如今,一幅锦幛和一纸证书成为了这份患难真情的最好见证。经笔者多方打探,终于与如今在澳大利亚的本文主人公之一的苏达立的外孙Steve Harris取得联系,他发来了珍藏多年的一幅锦幛的照片。家住杭州丁桥的田嘉年老人和他的儿子田建钧看到这幅锦幛的彩色打印件时,激动不已,因为制作和赠送锦幛的领衔者正是他们的父亲和祖父——田浩征(1905-1968),时任杭州广济医院重伤分院总干事。而受赠人则是本文另一位主人公——杭州广济医院(今浙医二院前身)院长苏达立(Stephen Douglas Sturton, 1896-1970),锦幛落款时间为民国二十八年(1939年)五月。
img src="http://img1.qikan.com.cn/qkimages/whjl/whjl201801/whjl20180115-2-l.jpg" alt="" />
现在田建钧与中外许多救难当事人的后代建立了联系,他真心希望能与包括苏达立外孙Steve Harris在内的这些后代们进行一场大聚会,以缅怀及续写当年的“救难精神和真情”。
A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed
By Shi Weidong & Luo Wei
The friendship between a Doctor of Medicine from Cambridge, England and a lawyer from Hangzhou beautifully illustrates ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed. A printed copy of the picture of the brocade piece stirred the memory of Tian Jianian, now living in Hangzhous Dingqiao, about his father Tian Haozheng (1905-1968). The picture of the silk piece was sent by Steve Harris, the grandson of Stephen Douglas Sturton (1896-1970), president of Hangzhou Guangji Hospital (todays No. 2 Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou) during Chinas War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
The story started from the Battle of Shanghai in 1937, one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the resistance war, described as “Stalingrad on the Yangtze”. Considered the best hospital in Hangzhou, Guangji Hospital worked with todays Red Cross Hospital and took in more than 10,000 wounded soldiers from the battle, according to the 42nd issue of the magazine.
In early November, 1937, with the fall of Baoshan, the Chinese Army moved into defensive positions. More than 1,000 seriously injured soldiers had to be left behind and stay with Guangji Hospital. The Shufan High School across the street was re-modeled into the hospitals emergency branch in the event of the war. Stephen Douglas Sturton, then president of the hospital, recommended his lawyer friend Tian Haozheng, who was running a law firm in Hangzhou at that time, for the position of Secretary-general of the emergency division.endprint
The two had known each other at the Hangzhou branch of the Rotary International, an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. The members of the organization are known as the Rotarians. Tian and Sturton were founding members of the Hangzhou club, which was founded in 1931.
Guangji Hospital launched its Disabled Childrens Department in 1936. It could reasonably be inferred that as a Rotarian, Tian Haozheng was an influential driver behind the hospitals humanitarian deeds. The two also worked together as the leaders of various other relief activities organized by the Hangzhou division of the Red Cross.
December 24,1937 saw the fall of Hangzhou. In the days when the ‘Paradise on Earth was turned into a purgatory, Stephen Douglas Sturton and Tian Haozheng motivated the entire medical team of the hospital to protect the soldiers at the risk of their own lives. The Cambridge man and his Red Cross ambulance were seen in the most dangerous places in the Hangzhou proper and the outskirts day and night, driving wounded refugees to the hospital like a fearless Superman in a white uniform.
Before returning to the UK for a vacation with his wife in May 1939, Doctor Sturton received an embroidered brocade piece from the hospital. The names of 52 Chinese doctors and nurses of the hospital, with ‘Tian Haozheng being the first one in the list, were embroidered in a corner of the piece.
Seeing his wife and two daughters settling down back in the UK, Doctor Stephen came back to Hangzhou to resume his humanitarian work. He was put into the concentration camp by the Japanese after the outbreak of the Pacific War, and was set free in 1945. Later the two had to part ways to engage in advanced studies in Cambridge and Harvard University. In 1952, Stephen resigned from his work with the hospital and returned to his home country.
The friendship of the two ‘comrades-in-arms has been further confirmed by Tian Jianian, the son of Tian Haozheng. He still remembers the farewell day like it was yesterday. “The three of us went to the Qiantang River Bridge on our bikes. ‘Next time I goes across the bridge, it will be saying goodbye to Hangzhou, the doctor murmured in English, his eyes filled with tears.”
The doctor spent several years in Hong Kong in the 1950s, and rested in peace in his Cambridge home in 1970. Tian Haozheng died in 1968. All the letters written by the two to each other in the 1950s and 1960s were lost. The only things for Tian Jianjun, the grandson of Tian Haozheng, to keep as the recollections, are a few books given to Tian Haozheng by the British doctor.
“I am looking forward to a reunion that is to bring together the descendents of the unsung heroes and friends of my grandfather someday in the near future,” Tian Jianjun says.endprint