Fools and Their Fooleries


Special Focus 2017年12期

By Hao Qiaofeng(郝巧凤)Translation by Sam Bowden

Fools and Their Fooleries


By Hao Qiaofeng(郝巧凤)Translation by Sam Bowden

Two British burglars, Kempster and Sinclair,masters of home invasions, wanted to show off their skills to their friends, when they,unexpectedly, had a sudden epiphany to film the process of events during their crimes. They even professionally edited their film, going as far as naming it, writing a lead-in and adding sound effects too.

Unfortunately, their “fans” included a group of policemen. After a recent search raid the police found nine videocassettes with complete recordings of the entire events of multiple arsons,larcenies and other offenses. Without even the slightest bit of effort they had obtained all the details to these entire cases.



In France a foodie with a taste for crime would empty out the contents of the victims’ kitchen after completing each robbery. One time, after stuffing his face, he removed his dentures to clean them but ended up leaving them next to the sink of the victims’ kitchen. The police used this as their clue to find dental records, thus successfully capturing and sentencing the thief.


Deep into the night, a crook in Brazil sneaked into a department store, searching for valuables in the dark. Whilst combing around the place, the sweet scent of cream caught his attention.

Following the smell, he came upon a large barrel,figuring that it contained leftover cream for making cakes, which would make a great midnight snack.What he didn’t realize was that as soon as he put his hand in the vat he became stuck without any way to pull his hand back out.

It turns out that the bucket had been filled with a type of industrial glue incredibly adhesive. The proprietor found him the next day and sent him,along with his barrel, off to the police.




One evening, in the town of Anling, in Yanling County, Henan Province, an unemployed Mr.Wen, upon finding out that his neighbor Mr. Liu had gone away and was not at home, broke into his house. He scoured through chests and draws,taking 1,200 yuan (approx. 200 U.S. dollars) in cash and a gold necklace.

After pulling off the crime, he noticed two bottles of baijiu on the table and opened them drinking his fill. Having had more than he could handle, though,he ended up kneeling over drunk inside the house.

The next morning, the owner came home to find that his door had been broken down. Carefully creeping into his house, he found the pilferer drunk and unconscious, and called the cops.After the police arrived at the scene, Mr. Wen was compliantly taken away.




A twenty-seven-year-old Mr. Hu, arrived in Huangshi, Hubei looking for work. Many months had passed and he still wasn’t able to find any satisfactory work. With all of his savings already spent, he came up with a crazy idea.

One evening he arrived at a hotel looking for a target, when he found the door to one of the rooms ajar. He entered the room and ransacked the place.Finding nothing worth stealing, he just took a coat of the guest that was staying in the room, which happened to have 100 yuan (approx. 15 dollars) in the pocket of the clothes.

Having acquired a taste for robbery, Mr. Hu returned to the same hotel again the very next afternoon to try his luck, wearing the coat that he had stolen the day before. Who’d have thought it?As soon as he walked through the door to the hotel,he walked straight into the owner of the lost coat,Mr. Guan.

When the police raced to the scene, Mr. Hu was still wandering around the corridors of the hotel.With the help of Mr. Guan’s identification they were able to put Mr. Hu under arrest.






