1 815w,1 621m,1 590m,1 502m,1 478vs,1 434vs,1 402s,1 360s,1 327s,1 306m,1 284s,1 218s,1 198m,1 151m,1 057s,870m,857m,801m,778s,746s,610w,588w,548w,537w,514s,498s,460m.1H NMR (600 MHz,CDCl3,298 K):δ 7.9~8.4 (m,dissociative dmpph),7.03~7.60 (m,overlap with the solvent peak signal,XANTphos-ph),2.48 (s,dissociative dmp-CH3),1.62 (s,12H,XANTphos-CH3).

1.3 Synthesis of[Ag2Cl2(DPEphos)2]·2CH2Cl2(2)

A mixture of AgCl (0.028 7 g,0.02 mmol)and DPEphos (0.106 8 g,0.2 mmol)was dissolved in a mixture of 5 mL CH2Cl2and 5 mL CH3OH,stirred for 6 h and filtered.Colorless crystal 2 was obtained from the filtrate after standing at the room temperature for several days.Yield:63%.Element analysis Calcd.for C74H60Ag2Cl6O2P4(%):C,57.91;H,3.91.Found(%):C,57.56;H,3.60.IR data (cm-1,KBr pellets):3 422m,3051m,1624w,1586w,1564w,1479w,1461s,1434s,1 259m,1 222s,1 159w,1 095m,1 027w,876w,801w,745s,695s,507m,422w.1H NMR (600 MHz,CDCl3,298 K):δ 7.16~6.66 (m,CHbenzene),5.29 (s,CHCH2Cl2)

1.4 Structure determination

Single crystalsofthe title complexeswere mounted on a Bruker Smart 1000 CCD diffractometer equipped with a graphite-monochromated Mo Kα (λ=0.071 073 nm)radiation at 298 K.Semi-empirical absorption corrections were applied using SABABS program[18].All the structures were solved by direct methods using SHELXS program of the SHELXTL-97 package and refined with SHELXL-97[19-20].Metal atom centers were located from the E-maps and other nonhydrogen atoms were located in successive difference Fourier syntheses.The final refinements were performed by full matrix least-squares methods with anisotropic thermal parameters for non-hydrogen atoms on F2.The hydrogen atoms were generated geometrically and refined with displacement parameters riding on the concerned atoms.

Crystallographic data and experimental details for structural analysis are summarized in Table 1,and selected bond lengths and angles of complexes 1~2 are summarized in Table 2.


Table 1 Crystallographic data for complexes 1~2

Table 2 Selected bond distances(nm)and bond angles(°)for complexes 1~2

2 Results and discussion

2.1 Syntheses of the complexes

Two functional Agガ complexes 1~2 have been synthesized by one-pot reaction of different silverガsalts with DPEphos and XANTphos ligands(Scheme 1).The influence of the anions on the coordination modes of the complexes has been discussed in the literatures[21-22].We also have reported the structures of some metal complexes which are affected by the coordination modes[23-24].In complex 2,two silver atoms are connected by halogen atoms;however,the tetrafluoroborate anion is free in complex 1.

Scheme 1 Routine of synthesis for complexes 1 and 2

2.2 Description of crystal structures

Fig.1 Molecular structure of complex 1

Complex 1 crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system and contains a crystallographic center of symmetry (Fig.1).In complex 1,the central ion Agガforms a ring by the chelating bisphosphine ligand(XANTphos),and each Agガ is coordinated with a P atom from a different XANTphos molecule to form a distorted tetrahedron.Compared to the similar Ag-XANTphos complex,the Ag-P (0.258 5 and 0.259 1 nm)distance in complex 1 is longer than that in[AgBr(XANTphos)(py2SH)]·C2H5OH (Ag-P 0.248 4 and 0.2500nm)[16],andthe P-Ag-P angle (108.00°)is smaller than that in the complex above.

Fig.2 Molecular structure of complex 2

Complex 2 consists of inversion symmetric dimers with a diamond-shaped Ag2Cl2group at the center.In the asymmetric unit of complex 2,each DPEphos ligand chelates one silverガcation with a free dichloromethane in it.Two silver cations are connected by two Cl-anions in the formation of a binuclear structure(Fig.2).The sum of the internal angles of the fourmember ring [-Ag-Cl-Ag-Cl-]in the Ag2Cl2core are 360°,demonstrating that the ring is a parallelogram.The geometry around each silver center is distorted tetrahedral,which is evident from the angles around the Ag ion in the range of 94.92°~116.76°.The distance of Ag…Ag is 0.352 9 nm,which exceeds the sum of two van der Waals radius of silver atoms(0.344 0 nm)[25],so the metal-metal interaction can be neglected in complex2.The bite angle of the DPEphos ligand is 111°,which is 9°larger than its natural bite angle (βn)[9].In both of two complexes in this paper,the ether O atoms of the DPEphos ligands are always at a nonbonding distance from the metal centers.The lattice structure is stabilized by an intermolecular π…π stacking interactions (Fig.3)between the C19-C24 rings of DPEphos ligand,with the interplanar distance of 0.381 3 nm.The center-ofmass coordinate of the ring is (-0.014 48,0.389 77,0.561 57)and the dihedral angle is 0°.The adjacent molecules in complex 2 are connected by the π…π weak interactions to form a 1D infinite chain (Fig.4).The distance of Cl…π weak interaction (0.383 0 nm)found in complex 2 is shorter than that in the literature[8].Those weaker interactions stabilize the supramolecular frameworks.

Fig.3 Neighboring molecular entities of the cations in complex 2 displaying the offset π…π interaction

Fig.4 One dimensional structure bridging by π…π interaction of complex 2

2.3 Infrared and1H NMR spectroscopy

The infrared spectra of 1~2 show C-C stretch vibration of the phenyl rings whose absorptions are found in 1 434 cm-1.The middle absorptions around 3 051 cm-1are caused by C-H vibration of the phenyl rings.The absorption in 1 057 cm-1is derived from tetrafluoroborate (BF4-)in complex 1.

The singlet near δ 1.62 in1H NMR spectrum of 1 is assigned to the protons of methylene groups in the aromatic rings from XANTphos ligand.The1H NMR spectrum of complexes 2 exhibit signals(multiple peaks)between 7.1 and 6.6,which can be attributed to protonsfrom the benzene rings of the bis(2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl)ether (DPEphos)ligand.In complex 2,the signals of protons from the dichloromethane solvent molecule are shown at 5.29.

2.4 Fluorescence spectra

Fig.5 Luminescent spectra of XANTphos and DPEphos ligands in the solid state at room temperature

At room temperature,the solid-state excitation and emission spectra of complexes 1~2 and the DPEphos and XANTphos ligands were measured.When being excited at 332 nm,the XANTphos ligand displays a fluorescence emission peak at 409 nm,and the emission peak of the DPEphos ligand is found at 431 nm with excitation at 363 nm (Fig.5).It was found that the emission peak is centered at 487 nm with λex=370 nm for complex 1,and it is centered at 438 nm with λex=361 nm for complex 2 (Fig.6).Compared to the free ligand,the emission peak of 1 is red-shifted by about 78 nm,however,the emission peak of 2 is red-shifted by about 7 nm.The difference ofluminescentproperties is attributed to their different structures.These shifts of emission peak are derived from ligand-centered π-π*transition.

Fig.6 Luminescent spectra of 1~2 in the solid state at 298 K

3 Conclusions

Two novel Ag-biphosphine complexes,namely[Ag(XANTphos)]BF4and[Ag2Cl2(DPEphos)2]·2CH2Cl2,have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction,IR,1H NMR and fluorescence spectra.Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the complex 1 crystallizes with triclinic system,P1 space group.Complex 2 consists ofinversion symmetricdimerswith adiamond-shaped Ag2Cl2group at the center.The adjacent molecules in complex 2 are connected by π…π weak interactions to form a 1D infinite chain.In the emission spectra,shifts of emission peak are derived from ligandcentered π-π*transition.We hope our results could offer a new strategy for the design of supramolecular complexes.

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