ISO/TC 8与IMO要求的关系及其国际标准-2


船舶 2017年3期


(中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011)

ISO/TC 8与IMO要求的关系及其国际标准-2


(中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011)

(上接《ISO/TC 8与IMO要求的关系及其国际标准-1》[1])

ISO 7364 : 2016 船舶与海上技术—甲板机械—舷梯绞车(Ships and marine technology—Deck machinery—Accommodation ladder winches )[2]

ISO 7365 : 2012 造船与海上结构物—甲板机械—深海用拖缆绞车(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Deck machinery —Towing winches for deep sea use)

ISO 7461 : 1984 造船—船体型线—船体几何图形构件的数字显示(Shipbuilding—Shiplines—Numerical representation of elements of the hull geometry)

ISO 7462 : 1985 造船—船舶主尺度—计算机用术语和定义(Shipbuilding—Principal ship dimensions—Terminology and definitions for computer applications)

ISO 7545 : 1983 造船与海上结构物—内河航行—顶推拖船单闭锁自动联接器(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Inland navigation—Single-lock automatic couplings for push tows)

ISO 7547 : 2002 船舶与海上技术—起居处所的空调与通风—设计条件和计算基准(Ships and marine technology—Air-conditioning and ventilation of accommodation spaces—Design conditions and basis of calculations)

ISO 7547 : 2002/ 第1号勘误:2008

ISO 7606 : 1988 造船—内河航行船舶—吃水标尺(Shipbuilding—Inland navigation vessels—Draught scales)

ISO 7607 : 1984 造船—内河航行—多斗挖泥船—斗容量尺寸(Shipbuilding—Inland navigation—Multibucket dredgers—Scale of bucket capacities)

ISO 7608 : 1985 造船—内河航行—油混合物和污水处理用联接器(Shipbuilding—Inland navigation—Couplings for disposal of oily mixture and sewage water)

ISO 7824 : 1986 造船与海上结构物—润滑油嘴—锥形及平肩形(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Lubrication nipples—Cone and flat types)

ISO 7825 : 1985 造船—甲板机械—通用要求(Shipbuilding—Deck machinery—General requirements)

ISO 7838 : 1984 造船—船体型线—格式和数据结构(Shipbuilding—Shiplines—Formats and data organization)

ISO 8146 : 1985 造船与海上结构物—椭圆形眼板(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Oval eyeplates)

ISO 8147 : 1995 造船与海上结构物—吊杆装置及零部件—词汇(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Derrick rigs and component parts—Vocabulary)

ISO 8148 : 1985 造船与海上结构物—吊杆眼板—固定型(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Derrick boom headfittings—Fixed type)

ISO 8277 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—管道系统及机械—信息传递(Ships and marine technology—Pipework and machinery —Information transfer)

ISO 8303 : 1985 造船—系列3船载驳—主要作业和技术要求(Shipbuilding—Shipborne barges, series 3—Main operational and technical requirements)

ISO 8304 : 1984 造船—系列3船载驳—通风系统—主要配合尺寸(Shipbuilding— Shipborne barges, series 3—Ventilation system—Principal mating dimensions)

ISO 8314 : 1987 造船与海上结构物—千斤座和导向滑车座的眼板(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Trunnion pieces for span bearings and lead block bearings)

ISO 8384 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—挖泥船—词汇(Ships and marine technology—Dredgers—Vocabulary)

ISO 8385 : 1999 船舶与海上技术—挖泥船—分类(Ships and marine technology—Dredgers—Classification)

ISO 8431 : 1988 造船—固定式悬臂起重机—杂货装卸用船上安装型(Shipbuilding—Fixed jib cranes—Ship-mounted type for general cargo handling)

ISO 8468 : 2007 船舶与海上技术—船舶桥楼布置和相关设备—要求和指南(Ships and marine technology—Ship's bridge layout and associated equipment—Requirements and guidelines)

ISO 8728 : 2014 船舶与海上技术—船用陀螺罗经(Ships and marine technology—Marine gyro-compasses)

ISO 8729-1 : 2010 船舶与海上技术—船用雷达反射器—第1部分:被动型(Ships and marine technology—Marine radar reflectors —Part 1: Passive type)

ISO 8729-2 : 2009 船舶与海上技术—船用雷达反射器—第2部分:主动型(Ships and marine technology—Marine radar reflectors—Part 2: Active type)

ISO 8861 : 1998 造船—柴油机船舶机舱通风—设计要求和计算基准(Shipbuilding—Engine-room ventilation in diesel-engined ships—Design requirements and basis of calculations)

ISO 8862 : 1987 船上机器控制室空调与通风—设计条件和计算基准(Air-conditioning and ventilation of machinery control-rooms on board ships—Design conditions and basis of calculations)

ISO 8863 : 1987 船舶驾驶室窗—以热空气加热窗格玻璃(Ship's wheelhouse windows—Heating by hot air of glass panes)

ISO 8864 : 1987 船上驾驶室的空调与通风—设计条件和计算基准(Air-conditioning and ventilation of wheelhouse on board ships—Design conditions and basis of calculations)

ISO 9089 : 1989 海上结构物—移动式近海装置—锚绞车(Marine structures—Mobile offshore units—Anchor winches)

ISO 9099 : 1987 海上干粮库的空调与通风—设计条件和计算基准(Air-conditioning and ventilation of dry provision rooms on board ships—Design conditions and basis of calculations)

ISO 9203-1 : 1989 造船—船体结构单元的拓扑—第1部分:单元的位置(Shipbuilding—Topology of ship hull structure elements—Part 1: Location of elements)

ISO 9203-2 : 1989 造船—船体结构单元的拓扑—第2部分:单元的描述(Shipbuilding—Topology of ship hull structure elements—Part 2: Description of elements)

ISO 9203-3 : 1989 造船—船体结构单元的拓扑—第3部分:单元间的关系(Shipbuilding—Topology of ship hull structure elements—Part 3: Relations of elements)

ISO 9382 : 1990 所有系列船载驳船—分类和主要要求(Shipborne barges, all series—Classification and mainrequirements)

ISO 9437 : 1986 造船—内河船—马特洛索夫锚(Shipbuilding—Inland vessels—Matrosov anchors)

ISO 9519 : 1990 造船与海上结构物—踏步梯的梯级(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Rungs for dogstep ladders)

ISO 9785:2002 船舶与海上技术—具有内燃机驱动车辆的货物处所的通风—所需理论上总气流量的计算(Ships and marine technology—Ventilation of cargo spaces where vehicles with internal combustion engines are driven—Calculation of theoretical total airflow required)

ISO 9875 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—船用回声测深设备(Ships and marine technology—Marine echo-sounding equipment)

ISO 9875 : 2000/ 第1号勘误:2006

ISO 9876 : 2015 船舶与海上技术—船用气象图传真接收机(Ships and marine technology—Marine facsimile receivers for meteorological charts)

ISO 9943 : 2009 造船—厨房和具有烹调设备的配餐室的通风和空气处理(Shipbuilding—Ventilation and air-treatment of galleys and pantries with cooking appliances)

ISO 10596 : 2009 船舶与海上技术—船用风标翼和风速计(Ships and marine technology—Marine wind vane and anemometers)

ISO 11209 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—大型游艇—甲板起重机和通道跳板的强度要求(Ships and marine technology—Large yachts—Deck crane and access gangways strength requirements)

ISO 11336-1 : 2012 大型游艇—可视窗的强度、风雨密和水密完整性—第1部分:独立可视窗的设计衡准、材料、框架和试验(Large yachts—Strength, weathertightness and watertightness of glazed openings -- Part 1: Design criteria, materials, framing and testing of independent glazed openings)

ISO 11347 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—大型游艇—涂层可见外观的测量和评估(Ships and marine technology—Large yachts—Measurement and assessment of the visual appearance of coatings)

ISO 11606 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—船用电磁罗经(Ships and marine technology—Marine electromagnetic compasses)

ISO 11606 : 2000/ 第1号勘误:2005

ISO 11674 : 2006 船舶与海上技术—首向控制系统(Ships and marine technology—Heading control systems)

ISO 11711-1 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—管系和机械—压载水取样和分析—第1部分:排放取样口(Ships and marine technology—Piping and machinery—Ballast water sampling and analysis—Part 1: Discharge sampling port)

ISO 13073-1 : 2012 船舶与海上技术-船舶防污底系统风险评估—第1部分:用于船舶防污底系统的生物活性物质的海洋环境风险评估方法(Ships and marine technology—Risk assessment on anti-fouling systems on ships—Part 1: Marine environmental risk assessment method of biocidally active substances used for anti-fouling systems on ships)

ISO 13073-2 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—船舶防污底系统风险评估—第2部分:采用生物活性物质的船舶防污底系统的海洋环境风险评估方法(Ships and marine technology—Risk assessment on anti-fouling systems on ships—Part 2: Marine environmental risk assessment method for antifouling systems on ships using biocidally active substances)

ISO 13073-3 : 2016 船舶与海上技术—船舶防污底系统风险评估—第3部分:用于船舶防污底涂料的生物活性物质在其施涂和去除过程中的人体健康风险评估方法(Ships and marine technology—Risk assessment on anti-fouling systems on ships—Part 3: Human health risk assessment method of biocidally active substances used in anti-fouling paints on ships during the application and removal processes)

ISO 13122 : 2011 船舶与海上技术—吊放式救生筏的下水装置(Ships and marine technology—Launching appliances for davit-launched liferafts)

ISO 13613 : 201 船舶与海上技术—为减少推进的临界系统中损耗的维修和试验(Ships and marine technology—Maintenance and testing to reduce losses in critical systems for propulsion)

ISO 13617 : 2001 船舶与海上技术—船用焚烧炉—要求(Ships and marine technology—Shipboard incinerators—Requirements)

ISO 13643-1 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第1部分:一般原理、数量和试验条件(Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 1: General concepts, quantities and test conditions)

ISO 13643-2 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第2部分:回转与偏航的校核(Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 2: Turning and yaw checking)

ISO 13643-3 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第3部分:偏航的稳定性与操纵(Ships and marine technology —Manoeuvring of ships—Part 3: Yaw stability and steering)

ISO 13643-4 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第4部分:停船、加速、横移(Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 4: Stopping, acceleration, traversing)

ISO 13643-5 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第5部分:潜艇的特别规定(Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 5: Submarine specials)

ISO 13643-6 : 2017 船舶与海上技术—船舶的机动性—第6部分:模型试验的特别规定(Ships and marine technology—Manoeuvring of ships—Part 6: Model test specials)

ISO 13713 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—系泊导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Mooring chock)

ISO 13728 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—巴拿马运河导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Panama chocks)

ISO 13729 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—闭式导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Closed chocks)

ISO 13733 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—带有上滚轮的通用导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Universal fairleads with upper roller)

ISO 13742 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—不带上滚轮的通用导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Universal fairleads without upper roller)

ISO 13755 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—钢质滚轮(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Steel rollers)

ISO 13767 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—舷侧滚轮导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Shipside roller fairleads)

ISO 13776 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—带座板的导缆孔(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Pedestal fairleads)

ISO 13795 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—海船用钢质焊接带缆桩(Ships and marinetechnology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Welded steel bollards for sea-going vessels)

ISO 13797 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—十字形带缆桩(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Cruciform bollards)

ISO 13798 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—凹形带缆桩(钢板型)(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Recessed bitts (Steel plate type) )

ISO 13799 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—船舶系泊和拖带设备—凹形带缆桩(铸件型)(Ships and marine technology—Ship's mooring and towing fittingss—Recessed bitts (Casting type) )

ISO 14409 : 2011 船舶与海上技术—船舶下水气囊(Ships and marine technology— Ship launching air bags)

ISO/TR14564 : 1995 造船与海上结构物—逃生路线标志(Shipbuilding and marine structures—Marking of escape routes)

ISO 14726 : 2008 船舶与海上技术—管系内含物识别颜色(Ships and marine technology—Identification colours for the content of piping systems)

ISO 14859 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—声接收系统(Ships and marine technology—Sound reception systems)

ISO 14884 : 2015 大型游艇—风雨密门—强度和风雨密要求(Large yachts—Weathertight doors—Strength and weathertightness requirements)

ISO 14885 : 2014 大型游艇—用于主推进和重要辅机的柴油机—安全要求(Large yachts—Diesel engines for main propulsion and essential auxiliaries—Safety requirements)

ISO 14886 : 2014 船舶与海上技术—大型游艇—玻璃纤维增强塑料艇的结构防火(Ships and marine technology —Large yachts—Structural fire protection for FRP yachts)

ISO 15016-2015 船舶与海上技术—通过测速试航数据的分析对航速和功率性能进行评估的指南(Ships and marine technology—Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data)

ISO 15364 : 2016 船舶与海上技术—液货舱压力/真空阀(Ships and marine technology—Pressure/vacuum valves for cargo tanks)

ISO 15370-2010 船舶与海上技术—客船低位照明 (LLL)—布置(Ships and marine technology—Lowlocation lighting (LLL) on passenger ships—Arrangement)

ISO 15371-2015 船舶与海上技术—保护厨房烹调设备用灭火系统(Ships and marine technology—Fireextinguishing systems for protection of galley cooking equipment)

ISO 15372 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—充气救助艇—充气腔的表层织物(Ships and marine technology—Inflatable rescue boats—Coated fabrics for inflatable chambers)

ISO 15401 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—散货船—船体结构建造质量Ships and marine technology—Bulk carriers—Construction quality of hull structure

ISO 15402 : 2000 船舶与海上技术—散货船—船体结构修理质量Ships and marine technology—Bulk carriers—Repair quality of hull structure

ISO 15516 : 2006 船舶与海上技术—吊放式救生艇的下水装置(Ships and marine technology—Launching appliances for davit-launched lifeboats)

ISO 15540 : 2016 船舶与海上技术—非金属软管组件和非金属补偿器的耐火—试验方法(Ships and marine technology—Fire resistance of non-metallic hose assemblies and non-metallic compensators—Test methods)

ISO 15541 : 2016 船舶与海上技术—非金属软管组件和非金属补偿器的耐火—试验台技术要求(Shipsand marine technology—Fire resistance of non-metallic hose assemblies and non-metallic compensators—Requirements for the test bench)

ISO 15583 : 2005 船舶与海上技术—船用标准一览表(Ships and marine technology—aritime standards list)

ISO 15734 : 2001 船舶与海上技术—水压释放装置(Ships and marine technology—Hydrostatic release units)

ISO 15736 : 2006 船舶与海上技术—烟火救生设备—产品单元的试验、检查与标记(Ships and marine technology—Pyrotechnic life-saving appliances—Testing, inspection and marking of production units)

ISO 15738 : 2002 船舶与海上技术—充气救生设备的气体充气系统(Ships and marine technology—Gas inflation systems for inflatable life-saving appliances)

ISO 15748-1 : 2002 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的饮用水供应—第1部分:规划与设计(Ships and marine technology—Potable water supply on ships and marine structures—Part 1: Planning and design)

ISO 15748-2 : 2002 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的饮用水供应—第2部分:计算方法(Ships and marine technology—Potable water supply on ships and marine structures—Part 2: Method of calculation)

ISO 15749-1 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的泄水系统—第1部分:卫生水泄水系统设计(Ships and marine technology—Drainage systems on ships and marine structures—Part 1: Sanitary drainage-system design)

ISO 15749-2 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的泄水系统—第2部分:卫生水泄水、重力系统的泄水管路(Ships and marine technology—Drainage systems on ships and marine structures—Part 2: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for gravity systems)

ISO 15749-3 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的泄水系统—第3部分:卫生水泄水、真空系统的泄水管路(Ships and marine technology—Drainage systems on ships and marine structures—Part 3: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for vacuum systems)

ISO 15749-4 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的泄水系统—第4部分:卫生水泄水、污水处理管(Ships and marine technology—Drainage systems on ships and marine structures—Part 4: Sanitary drainage, sewage disposal pipes)

ISO 15749-5 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船舶与海上结构物的泄水系统—第5部分:甲板、货物处所和游泳池的泄水(Ships and marine technology—Drainage systems on ships and marine structures—Part 5: Drainage of decks, cargo spaces and swimming pools)

ISO 15837 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—管路系统用填实的机械管接头—性能要求(Ships and marine technology—Gasketed mechanical couplings for use in piping systems—Performance specification)

ISO 15838 : 2003 船舶与海上技术—管路用填实的机械管接头所采用的填料—性能要求(Ships and marine technology—Fittings for use with gasketed mechanical couplings used in piping applications—Performance specification)

ISO 15840 : 2004 船舶与海上技术—船用热固性玻璃纤维树脂管和填料的标准技术条件(Ships and marine technology—Standard specification for thermosetting resin fibreglass pipe and fittings to be used for marine applications)

ISO 15849 : 2001 船舶与海上技术—船队管理系统网络的实施指南(Ships and marine technology—Guidelines for implementation of a fleet management system network)

ISO 15849 : 2001/ 第1号修正案:2003

ISO16145-1 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—保护涂层和检查方法—第1部分:专用海水压载舱(Ships and marine technology—Protective coatings and inspection method—Part 1: Dedicated sea water ballast tanks)

ISO16145-2 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—保护涂层和检查方法—第2部分:散货船和油船的空舱(Ships and marine technology—Protective coatings and inspection method—Part 2: Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers)

ISO16145-3 : 2012 船舶与海上技术—保护涂层和检查方法—第3部分:原油船货油舱(Ships and marine technology—Protective coatings and inspection method—Part 3: Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers)

ISO16145-4 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—保护涂层和检查方法—第4部分:水中可溶盐总量的自动测量方法(Ships and marine technology—Protective coatings and inspection method—Part 4: Automated measuring method for the total amount of water-soluble salts)

ISO16145-5 : 2014 船舶与海上技术—保护涂层和检查方法—第5部分:涂层损坏的评估方法(Ships and marine technology—Protective coatings and inspection method—Part 5: Assessment method for coating damages)

ISO16155 : 2006 船舶与海上技术—计算机应用—船上装载仪(Ships and marine technology—Computer applications —Shipboard loading instruments)

ISO 16165 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—海上环境保护—溢油处理相关术语(Ships and marine technology—Marine environment protection—Terminology relating to oil spill response)

ISO16273 : 2003 船舶与海上技术—高速艇用夜视设备—运行和性能要求、试验方法及所要求的试验结果(Ships and marine technology—Night vision equipment for high-speed craft—Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results)

ISO 16304 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—海上环境保护—港口废物接收设施的布置和管理(Ships and marine technology—Marine environment protection—Arrangement and management of port waste reception facilities)

ISO16328 : 2014 船舶与海上技术—高速艇用陀螺罗经(Ships and marine technology—Gyro-compasses for high-speed craft)

ISO16329 : 2003 船舶与海上技术—高速艇用首向控制系统(Ships and marine technology—Heading control systems for high-speed craft)

ISO16425 : 2013 船舶与海上技术—船上设备和系统用船舶通信网的安装指南(Ships and marine technology—Guidelines for the installation of ship communication networks for shipboard equipment and systems)

[1]林德辉 . ISO/TC 8与IMO要求的关系及其国际标准 -1[J]. 船舶,2017(2): 94-100.

[2]International Organization for Standardization, ISO/TC 8 Standards catalogue[EB/OL]. 2017-03-09. committee/45776/x/catalogue/

10.19423 / j.cnki.31-1561 / u.2017.03.097



