纳米布沙漠是世界上最古老、最干燥的沙漠之一。这片位于纳米比亚和安哥拉境内的红色沙地,全长1900公里,拥有世界上最大的金刚石矿床,同时声名显赫的,还有那片由干涸的盐沼形成的死亡谷(Dead Vlei)。八千万年“高龄”的纳米布沙漠中,每年的平均降雨量只有区区6厘米,沙丘与河流不断斗争,风从未停止过雕凿,沙丘生命周期呈现出的复杂性,都叫地质学家迷惑不已,死亡谷便是苏丝斯黎红沙漠的奇观异景之一。
Namib is one of the oldest and driest deserts in the world. This red desert, located in Namibia and Angola, stretches for more than 1,900 kilometers. It boasts the world's largest diamond deposit and the famous Dead Vlei formed by the dried salt marshes. In the 80 million-year-old Namib, the average annual precipitation is only 60 mm. The constant battles between the sand dunes and the rivers, the landforms carved from the neverending wind, and the complexity of the life cycle of the sand dunes captivate all geologists. Dead Vlei is one of the wonders of Sossusvlei.