(辽宁工业大学 理学院,辽宁 锦州 121001)
1 理论模型
2 结果与讨论
图1给出H2+不同振动态在6.8 fs-800 nm,= 3.0×1014W/cm2(表示激光场光强)的激光场驱动下辐射谐波的特点。一般来说,在核固定模型下,由于激光场的对称性,谐波光谱只呈现规则的奇次谐波。但随着考虑核运动的影响,谐波光谱呈现2个明显的特点,即:(i)奇次谐波呈现红移;(ii)谐波光谱呈现非奇次谐波。随着振动态增大,谐波红移现象逐渐减弱,但非奇次谐波明显增强。
图1 H2+谐波辐射谱图
由三步模型可知,在激光场的上升区间[d()/d> 0],由于激光强度的持续增强,后电离的电子会获得更多的能量,进而导致谐波光谱的蓝移;相反在激光场的下降区间[d()/d< 0],由于激光强度的持续减小,后电离的电子将获得较低的能量,进而导致谐波光谱的红移。分析谐波辐射的时频分析图[12],如图2所示可知,在本文所用激光场下,可以呈现许多个谐波辐射过程。对于振动基态(= 0),由于激光强度在上升区间较弱,H2+在激光上升区间不能被充分电离,因此导致其谐波辐射在激光上升区间(< 2,其中代表激光场光学周期)的强度要远小于激光下降区间(> 5),即,谐波辐射强度主要来源于激光下降区间,如图2(b)所示,因此导致谐波光谱的红移。随着振动态增大,H2+在激光上升区间的谐波辐射强度增强,如图2(c) [= 2]和图2(d) [= 4]所示,因此导致谐波光谱红移减弱。
(a)激光包络图 (b) v = 0 (c) v = 2 (d) v = 4
图3给出了H2+核间距随时间的变化以及谐波辐射随核间距的变化。由图3可知,当= 0时,最大核间距离出现在5.5 a.u.处;当= 4时,最大核间距出现在7.0 a.u.处。由此可见,随着振动态增大,核间距离被明显延伸。并且,从图中可观测到,当< 5.0 a.u.时,只有奇次谐波可以观测到。但是当> 5.0 a.u.时,谐波辐射出现频移并且还会出现一些非奇次谐波。并且由于核间距离的增大,高振动激发态出现非奇次谐波的强度被明显增强。由此可见,非奇次谐波出现的原因是由于核运动引起的分子对称性遭到破坏所导致的。
(a) H2+核间距随时间的变化 (b) v =0 (c) v =4
3 结论
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责任编校:孙 林
Effect of Nuclear Motion on High-order Harmonic Generation from H2+
FENG Li-qiang
(College of Science, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou 121001, China)
Electron ()-nuclear () dynamics in molecular high-order harmonic generation (MHHG) from H2+has been theoretically investigated with the Non-Bohn-Oppenheimer approximation. The results show that due to the effect of the nuclear motion, the red-shifts of the odd harmonics can be found. However, with the increase of the initial vibrational state, the red-shifts of the harmonics are decreased. The non-odd harmonics can be obtained on the harmonic spectra. Moreover, as the initial vibrational state increases, the generations of the non-odd harmonics are enhanced. Throughstudying the time-frequency analyses of the harmonics and thedependence of the MHHG, the reasons behind the red-shifts of the harmonics and the generations of the non-odd harmonics are given.
high-order harmonic generation; nuclear dynamics; red-shifts of the harmonics; non-odd harmonics