摘 要:文章主要研究了基于非相对论量子色动力有效理论(NRQCD)的?状→?浊c+?酌衰变宽度的相对论修正。根据NRQCD因子化定理,能将一个本不计算过程的衰变宽度因子化为一系列短程系数与长程矩阵元。短程系数可以微扰计算,长程矩阵元虽不可计算但是普适的,可参考文献,从而计算?状→?浊c+?酌过程领头阶相对论修正的衰变宽度。
中图分类号:O29 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2018)34-0016-02
Abstract: The relativistic correction of the decay width of ?状→ηc+γ based on the effective theory of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD) is studied in this paper. According to the NRQCD factorization theorem, the decay width factor of a non-computational process can be reduced to a series of short range coefficients and long range matrix elements. The short range coefficient can be calculated by perturbation; although the long range matrix elements are not computable, they are universal and can be used to calculate the decay width of the first order relativistic correction of ?状→ηc+γ process.
Keywords: NRQCD; relative correction; decay
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