Despicable Me 3 神偷奶爸3
by MQ
Despicable Me 3 神偷奶爸3
by MQ
《神偷奶爸3》(Despicable Me 3),又译《卑鄙的我3》,是由照明娱乐公司制作的3D动画电影。
因为没能抓住反坏蛋联盟的头号通缉犯巴萨扎·布拉特(Balthazar Bratt),格鲁(Gru)和新婚妻子露西(Lucy)一起被反坏蛋联盟扫地出门。小黄人们(Minions)希望格鲁重返作奸犯科的生活,但格鲁坚持自己已金盆洗手,于是小黄人的首领梅尔(Mel)带着小黄人军团愤而出走。正当格鲁寻找新的人生目标时,他突然得知自己还有一个双胞胎兄弟德鲁(Dru)。在德鲁的盛情邀请下,格鲁带着露西和领养的三个女儿——玛戈(Margo)、伊迪丝(Edith)和艾格尼丝(Agnes)来到了德鲁的居所探亲。
Gru:Honey, you didn’t have to do that, I know how much you love your job.
Lucy:Well, I love other things more. You know,we’re gonna have to tell the girls. Can you do it?The whole Mom thing is still kind of new to me.
Gru:Oh, sure. Hmm? (Gru tries to use the key to open the door, but the door is unlocked. Then Gru and Lucy are ready to fight with “the stranger”.)
Gru:Hello? (Gru and Lucy are blindfolded by the kids and are shoved into the yard.)
Margo & Agnes:Aloha!
Gru:This is unexpected.
Margo:Well, you never got to go on a honeymoon, so…
Edith:We made you dinner!
Agnes:It’s a luau! We got pineapples and coconuts and ukuleles!
Gru:Oh ho, yeah.
Lucy:Yeah. (Minions start singing.)
Agnes:The soup of the day, madame and monsieur. The gummy bears were my idea.
Gru:Mmm…Looks too good to even eat! Am I right?
Agnes:But I made it for you.
Gru:Oh. (Gru tastes the soup and thumps the table.) Good soup! I love the combination of gummy bears and meat!
Lucy:I’m gonna hold it in my mouth, because it’s so good I don’t want to swallow it.
Margo:So, how was work?
Edith:Oh, did you take that guy down? Did anything explode?
Gru:Well, actually, today Lucy and I were invited to not work at the AVL anymore.
Minion:Huh! No!
Margo:You got fired?
Gru:Oh no! No, no, no, no, no…Yes.Agnes:What?
Lucy:But don’t worry, I, I’m sure we’ll get new jobs real soon. Even better ones.
Edith:Pff! What’s better than being super-cool secret agents?
Word Power
despicable[dɪ'spɪkəbl] adj. 卑鄙的
kind of[kaɪnd ɒv] <口>稍微,有点儿
blindfold['blaɪndfəʊld] v. 蒙住(某人的)眼睛(过去分词:blindfolded)
shove[ʃʌv] v. 推(过去分词:shoved)
aloha[ə'ləʊhɑː] int. 欢迎(夏威夷语)
unexpected[,ʌnɪk'spektɪd] adj. 想不到的
honeymoon['hʌnɪ,muːn] n. 蜜月,蜜月旅行
luau[luː'aʊ] n. (常伴有文娱节目的)夏威夷式宴会
pineapple['paɪn,æpl] n. 菠萝,凤梨(复数:pineapples)
coconut['kəʊkənʌt] n. 椰子(复数:coconuts)
ukulele[,juːkə'leɪlɪ] n. 尤克里里(夏威夷的四弦琴,复数:ukuleles)
madame[mə'dæm] n. <法>太太,夫人,女士(用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称)
monsieur[mə'sjзː] n. <法>先生,绅士(对法国男性的尊称)
gummy['gʌmɪ] adj. 胶粘的,黏性的(gummy bear指的是小熊软糖)
thump[θʌmp] v. 重击,捶击(第三人称单数:thumps)
combination[,kɒmbɪ'neɪʃn] n. 结合
meat[miːt] n. 肉
hold[həʊld] v. 保留
swallow['swɒləʊ] v. 吞,咽
explode[ɪk'spləʊd] v. 爆炸
actually['æktʃʊəlɪ] adv. 实际上,事实上
invite[ɪn'vaɪt] v. 邀请,请求(过去分词:invited)
anymore[,enɪ'mɔː] adv. (不)再,再也(不)fire['faɪə(r)] v. 解雇(过去分词:fired)
worry['wʌrɪ] v. 担心
soon[suːn] adv. 不久,快
secret['siːkrət] adj. 秘密的,神秘的
agent['eɪdʒənt] n. 特工(复数:agents)
格鲁为没能抓住布拉特而感到自责,认为自己是个失败者,露西安慰格鲁一切都会好起来的。SCENE B
Lucy:Hey, Gru, whatcha doing down here?In the dark. Alone.
Gru:Oh nothing, just thinking.
Lucy:You, okay?
Gru:Oh yes, yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s just…Ah, I don’t know. I guess I just feel like…a failure? Like I don’t have a purpose anymore.
Lucy:Hey, mister, you are not a failure.
Gru:If only I could’ve nailed Bratt.So many times I almost had him! But now I’ll never get the chance. ’Cause I have been kicked to the curb.
Lucy:Gru, you’ve got to let this go.It’s time to look forward. Things will get better, I promise.
Word Power
whatcha['hwɒttʃə] (=what are you)你……什么
alone[ə'ləʊn] adj. 单独的
failure['feɪljə(r)] n. 失败;失败者
purpose['pзːpəs] n. 目的;意志
if only[ɪf 'əʊnlɪ] 只要,但愿
nail[neɪl] v. 抓住(过去分词:nailed)
kick[kɪk] v. 踢(过去分词:kicked)
curb[kзːb] n. 路边
promise['prɒmɪs] v. 承诺,保证
艾格尼丝非常喜欢独角兽和毛茸茸的玩意儿。自从听说德鲁家附近的弯曲森林(Crooked Forest)有真正的独角兽出没后,艾格尼丝觉得自己一定能找到一只,但事情的真相是那里并没有独角兽。格鲁纠结要怎样才能告诉艾格尼丝这一事实。
Agnes:Umm...And please bless that when I find the unicorn, he’ll want to come home with me, and sleep in my room, and that I can ride him to school every day, and he will use his magical powers to help me do math. Amen. Oh. Hi, Gru.
Gru:Hey. So…big day tomorrow.
Agnes:Yeah, I’m finally going to get to see a unicorn! For reals. If I do, can I bring it home,please?
Gru:Oh. Yeah, sure. Tell you what, every unicorn you find, you can bring it home. I’d better build a big pen, right? But, you know…there’s a chance that you might not find one.
Gru:It…I’m...It might not be good unicorn finding weather? Umm…They’re tricky to find them…and, I don’t know. Maybe, ju…maybe…unicorns don’t…really ex…explore that…part of the woods.
Agnes:But...but the man said, “a maiden could find one if she was pure in heart.” And I’m pure in heart, right?
Gru:The purest.
Agnes:Can we stop talking now? I need to get to sleep.
Gru:Goodnight, sweetie.
Agnes:Goodnight, Gru. Unicorns, I love them. Unicorns, I love them.
Word Power
bless[bles] v. 保佑
unicorn['juːnɪkɔːn] n. (传说中身体似白马、前额有直角的)独角兽
magical['mædʒɪkl] adj. 魔力的
power['paʊə(r)] n. 力量(复数:powers)
finally['faɪnəlɪ] adv. 最后,终于
for reals[fər 'rɪəls] n. (=for real)真正地,实在地
bring[brɪŋ] v. 带来
pen[pen] n. 围栏
tricky['trɪkɪ] adj. 狡猾的
woods[wʊdz] n. 树林
maiden['meɪdn] n. 少女
pure[pjʊə(r)] adj. 单纯的,纯净的
heart[hɑːt] n. 心
sweetie['swiːtɪ] n. 亲爱的
Lert's Learn
’Cause I have been kicked to the curb.因为我被扫地出门了。
kick to the curb是一个习语,意为“踢到一边,抛弃,解雇”。例如:
The old computer was kicked to the curb. 这台旧电脑被抛到一边了。