Illusions and the Mind:Perception is Reality


英语世界 2017年8期

译/王祥钢 许效礼

Illusions and the Mind:Perception is Reality

幻象与心智: 感知即现实

译/王祥钢 许效礼

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit1albeit〈正式〉尽管。a very persistent one.”

―Albert Einstein



Are you aware that every single person on this planet who has ever lived, lives now or will ever live, has a different perception of reality? The way each of us perceives the world is to some degree different than any other person’s perception of reality. What is absolutely real and right for you may be an illusion, or nonexistent, or completely false for another!

[2]It’s important to be aware of this and how you create your perception of reality. Because if you’re not aware,your perception, world view and reality are created for you by other people.For example, the news media loves to create drama2create drama炒作,虚张声势。drama戏剧性事件。and one of their favorite methods is to elicit3elicit引起。fear: fear of other people, fear of the weather, fear of the economy, etc. The news media tells us how to perceive the world―and if a person takes the newscasters at their word4take sb at his word 相信某人说的是真话。, they perceive the world to be very dangerous and hostile. Perception is reality. To that person, the mental images and emotions suggested by other people create aversion5aversion厌恶。of reality that is completely different from the reality perceived by someone who does not watch the news.

[3]Things are not always what they seem. For most people, seeing is believing, which is why magicians,artists and marketers are so successful.Just like the TV news, they show you only what they want you to see and it is perceived as reality. But how would that reality change if you saw what went on behind the scenes or what was left out? In fact,ALL communication is like this. Right now, you are reading what I want to tell you. If you want a different perspective,then you have to read something else or create your own interpretation of what I say.

What’s Your Story (Your Perception of Reality)?

[4]We all have a story. Any time you say, “I am,” you are telling a story of yourself. Over time, your story takes on a life of its own and you become your story.

[5]But who’s the author? Who wrote that story, and why did the author put so much crap6crap废话;废物。in there? All that unnecessary suffering, struggle,heartache, worry and pain… wouldn’t it be better to live a story without all that? Who would have written a main character with such low selfesteem? Who wants to live a story with that much boredom and unfulfilled longings?

[6]The story got its start when you were born, and was co-authored by you along with the influences in your life. Anytime you were influenced by someone or something, you unconsciously handed your pen over and said, “Here, you write this about me.” And you accepted what they wrote as reality.

[7]So you’re not even writing your OWN story! No one does―until they recognize that fact, and make a conscious decision to take control of the pen. You CAN write your story the way you want it to play out. Otherwise, other people are designing your perception of the world. Think about it: do they have your best interests in mind?

[8]Basically, your story as it is7as it is习语,意为“原样的”或“现在的”“现有的”。right now, tells you how to see the world.Do you like what you see? Do you like your circumstances? Are you on the right life path?

When you change your perception you create a new reality.

[9]It’s helpful to understand how the brain takes reality and fi lters it to create your unique perception of reality. It’s an automatic, unconscious action that is based on:

· physical experiences (which is why some optical illusions are extremely unsettling8unsettling令人不安(或紧张、担忧)的。)

· past conditioning9conditioning熏陶;长期影响。(how you are programmed to see the world)

[10]When you become aware of the fact that you are constructing your own reality, you can take charge and construct a reality that is more pleasing to you. If you change your story (or literally, change your mind, your vibration10vibration(感情的)共鸣。and your intentions) you can change your circumstances!

[11]It all starts in the imagination.Using powerful visualization11visualization形象化。and self-programming exercises, learn toautomaticallythink differently:

A saxophone player,or a woman’s face?

· Instead of, “I am a victim of circumstance,” imprint12imprint铭刻;使铭记。in your mind,“I am the co-creator of my life”―and automatically, your perception of reality changes as you come into your personal power and take control of your life. This gives you a happy feeling and creates a higher vibration within you.

· Instead of, “I am sick and tired of13be sick and tired of〈习语〉对……烦透了。…” imprint in your mind, “I am in control and enthusiastic about what I do” (did you know that saying, “I am sick and tired [of whatever]actually makes you sick, and tired? Raise your vibration by saying something positive whenever you say, “I am.”

· Raise your vibration by thinking,talking and acting more positively. As positivity becomes a mental habit, that change will become your new inner reality, which will soon manifest in your outer reality.

[12]The power of perception is immense. Choose to see more good than bad, more abundance than lack, more love than indifference and more success than struggle. ■
















· 不要觉得“我是外界环境的受害者”。心中要牢记“我的生活,得有我来参与打造”——这样,在驾驭自身能力、把握自己人生的同时,你对现实的感受于不自觉间就变了。这会给你幸福感,在你内心燃起更大的激情。

·不要觉得“我对……烦透了……”心中要牢记,“我能够掌控,对所做的事情充满热情”。 (听说过这句老话吗?“[无论对什么]心里烦,反让自己病恹恹;心里厌,反招自己一身倦。”)每当说到 “我”的时候,言词积极些,让自己更富活力。


[12]感知的力量是无限的。要下决心,多看到好,少看到坏;多看到丰盛,少看到匮乏;多看到关爱,少看到冷漠;多看到成功,少看到挣扎。 □


实用习语 话“鸟”