Physicist. Born in Yihuang, Jiangxi Province. Graduated from Dongnan University, Nanjing in 1929. Received Sc.D. from Manchest University , UK in 1937. Professor, Jilin University.
Yu is mainly engaged in the research and teaching in the fields of X-ray crystallography, metal physics and solid physics and has made outstanding achievements. In the 1930s, he developed Chinas first Geiger counter. In 1942, he established a new synthesis method of X-ray crystal structure analysis and therefore was regarded as the first class crystallographist in the world. He also developed Chinas first pumped X-ray generator in the 1940s and first pumped X-ray tube for medical use in the 1950s. In the 1970s, he made important successes in empirical electronic theory of solids and molecules. He also contributed a lot to the training of scientefic personnel.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
天文学家。福建闽侯人。1926年毕业于美国芝加哥大学天文学系。1929年获叶凯士天文台天文学博士学位。中国科学院紫金山天文台研究员、台长、名誉台长。1928年发现1125号小行星,命名为“中华”。30多年来拍摄和领导拍摄到7000多次小行星和彗星的精确位置,发现80多颗小行星和3颗命名为“紫金山”的新彗星。1957年初应用天体力学基础理论对人造卫星轨道问题作了开创性研究。开创并领导了多个领域天文学 研究,取得多项重要成果。在天文学史研究、天文仪器研制、天文科普、推进学术交流等方面作了大量工作。
Astronomer. Born in Minghou, Fujian province. Grakuated from the Department of Astronommy University of Chicago in 1926. Rcecived Ph.D. in astronomics from Yerkes Observatory in 1929. Research professor, director and honorary director, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of sciences.
Zhang discovered the asteroid, No. 1125, and named as “China”. In more than 30 years, he observed and was in charge of the observation of the precise positions of more than 7000 asteroids and comets and discovered over 80asteroids and 3 new comets which were named as “Tsuchinshan”. In the early 1957, he made original research on the orbits of artificial satellites with the fundamental theories of celestial mechanics. He opened up and led the astronomical research in several fields and obtained a number of important achievements. He conducted a great amount of research on the astronomical history, astronomical instrument design and astronomical popular science and promoted academic exchange and cooperation.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Physicist. Born in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from Nanjing College and Southeast University in 1923. Received MS from Paris University, France in 1925 and French national doctor of science in 1927. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Honorary president, Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor, president and honorary president, University of Science and Technology of China.
Yan is one of the founders of modern physics research in China. He precisely determined the “Adverse Phenomena” of the Curie piezoelectric effedt and discovered the dual –refraction effect of light. He tackled and examined systematically the electrification phenomena of the crystal cylinder under torsion, established the crystal torsion-electricity principle, carried out deepgoing investigation on the spectrum of alkaline metal vapor, etc.. and discolsed the axis-symmetric molecular effective cross-section value different from that of the Fermi-Linesburg Epuation, providing abundant experimental evidences for the Stack effect in atomic physics. He also precisely edtermined the ultra-violet absorbing coefficient of ozone, which was used for over 30years for observing the varation of the ozonosphere depth by meteorologists from all over the world. In his study on the influence of pressure on the light-sensitivity of photoemulsion, he found that pressure turns out tu weaken emulsions sensitivity.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Physicist and crystallographer.Born in Huzhou,Zhejiang Province. Graduated from Dongnan University, Nanjing in 1928. Finished postgraduate study in the Graduate School, Tsinghua University in 1933. Received doctor of physics from Manchester University, UK in 1936. Research professor, actingdiredtor and advisor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Lu was mainly engaged in the research on crystal physics and X-ray crystallography. He was one of the primary originators of crystal physics study in China and the chief founder of Chinas research contingent for X-ray crystallography. In his early years, he initiated the method for the determination of solid solubility curves in a phase diagram by using crystal lattice constants, which is still used today. Hh also made important contributions to the study of crystal structures and alloy phase diagrams by applying X-ray multi-crystal powder diffraction techniques.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.