◇ 文|本刊记者 陈科龙
Dyed Leaves of Layers
Hoarfrost falls in October and autumn wind suddenly comes. It seems that majestic boundary beams between Chongqing and Shaanxi put on a new colorful outfit overnight. Mingled with light yellow and dotted with bright red, the lush Ta-pa Mountains revealing layers of colorful leaves manifested the most luxuriant autumnal color.
酉阳板溪红叶 摄影 / 黄德权
左上:溪涧落叶 摄影 / 张昌军
左中:溪涧落叶 摄影 / 张昌军
左下:又到界梁彩叶红 摄影 / 王国庆
右:酉阳板溪红叶 摄影 / 黄德权
Leaves fall after being frosted but never red leaves. In Banxi, Youyang County, they are like a red hat for Green mountains. Red leaves all over the hill amid thin fog and thick clouds seem like a young girl in red yarn waiting in the boudoir to be betrothed.
左:酉阳板溪红叶 摄影 / 黄德权
Streams flow silently. Walking upstream, I find wind rustling falling leaves and have a sort of epiphany that a single fallen leave is more than enough to inform the world of autumn’s presence.
右上:大巴山涧 摄影 / 王荣
右下:渝陕界梁彩叶 摄影 / 张昌军
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