

林业科学研究 2017年6期

丁 健,阮成江*,关 莹,管文柯,单金友,吴雨蹊,吴天忠

(1.大连民族大学 资源植物研究所,辽宁 大连 116600; 2.黑龙江省农业科学院 浆果研究所,黑龙江 绥棱 152200;3.新疆林业科学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830064)


丁 健1,阮成江1*,关 莹2,管文柯3,单金友2,吴雨蹊2,吴天忠3

(1.大连民族大学 资源植物研究所,辽宁 大连 116600; 2.黑龙江省农业科学院 浆果研究所,黑龙江 绥棱 152200;3.新疆林业科学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830064)





1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料


1.2 方法

1.2.1 果肉含油率测定 采用氯仿甲醇法[2,21-22]测定不同时期沙棘果肉含油率:冷冻干燥的果肉粉末转移至玻璃试管中,加入甲醇和氯仿(均为色谱纯,Honeywell公司)漩涡混匀后超声30 min,上清液转移到新试管中,残渣用氯仿甲醇(体积浓度百分比2∶1)再次提取,合并的上清液加入其1/4体积的氯化钾溶液(质量浓度0.88%),收集下层液至玻璃样品瓶中,挥发至恒质量。含油率(%)=(m1-m2)/m×100;m1为油脂和玻璃样品瓶的质量/g;m2为玻璃样品瓶的质量/g;m为干燥样品粉末的质量/g,实验设3次生物学重复。

1.2.2 qRT-PCR检测 参照柱式植物总RNA提取试剂盒(上海生物工程有限公司)方法提取沙棘果肉总RNA,根据PrimeScriptTMRT reagent Kit with gDNA Eraser试剂盒(大连宝生物公司)方法合成第一链cDNA[23]。本研究前期构建了沙棘种子、果肉、叶、茎和根转录组,获得了大量的功能基因注释以及差异表达基因信息。利用筛选获得的目的基因片段和PrimerQuest在线软件设计特异引物(表1)。参照SYBR Premix Ex TaqTMII(Tli RNaseH Plus)试剂盒(大连宝生物公司)方法和ABI7500 Real time PCR仪(美国Applied Biosystems公司)推荐程序进行qRT-PCR[11],以沙棘UBQ5为内参基因[4],采用2-ΔΔCt方法分析目的基因相对表达量[24]。实验设3次生物学重复。

表1 基因名称及qRT-PCR引物

1.2.3 数据统计分析 利用SPSS 20.0软件进行单因素方差分析和LSD法进行差异性检验,采用EXCEL2010进行作图。

2 结果与分析

2.1 沙棘果肉发育过程中含油率的动态变化


图1 品系‘TF2-36’和‘杂56’果实形态和颜色变化Fig.1 Morphology and color of fruits of lines ‘TF2-36’ and ‘Za56’

注:*和**分别表示同一时期两个品系间含油率在0.05和0.01水平上的显著差异Note: * and ** indicated significant differences of oil content between two lines at the same harvest time at the level of 0.05 and 0.01, respectively图2 品系‘TF2-36’和‘杂56’果肉发育期间的含油率变化Fig.2 Changes of oil contents in fruit pulp of lines ‘TF2-36’ and ‘Za56’

2.2 GPD1、DGAT1和DGAT2基因表达分析




3 讨论


注:*表示同一采收期两个品系间的基因相对表达量在0.05水平上的显著差异Note: * indicated significant differences of gene relative expression level between two lines at the same harvest time at the level of 0.05图3 GPD1、DGAT1和DGAT2基因在‘TF2-36’和‘杂56’果肉中的表达差异Fig.3 Differences of GPD1, DGAT1 and DGAT2 genes expression in fruit pulp between the lines ‘TF2-36’ and ‘Za56’


高油品系‘TF2-36’果肉的汇基因DGAT1和DGAT2在源基因GPD1的前期高表达后出现表达量高峰,且显著高于低果肉油品系‘杂56’,表明DGAT1和DGAT2基因在果肉发育期间的高表达也促进了油脂高积累。发育期的麻疯树和蓖麻(RicinuscommunisL.)DGAT1基因以及印加果DGAT2基因表达量呈明显的单峰曲线变化规律,且与油脂合成相关[23,25-26]。发育期文冠果胚的油脂积累与XsDGAT1和XsDGAT2基因表达模式相关,与非转基因植株相比,异源表达文冠果XsDGAT1和XsDGAT2基因的拟南芥种子油脂含量分别提高71.6 μg·mg-1(20.3%)和30.9 μg·mg-1(8.8%)[11]。不同物种和组织对DGAT1和DGAT2基因的响应程度存在一定差异,而它们对沙棘果肉含油率的影响程度还需要进一步验证。吴永美等[27]将猫爪草(Doxanthaunguis-cati)的Δ9D(delta-9 desaturase)基因(催化棕榈酸去饱和为棕榈油酸)和对棕榈油酸有特异选择性的DGAT酶基因在大豆中共同表达发现,大豆体细胞胚的棕榈油酸含量上升到19%,比单独转化Δ9D基因高7%。Li等[16]发现油桐中有催化桐油酸(十八碳三烯酸)与TAG特异结合的DGAT2基因。因此在后续研究中获得对棕榈油酸有特异选择性的DGAT基因对进一步解析沙棘果肉油脂合成积累机理具有重要意义。


4 结论


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(1.Institute of Plant Resources, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian 116600, Liaoning, China; 2.Institute of Berries, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Suiling 152200, Heilongjiang, China; 3.Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences, Urumqi 830064, Xinjiang, China)

ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to explore the relationship between lipid biosynthesis and source and sink genes’ expression in seabuckthorn (HippophaeL.) pulp.MethodTwo close-related trains ‘TF2-36’(with higher oil content) and ‘Za 56’ (with lower oil content) were selected as test samples. Their pulps were harvested in eight developmental stages. The oil content in pulp was tested by the method of chloroform methanol, and the differential expression of source gene ‘GPD1’ and sink genes ‘DGAT1 andDGAT2’ involved in lipid biosynthesis between high and low oil content lines were determined using qRT-PCR, and the effects of the three genes on lipid biosynthesis and accumulation were analyzed.Result(1) The oil contents in pulp of ‘TF2-36’ were higher than that of ‘Za 56’ at all stages, but it first increased, and then kept stable for two lines; (2) the peak values ofGPD1,DGAT1 andDGAT2 expression in pulp of TF2-36 were significantly higher than that in ‘Za 56’ during pulp development. The peaks ofGPD1 gene appeared in the period of rapid lipid biosynthesis, and the peaks ofDGAT1 andDGAT2 genes appeared in the period of stable lipid accumulation. The high expression of source gene (GPD1) contributed to synthesis more G3P of TAG precursor in early stages of pulp development, but the high expression of sink genes (DGAT1 andDGAT2) accelerated high TAG accumulation in later stages of pulp development.ConclusionThe high coordinated expression of source gene ‘GPD1’ and sink gene ‘DGAT1 andDGAT2’ resulted in the high lipid biosynthesis and accumulation in seabuckthorn pulp. These results provided basis for understanding lipid biosynthesis mechanism in seabuckthorn non-seed (pulp) tissue.

HippophaeL.; lipid biosynthesis; source gene; sink gene; gene expression




丁 健(1983—),男,博士,讲师,主要从事资源植物开发利用与遗传育种.

* 通讯作者:阮成江(1972—),博士,教授,主要从事木本油料资源高效培育与利用研究。




张 研)

