Impacts of uncertain cloud-related parameters on Pacific Walker circulation simulation in GAMIL2
XIE Feng, LI Li-Jun, WANG Bin, n XUE WeiStte Key Lortory of Numeril Moeling for Atmospheri Sienes n Geophysil Flui Dynmis (LASG), Institute of Atmospheri Physis,Chinese Aemy of Sienes, Beijing, Chin; College of Erth Siene, University of Chinese Aemy of Sienes, Beijing, Chin; Ministry of Eution Key Lortory for Erth System Moeling, Center of Erth System Siene (CESS), Tsinghu University, Beijing, Chin; Deprtment of Computer Siene n Tehnology, Tsinghu University, Beijing, Chin
1. Introduction
The Pacific Walker circulation (PWC) is characterized by rising motion over the western Pacific and sinking motion over the eastern Pacific (Bjerknes 1969). This pattern is directly driven by the active convection in the western Pacific warm pool, with the winds blowing from east to west at the surface and reversed in the upper troposphere. The change in PWC under global warming has been a hot topic. Vecchi et al. (2006), Power and Kociuba(2011), Tokinaga et al. (2012), and Yu and Zwiers (2010)found that PWC weakened during the twentieth century,based on changes in the gradient of sea level pressure(SLP),ΔSLP, the gradient of sea surface temperature(SST), and the atmospheric zonal mass streamfunction,ψ,along the equatorial Pacific. The weakening of PWC under global warming is theoretically expected to be caused by a decrease in convective mass fluxes, which balances the slower increase in global-mean precipitation at a rate of around 1%–3% K−1, compared to the increase in atmospheric water vapor content at a rate of around 7% K−1,with constant relative humidity (Held and Soden 2006).However, some studies have argued that the twentieth century PWC was strengthened, based onΔSLP (L’Heureux,Lee, and Lyon 2013; Sandeep, Stordal, and Sardeshmukh 2014),ψ(Ma and Zhou 2016), and boundary layer water vapor transport (Sohn and Park 2010). Although these con-flicting results regarding PWC trends are closely associated with the different time periods and datasets employed, an explanation has not been sought in terms of the different PWC indices (PWCIs).
On the other hand, most of the GCMs that have participated in CMIP produce a descending trend of PWC in historical runs and scenario projections, which mainly results from greenhouse gas warming (Dinezio, Vecchi, and Clement 2013; Sandeep, Stordal, and Sardeshmukh 2014;Vecchi and Soden 2007). Aerosol forcing appears to drive a strengthening PWC (Dinezio, Vecchi, and Clement 2013). Ma and Zhou (2016) reported that AGCM simulations exhibit PWC enhancement for the past three decades, dominantly forced by La Niña–like SST. Most of these studies on the changes in PWC focused on the external and boundary forcings. However, whether the model itself – especially uncertain parameters in model physical schemes – could influence the simulated PWC, has not been fully investigated. It is known that model parameters are a major source of uncertainty in climate simulation and projection (e.g.Collins et al. 2011; Jackson et al. 2008; Murphy et al. 2004;Stainforth et al. 2005). Uncertain parameters have signifi-cant influences on the simulation of ENSO (Watanabe et al.2011), the Madden–Julian Oscillation (Boyle et al. 2015), and the Asian summer monsoon (Yang et al. 2015). Moist parameters are closely associated with large-scale convection and precipitation, of which the strength and location have a profound influence on the intensity of PWC (Philander 1990;Sohn et al. 2016). Hence, the motivation behind the present study is to examine the impacts of different parameters on PWC simulation using different indices.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:The model used and the experimental design are briefly described in Section 2. In Section 3, a detailed analysis of the results is presented. Section 4 summarizes the study’s key findings and offers further discussion.
2. Model and methodology
2.1. Model description
Version 2 of the Grid-point Atmospheric Model of IAP/LASG (GAMIL2) is used in this study (Li, Lin, Yu, et al. 2013;Li, Wang, Dong, et al. 2013). GAMIL2 is also the atmospheric component of FGOALS-g2, which participated in CMIP5. It uses a finite difference dynamical core that conserves mass and effective energy while solving the primitive hydrostatic equations of a baroclinic atmosphere (Wang et al.2004), with the horizontal resolution of 128 × 60 and the 26-sigma vertical resolution.
Moist physical processes in GAMIL2 are parameterized as three components: deep convection, shallow convection, and stratiform processes. The Zhang and McFarlane(1995) and Zhang and Mu (2005) parameterization is used for deep convection. GAMIL2 employs the shallow convective parameterization scheme proposed by Hack (1994).The cloud macrophysics (Zhang et al. 2003) provides a subgrid environment for microphysical processes. Cloud microphysics is represented by the two-moment bulk microphysics parameterization of Morrison and Gettelman(2008), in which both the number concentration and mass mixing ratio of cloud particles are predicted.
2.2. Selected parameters and experimental design
We focus on nine cloud-related parameters. Descriptions and perturbations for these parameters are summarized in Table 1. The lower and upper bounds of the parameters, based on previous studies and the experience of model developers, can represent the uncertainty of the parameters. Among the nine parameters, C0_deep, KE,ALFA, CAPELMT, and RHCRIT are from the deep convection scheme. The ranges of these deep convective parameters are mainly based on Jackson et al. (2008), Li, Wang, Dong,et al. (2013), Covey et al. (2013), and Zhang et al. (2015). The ranges of two shallow convective parameters, C0_shc and CMFTAU, are mainly based on Zhang et al. (2015). RHMINL and RHMINH are cloud fraction parameters that are closely related to stratiform processes. Their ranges are given by Yang et al. (2015).
To explore the parameter sensitivities, the uniform sampling (US) method is used to sample points within the range of one parameter. The US method divides the range of one parameter intonequal bins, and then the lower and upper limits of the parameter range and the boundaries of thenbins are sampled in the parameter space. The US method can sample a small quantity of points to represent the entire parameter space. In this study, the US sampling for the parameters is conducted as follows: When one of the nine parameters is sampled in its space, the other eight parameters remain unchanged as their default values. All the sampled parameter sets are applied to conduct the experiments from July 2002 to December 2003, and the model outputs for 2003 are used for the analyses and comparisons.
Table 1. Default values, ranges, sampling intervals, number of samples, and descriptions of the nine parameters.
The ERA-Interim (Simmons et al. 2006) and NCEP-2(Kanamitsu et al. 2010) datasets are used to evaluate the model results.
2.3. Analysis method
To measure the strength of PWC, we use three PWCIs.The first is based on the zonal mass streamfunction and is expressed as:
whereψdenotes the zonal streamfunction,ais the radius of the Earth,Δφis the width of the band 5°S–5°N along the equator in radians,gis the gravitational acceleration,uDis the divergent component of the zonal wind, andpis the pressure (Yu and Zwiers 2010; Yu et al. 2012). To estimate PWC strength, theψis averaged between 150°E and 120°W.
The second index is defined by the effective boundary layer wind, VE. Comprehensive descriptions of VEwere provided by Sohn and Park (2010), and Sohn et al. (2013,2016). Here, we present only a brief description and derivation. The total horizontal water vapor transportQ can be defined by:
whereV is the horizontal wind,qis the specific humidity,psis the surface pressure, andp0is the pressure at the top of the atmosphere. Then, the effective wind is given by:
where QDis the divergent component ofQ, andVIQ is the vertically integrated specific humidity.VIQ is shown as:
The easterly component of VEis proportional to the strength of the lower branch of the PWC. We calculate the PWCI by averaging the easterly component ofVEover the Pacific domain (10°S–10°N, 120°E–120°W), referred as VE.
The third index is defined using the zonal SLP gradient(Dinezio, Vecchi, and Clement 2013; Power and Kociuba 2011; Vecchi et al. 2006), and is expressed as:
3. Results
The observed and simulatedψalong the equator is displayed in Figure 1(a)–(c). Both reanalyses show that PWC is characterized by a broad region of rising motion over the western-central Pacific and sinking motion in the eastern equatorial Pacific. GAMIL2 captures the main features of the observedψ. Nevertheless, a smaller center of negativeψover the western Pacific (120°–150°E), a larger center of positiveψover the central-eastern Pacific (180°–150°W),and stronger upward branch of PWC are shown in GAMIL2 compared to both reanalyses, indicating GAMIL2 simulates a relatively stronger PWC.
Model responses are calculated as the regression coef-ficients between output variables and parameters. The responses of the three PWCIs to parameters are given in Table 2. It is clear that the responses of the different indexes to some parameters (C0_deep, KE, CAPELMT, C0_shc, and RHMINH) are inconsistent, implying that the influences of these parameters on PWC are dependent on the selected index. For example, larger precipitation efficiency for deep convection (C0_deep) can result in smallerψ(−0.0785) and largerVE(0.0391), and a larger threshold of RH for high cloud (RHMINH) causes largerψ(0.2297) and smallerΔSLP(−0.4600). The responses of the PWCIs to the other four parameters (ALFA, CMFTAU, RHCRIT, and RHMINL) are the same in terms of their sign. Larger initial cloud downdraft mass flux (ALFA) and timescale for consumption rate of shallow CAPE (CMFTAU) cause smaller PWCIs, while a larger threshold value of RH for deep convection (RHCRIT) and threshold of RH for low clouds (RHMINL) induce larger PWCIs.ψis most sensitive to RHMINL, with a regression coefficient reaching −0.8283; andVEandΔSLP are most sensitive to RHCRIT, with regression coefficients of 2.2469 and 1.4246, respectively. It is also apparent from Table 2 that the responses of the three PWCIs to parameters are the same in terms of their sign when the responses are very strong. However, when the responses are weak, their signs are not fully the same. This means that the three PWCIs are not fully equivalent. To comprehensively investigate the influence of parameters on the different indexes, three parameters (CMFTAU, RHCRIT, and RHMINL) are selected for further analysis, based on the following criteria: (1)that at least two out of the three regression coefficients between the PWCIs and the selected parameter pass the significance test; and (2) that each of the three main moist physical parameterization schemes (shallow convection,deep convection, and stratiform processes) provides one parameter.
With larger CMFTAU,ψis increased over the region to the west of 160°E and to the east of 120°W, but is signifi-cantly reduced over the 160°E–120°W region, with the largest responses at the 400-hPa level (Figure 1(d)). Thus, the rising branch of PWC over the western-central Pacific and sinking branch over the eastern Pacific become weaker.The effect of RHCRIT is found to be almost opposite to that of CMFTAU. Large RHCRIT contributes to increasingψover the 160°E–130°W region, with a maximum center at 500–600 hPa, and decreasingψ(especially in the upper level to the west of 170°E and in the mid–lower level to the east of 130°W), which leads to a stronger rising branch a nd sinking branch (Figure 1(e)). Although RHMINL is used to diagnose the low-level layered cloud amount, RHMINL plays a more major role in influencingψin the mid-upper level. Increasing RHMINL could enhanceψover the 150°E–120°W region (Figure 1(f)).
Figure 1. Vertical cross section of ψ in the tropical Pacific from (a) ERA-Interim, (b) NCEP-2, and (c) GAMIL2, and (d–f) the responses of ψ to different parameters (normalized to [0,1]). Model responses are calculated as the regression coefficients between output variables and input parameters. The dotted areas indicate that the responses are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Table 2. Reponses of the Pacific Walker circulation indices’ variability percentages to different parameters’ variability percentages(based on the mean value of all sampled values for any parameter).
The easterly component of VEcan be reasonably interpreted as the strength of PWC because the effective boundary layer wind is directly linked to water vapor transport from the eastern Pacific subsidence region to the western Pacific ascending region of the Walker circulation (Sohn et al. 2016). The responses ofVE, its potential function (PF), and SLP, to parameters are shown in Figure 2. Similar to the impact onΨ, CMFTAU and RHCRIT also exhibit opposite influences on the response ofVEand PF.With larger CMFTAU, PF is increased to the west of 170°W,with a maximum over the western Pacific convection center (150°E–180°) accompanied by anomalous divergence, and reduced to the east of 170°W (Figure 2(a)). This leads to anomalous westerlies over the equatorial Pacific.The SLP response is highly correlated with the response ofVE. The anomalous divergence over the western Pacific could induce stronger downward motion, such that the SLP increases (Figure 2(d)). Conversely, larger RHCRIT causes anomalous convergence (divergence) of VEand smaller (larger) SLP over the western (eastern) Pacific,which induces stronger easterlies of the lower PWC branch(Figure 2(b) and (e)). Larger RHMINL causes greater PF to the east of the dateline and smaller PF in the Maritime Continent, as well as weaker easterlies to a certain extent(Figure 2(c)).
It is known that surface divergence is closely related to vertical motion. Diabatic heating (cooling) and adiabatic upward cooling (downward heating) are balanced in the tropics (Holton 1992). To further understand the impact of parameters on vertical motion, we examine the responses of diabatic heating (DH) from moist processes in Figure 3. By prolonging the adjustment time, larger CMFTAU directly weakens the shallow convective heating, which dominates the weakened total latent heating (LH) over the western Pacific convection region (150°E–180°) (Figure 3(a)and (j)). Through the interactions with shallow convection,the deep convective heating and stratiform cooling in the mid-lower troposphere are both strengthened (Figure 3(d)and (g)). The increased deep convective heating dominates the stronger LH over the eastern Pacific in the mid–high troposphere (Figure 3(j)). Such anomalous vertical motion with longitude corresponds to the anomalously weaker rising branch of PWC over the western-central Pacific and weaker sinking branch over the eastern Pacific (Figure 1(d)). For RHCRIT, a larger value increases the threshold for triggering deep convection, so that it directly weakens the deep convective heating and indirectly leads to less stratiform cooling and more shallow convective heating (Figure 3(b), (e), and (h)). The increased LH over 150°E–180° may be attributable to the decreased stratiform evaporation and increased shallow convective heating, while the decreased LH over the eastern Pacific between 850 hPa and 600 hPa is mainly caused by the decreased deep convective heating (Figure 3(k)). Similarly, the total LH response to RHCRIT coincides with the vertical velocity response (Figure 1(e)).Despite a strong direct effect on the stratiform process in the lower troposphere (Figure 3(f)), larger RHMINL strengthens (weakens) the LH in the central-eastern Pacific in the mid–high troposphere, mainly caused by the deep convection changes (Figure 3(c) and (l)). In short, changes the total moist processes below 850 hPa are dominated by changes in stratiform cooling and shallow convection.Above 850 hPa, changes the total moist processes are attributable to all three of their components. The PWC changes are not dependent on any single moist process. Its change is affected by changes in deep convection, shallow convection, and stratiform cloud processes combined. All these results indicate that parameters affect the vertical motion by changing the DH from physical processes, and further contribute to the PWC changes.
4. Summary and discussion
Figure 2. Responses of (a–c) VE (vectors) and its potential function (coloring) to different parameters. (d–f) As in (a–c) but for SLP. Model responses are calculated as the regression coefficients between output variables and input parameters. The dotted areas indicate that the responses are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Figure 3. Vertical cross section of the responses of (a–c) the heating rate (units: K d−1) in deep convective, stratiform, shallow convective,and total moist processes over the equatorial (5°S–5°N) Pacific to parameters. Model responses are calculated as the regression coefficients between output variables and input parameters. The dotted areas indicate that the responses are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
The impacts of uncertain parameters in moist physical schemes on PWC simulation are studied by applying the US method and conducting a large number of parameter-perturbed ensemble simulations. Three PWCIs, based on atmospheric mass flux (ψ), zonal gradient of SLP (ΔSLP),and effective wind related to water vapor transport (VE) ,are used to quantify the strength of PWC, separately. The results show that GAMIL2 reproduces the main features of the observed PWC reasonably well, albeit with a relatively strongerψthan in ERA-Interim and NCEP-2. Discrepancies in the response of the three PWCIs to several parameters(C0_deep, KE, CAPELMT, C0_shc, and RHMINH) imply that the influences of some parameters on PWC depend on the selected index. The measure of PWC using a single PWCI is not comprehensive.
The responses of the PWCIs to CMFTAU, RHCRIT, and RHMINL are selected for detailed investigation. Larger CMFTAU (RHCRIT, RHMINL) causes decreased (increased)PWCI values. Larger CMFTAU generally reduces theψover the 150°E–120°W region. Over the western Pacific convection center, the weakened rising motion coincides with increased SLP, which induces anomalous divergence ofVE. Larger CMFTAU also weakens the sinking motion over the eastern Pacific. The changes in vertical velocity with longitude could lead to anomalous surface westerlies.The effect of RHCRIT on PWC is almost opposite to that of CMFTAU. A larger value of RHCRIT causes stronger upward(downward) motion over the western (eastern) Pacific,corresponding to anomalous convergence (divergence)ofVEand decreased (increased) SLP. These could lead to stronger surface easterlies over the equatorial Pacific. As for the increased RHMINL, theψover the 150°E–120°W region is increased, especially in the mid–high troposphere. Anomalous convergence (divergence) ofVEin the Maritime Continent (eastern Pacific) also coincides with the decreased (increased) SLP.
The simulated DH is closely associated with these cloud and precipitation parameters. The decreased shallow convective heating directly induced by larger CMFTAU dominates the weakened LH over the western Pacific. Through interaction among moist processes, larger CMFTAU indirectly increases the deep convective heating and stratiform cooling. Such increased deep convective heating contributes to the increased LH over the eastern Pacific in the mid–high troposphere. These interactions among moist processes are also found in the experiments of RHCRIT and RHMINL. Larger RHCRIT directly decreases deep convective heating, and indirectly decreases the shallow convective heating and stratiform cooling, which dominates the decreased LH over the western Pacific. In the mid–high troposphere, the total LH response dominates that of the total DH. RHMINL has a strong direct effect on the stratiform processes in the lower troposphere, but causes LH changes in the mid–high troposphere through its indirect effect on deep convection. The response of vertical velocity shows good agreement with that of total LH, indicating that parameters affect the vertical motion through changing the DH from physical processes, and further influence the simulated PWC.
Several limitations should be considered and deserve future investigation. Firstly, parameter responses are represented by the regression coefficients between model variables and parameters. The measure of responses could further be explained by the linear, high-order terms of parameters. Secondly, in this study, when one parameter is perturbed, the other parameters are kept unchanged.In future, several efficient sampling approaches, such as the Latin hypercube sampling method, could be used to evaluate the interaction among parameters and its role in affecting simulated PWC. Surrogate models are also useful for examining the interaction among parameters (Yan et al.2015).Moreover, due to length limitations, deep analysis of the interaction among moist processes has not been given in detail in this paper.
The authors acknowledge ZHANG Tao and XU Haoyu of Tsinghua University for their help with the model configuration.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This work was jointly funded by the National Key Research Project [grant number 2016YFB0200805], the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 41622503], [grant number 41475043], [grant number 41405073], and [grant number 91530323], Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Data Analysis and Applications, SOA [grant number LDAA-2014-03], and the National Key Basic Research Program of China [grant number 2015CB954101].
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