A LittlE HistoRy oF thE WoRlD世界小史


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年12期

⊙By E. H. Gombrich翻译:吴秀杰

A LittlE HistoRy oF thE WoRlD世界小史

⊙By E. H. Gombrich翻译:吴秀杰


尽管恩斯特·贡布里希爵士(Sir Ernst Gombrich,1909-2001)学富五车,才高八斗,在美学与艺术史领域取得了各种学术成就,是近代公认的美学大师级人物,但他写的书可一点都不“高大上”——没有卖弄学问,没有故弄玄虚,他的文字平实幽默、简明流畅,从最初的《世界小史》到代表作《艺术的故事》(The Story of Art),都被视为相关领域最通俗易懂的论述作品。哪怕你还是个学生,哪怕你只是个外行人,都能从他的书中享受到知识带来的无穷乐趣。


是的,这是一本你可以坐得安安稳稳,用看故事的心情去阅读的小书。准备好了吗?我们就从“Once upon a time”说起吧……

All stories begin with “Once upon a time.” And that’s just what this story is all about:what happened, once upon a time. Once you were so small that, even standing on1)tiptoes, you could barely reach your mother’s hand. Do you remember? Your own history might begin like this: “Once upon a time there was a small boy”—or a small girl—“and that small boy was me.” But before that you were a baby in a2)cradle. You won’t remember that, but you know it’s true. Your father and mother were also small once, and so was your grandfather, and your grandmother, a much longer time ago, but you know that too. After all,we say: “They are old.” But they too had grandfathers and grandmothers, and they, too,could say: “Once upon a time.” And so it goes on, further and further back. Behind every“Once upon a time” there is always another. Have you ever tried standing between two mirrors? You should. You will see a great long line of shiny mirrors, each one smaller than the one before,3)stretching away into the distance, getting fainter and fainter, so that you never see the last. But even when you can’t see them any more, the mirrors still go on.They are there, and you know it.

And that’s how it is with “Once upon a time.” We can’t see where it ends.Grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather…it makes your head spin. But say it again, slowly, and in the end you’ll be able to imagine it. Then add one more. That gets us quickly back into the past, and from there into the distant past. But you will never reach the beginning, because behind every beginning there’s always another “Once upon a time.”

It’s like a bottomless well. Does all this looking down make you dizzy? It does me. So let’s4)light a5)scrap of paper, and drop it down into that well. It will fall slowly, deeper and deeper. And as it burns it will light up the sides of the well. Can you see it? It’s going down and down. Now it’s so far down it’s like a tiny star in the dark depths. It’s getting smaller and smaller…and now it’s gone.

Our memory is like that burning scrap of paper.We use it to light up the past. First of all our own,and then we ask old people to tell us what they remember. After that we look for letters written by people who are already dead. And in this way we light our way back. There are buildings that are just for storing old scraps of paper that people once wrote on—they are called6)archives. In them you can find letters written hundreds of years ago. In an archive, I once found a letter which just said: “Dear Mummy, Yesterday we ate some lovely7)truffles,love from William.” William was a little Italian prince who lived four hundred years ago. Truffles are a special sort of mushroom.

对于科普类读物来说,好的开头真可以说是成功的关键。一位优秀的作者会在开篇头几页迅速调动起读者的积极性,将读者带入文字的节奏里,从而吸引读者一路往下看,在阅读中不知不觉地学到新知识。本期选段就是一个非常经典的科普“凤头”,从讲故事最常见的once upon a time入手,再延伸到镜子、深井、纸片、回忆、历史……一步一步,层层递进,娓娓道来。贡布里希的语言随性自然,带有很强的互动性,这种写法值得我们细细品读,多加学习。







1) tiptoe [ˑtɪptəʊ] n. 脚尖,趾尖 2) cradle [ˑkreɪd(ə)l] n. 摇篮 3) stretch [stretʃ] v. 伸展,伸长

4) light [laɪt] v. 点燃,照亮

5) scrap [skræp] n. 小片,小块

6) archive [ˑɑːkaɪv] n. 档案馆

7) truf fl e [ˑtrʌf(ə)l] n. 松露

