Shaking Hands and Strengthening G20 Cooperation


China Pictorial 2018年12期

On November 30, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the Group of 20 (G20) to adhere to openness, partnership, innovation and inclusiveness and steer the world economy responsibly.

Xi delivered the remarks while addressing the 13th G20 summit in the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires. He warned G20 leaders of accelerated accumulation of risk in the global economy and pledged that China will firmly promote a new round of reform and opening up through greater focus on intellectual property rights protection and increased imports.

Noting that the G20 was born out of the international communitys need to maintain stable growth of the global economy, Xi remarked that the group has overcome difficulties together, navigated the global economy out of recession and steered it back to a road of recovery and growth over the past decade.

“Ten years later, let us work with the same courage and strategic vision and ensure that the global economy grows on the right track,”Xi said, presenting a four-point proposal to the summit. First, Xi called on G20 members to remain committed to openness and cooperation and uphold the multilateral trading system. Second, Xi urged the G20 to forge strong partnerships and increase macro-policy coordination. Third, Xi noted that the G20 should stay committed to innovation and create new momentum for growth. Fourth, Xi urged the G20 to stay focused on win-win cooperation to promote inclusive global development.

On December 1, Xi met with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump in Buenos Aires. According to Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a press briefing on the closely watched Xi-Trump meeting, the two presidents agreed to continue trade talks between the two countries and stop imposing new tariffs. Xi and Trump also agreed to have further exchange of visits at an appropriate time. According to Wang, the two presidents reached important common understandings and the meeting certainly has charted the course for China-U.S. relations for some time to come.

President Xi arrived in Buenos Aires on November 29 to attend the G20 summit and make a state visit to Argentina. Argentina is the second stop of Xis Europe and Latin America trip from November 27 to December 5, which had taken him to Spain and also includes state visits to Panama and Portugal. His visits to Spain, Argentina, Panama and Portugal intensified respective bilateral ties and G20 cooperation.

Against the backdrop of President Xis visits to the four countries, China International Publishing Group (CIPG) hosted a series of related activities. On November 22, the “Beautiful China, Beautiful Panama” photo exhibition, organized by China Pictorial Publications, was held in Panama City. On November 20, the release ceremony for the Spanish versions of Xis two works Up and Out of Poverty and Zhejiang, China: A New Vision on Development was held in Buenos Aires. On November 21, “The Beauty of Artworks—Echoes of Civilization” exhibition and dialogue forum between Chinese and Spanish artists was held in Madrid. On November 22, a ChinaSpain readers seminar on the book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China was held in Madrid days before Xis state visit to the country. On November 26, a China-Portugal readers seminar on the book Xi Jinping: The Governance of China was held in Lisbon. The same day, the exhibition “Wisdom of Confucius Culture” opened at the Confucius Institute of Lisbon University in Portugal.