

英语学习 2017年11期



Hyde Park on Hudson(《总统别恋》,直译应为《哈德逊河畔的海德公园》)是依据美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt,1882—1945)远房表妹玛格丽特·“黛茜”·萨克雷(Margaret “Daisy” Suckley, 1891—1991)的私人日志和日记改编的历史传记剧情片,2012年上映。



Hyde Park on Hudson is a 2012 British biographical historical comedy-drama film directed by Roger Michell. The film stars Bill Murray as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Laura Linney as Margaret “Daisy” Suckley, a cousin and childhood friend of the President. It was based on Suckleys private journals and diaries, discovered after her death (1991), and fictionally dramatizes her close personal relationship with Roosevelt, and the 1939 visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to Roosevelts country estate(乡间住所), Hyde Park.

In spring 1939, Sara Delano, the mother of Franklin D. Roosevelt, asks his sixth cousin Margaret “Daisy”Suckley to visit the ill President of the United States at their country estate in Hyde Park, New York. Although Daisy and Roosevelt had not seen each other for years, the distant relatives form a romantic relationship, and Roosevelt often asks Daisy to visit Hyde Park when he stays with his mother. Daisy becomes one of the several women close to Roosevelt, including Sara; Missy LeHand, the presidents secretary; and Eleanor, the presidents wife. Despite his power, the president is often unable to control the other women; the quiet, shy Daisy is his confidante(知己), and he tells her that Top Cottage(由羅斯福设计建造的海德公园山顶别墅)will be their shared refuge(庇护所)after his presidency.

In June 1939, King George VI and his wife, Queen Elizabeth, visit the United States, during which they stay with the Roosevelts at Hyde Park. The British hope that the visit will improve the chances of American support during the future war with Germany. George—who is king because his brother Edward VIII(爱德华八世)abdicated(退位)—is nervous, because of the importance of the visit, because he stutters(口吃), and because of having to eat a hot dog for the first time at a picnic in his honor. Roosevelt reassures George by citing his own inability to walk, and observes that others do not see their handicaps(残障)because “its not what they want to see”. The president tells the king that he hopes to overcome Americans reluctance to help Britain.

The night the king and queen arrive, Daisy discovers LeHand is having an affair with Roosevelt. LeHand tells the shocked Daisy that their respective relationships with the president are not his only ones, mentioning Dorothy Schiff and Lucy Mercer Rutherfurd, and that Daisy must accept sharing Roosevelt with other women. At the picnic the next day the king successfully eats a hot dog for a photo op(拍照时机,op=opportunity), and Daisy, in a voiceover(画外音), states that the visit helped the two countries form a Special Relationship. Daisy rejects Roosevelts requests to see her until he calls on her in person; they reconcile(和好), and Daisy accepts her role as one of the presidents mistresses. As years pass, Daisy watches Roosevelt become frail(虛弱)as a wartime leader; nonetheless everyone, she says, “still[looked] to him, still seeing whatever it was they wanted to see”.

2. 罗斯福、黛茜、“山顶别墅”与总统图书馆

20世纪30年代初,黛茜和罗斯福讨论过在他们最喜爱的哈德逊河畔的海德公园修建别墅的想法,后来成为罗斯福亲自设计的“山顶别墅”(Top Cottage,1938—1939年修建)。黛茜将她的一只苏格兰小猎犬送给罗斯福,罗斯福给它起名为法拉(Fala)。罗斯福两张珍贵的在轮椅上的照片就是黛茜在“山顶别墅”拍摄的。

尽管罗斯福在第一次世界大战期间与露西·莫色尔(Lucy Mercer)的婚外情世人皆知而且险些导致罗斯福离婚,但迄今没有直接证据表明黛茜与罗斯福有类似关系。显然,罗斯福指示黛茜烧掉过他写给黛茜的一些信件,这引发了人们不少的猜测。现存的信件只包括一些亲热的私人话语、对战争进程和在雅尔塔会议上会见丘吉尔与斯大林的报告和回顾。


After Roosevelt died, his daughter Anna Roosevelt Halsted and a friend came upon a cache(隐藏处)of Suckleys letters, hidden in the box from his stamp collection that Roosevelt took everywhere with him. There is no indication, however, that his daughter read or understood the significance of the letters, which she returned to Suckley. Having served as Roosevelts personal archivist(档案保管员), Suckley played a key role in setting up the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, where she worked until 1963. Suckley died on June 29, 1991, in Rhinebeck, New York, at the age of 99.

3. 《总统别恋》评价

黛茜·萨克雷的信件和日记在其去世后出版,引起剧作家理查德·尼尔森(Richard Nelson)的极大兴趣,尤其是被黛茜见证重要历史事件的视角所吸引。由于和黛茜住在同一个社区,他甚至在黛茜去世前见到过她。电影剧本写就之后,由于与自己心仪的导演米歇尔(Roger Mitchell)档期冲突,尼尔森遂将其改编成广播剧,2009年由英国广播公司制作播出。后来仍由米歇尔于2012年拍成电影。


然而,美国著名影评人罗杰·易伯特(Roger Ebert)却很欣赏这部电影,对电影和主演莫瑞(Bill Murray)对罗斯福人性的温柔呈现给予极高的评价。《纽约客》影评人布罗迪(Richard Brody)也赞扬《总统别恋》透明经历的题材力量对观众的打动远远超越了电影本身的局限。

Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times enjoyed the film, giving it 3-and-a-half stars out of 4 and said of Murrays performance: “Murray, who has a wider range than we sometimes realize, finds the human core of this FDR(羅斯福全名缩写)and presents it tenderly.” Richard Brody of The New Yorker also praises film, saying although the movie is not great, it “has a particular kind of merit... It conveys something of a transparent experience, suggesting that the power of the subject escapes the attempt to contain it in a film and makes its way directly—albeit incidentally or even accidentally—to the viewer.”

对《总统别恋》的主要批评是影片对历史事实的描述。除了罗斯福与黛茜关系的戏剧化夸张是基于猜测而非直接证据之外,《富兰克林·罗斯福:自由的卫士》一书的作者布莱克(Conrad Black)认为该片对于史实的处理太过随意和庸俗,尤其在涉及罗斯福与女人的关系方面。罗斯福传记作者沃德(Geoffrey Ward)也认为,电影对罗斯福与黛茜在哈德逊河畔浪漫关系的展开很美好,也很意味深长,但影片中描绘的那种关系并非事实。

4. 《总统别恋》经典台词

1. Daisys Recollection of Franklins Fireplace Talks (Daisys voice)

“In Europe there would certainly be another war, and one would be dragged into it whether we like it or not. Here at home, the country was so into the depression that people were out of work and hungry and needing help. The president spent an awful lot of time that summer in Hyde Park on Hudson. He said that I helped him forget the weight of work. His mother said that he would run the whole country from here if he could. But he couldnt, not as the things were. Everyone knew someone who couldnt find a job. Everyone was looking to him. Everyone was scared. Everyone was looking to him! They all wanted something from him... but what he wanted was to relax.”

2. Man to Man talk between George VI and Franklin

Roosevelt: The Queen is certainly a lovely one.

George VI: As is the first lady.

Roosevelt: Shes a strong person. Some days, you wouldnt feel like getting out of bed, but women like these, they wouldnt like you to be like that. What do you do to be alone? You need to give them a reason for that. I open up my stamp book, and no one would bother me anymore. You were wonderful tonight, young man. You were graceful and confident, and youre going to be a fine king.

George VI: I dont know what to say.

Roosevelt: If I were your father, Id be very proud.

George VI: But Queen, she worries... so much. Its been so hard.

Roosevelt: Women worry.

George VI: I just stop listening to her sometimes.


天籁之声隐于无形 哈德逊河边的景观小屋
战“疫”白河畔 人大展担当
英小伙改旧货车成精致房车 梦想周游世界