摘 要:基于Lyapunov稳定性定律、线性矩阵不等式(LMI)技术和故障处理法等有关理论,研究了线性系统满足保性能指标的静态输出反馈可靠控制问题。首先,在不考虑执行器故障时,设计一个静态输出反馈保性能标准控制器,当执行器产生故障时,相同系统在同一控制器下,系统出现不稳定。然后,针对上述故障模型,重新设计一个静态输出反馈可靠控制器,使系统在执行器正常和发生故障时均能保持稳定,并且满足原有的保性能指标。最后,对线性化的无人机爬升阶段运动系统进行仿真,绘制系统的状态响应曲线,证明了设计方法是切實可行的。
中图分类号:TP13 文献标志码:A
Static Output Feedback Reliable Control With Guaranteed Cost Against Actuator Failures
ZOU Shuang-quan1,YAN Hao2,QIAO Feng1
(1.Faculty of Information and Control Engineering,Shenyang Jianzhu University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110168;
2.College of Information Science and Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110819,China)
Abstract:The issue of the static output feedback guaranteed cost reliable controllers were investigated for linear systems and actuator failures.By employing Lyapunov stability theory,Linear Matrix Inequality(LMI)and fault treatment method.Firstly,a static output feedback guaranteed cost controller is designed when there is no fault in the system.Then it is found that the system is unstable if the actuator fault occurs under the same controller.Therefore,for the same fault model,the static output feedback reliable controller is redesigned to make the system remain asymptotically stable and satisfy original performance index no matter the actuator fails or not.Finally,the simulation on the motion system of the linearized unmanned aerial vehicle and state response curve were made with MATLAB,and the simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed control method.
Key words:reliable control;static output feedback;guaranteed cost;actuator failures;LMI
1 引 言
SymboleB@ /H2静态输出反馈可靠控制问题。然而,上述研究均未涉及同时考虑静态输出反馈控制形式和保性能指标,研究线性系统的可靠控制 设计问题。
5 结 论
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