臧建成,孙 涛
(1.西藏农牧学院 植物科学学院,西藏林芝 860000; 2.淮北师范大学 生命科学学院,安徽淮北 235000;3.西藏高原资源昆虫与应用昆虫实验室,西藏林芝 860000)
臧建成1,3,孙 涛2
(1.西藏农牧学院 植物科学学院,西藏林芝 860000; 2.淮北师范大学 生命科学学院,安徽淮北 235000;3.西藏高原资源昆虫与应用昆虫实验室,西藏林芝 860000)
比较研究西藏东南部典型林牧交错地带林地与湿地的土壤动物群落特征,为西藏东南部林地、湿地土壤动物群落研究提供科学数据。采用土钻法随机取样,Tullgren干漏斗法分离,参考土壤动物检索图鉴及大类别分类方法进行鉴定,并以DG多样性、Jaccard相似性系数q和Gower系数Sg分析该地区林地和湿地的土壤动物群落结构。结果表明,样地内(林地和湿地)共捕获土壤动物393头,属3门6纲18类,其中林地优势类群为弹尾目,湿地优势类群为弹尾目与前气门亚目。2 种生态类型土壤动物群落的DG差异不显著,群落类群个体数相似性不高,但林牧交错地带林地与湿地土壤动物个体数的异质性比类群数高。西藏东南部林地与湿地土壤动物密度、类群以及群落多样性均不同。土壤含水量明显影响土壤动物群落结构与数量,土壤动物群落结构的类群与总个体数相似性均不高。
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究区概况
研究区位于西藏农牧学院后,属西藏自治区林芝县,系念青唐古拉山向南延伸的余脉,与喜马拉雅山东部向北发展的山系相连。26°52′~30°40′N, 92°09′~98°47′E,平均海拔3 000 m左右,受印度洋暖湿季风影响,冬春干燥,夏秋多雨。年降水量600~1 000 mm,年均温8~10 ℃,≥0 ℃积温为3 000~3 500 ℃·d,≥10 ℃的时间约180 d,属半湿润区与湿润区的过渡地带[17-19],生物资源丰富,为农牧林过渡地带,林区植被主要为川滇高山栎,湿地主要植被为禾本科植物。
1.2 研究调查方法
于2015年8-10月,在川滇高山栎林地和张麦村湿地进行采样。每一样地随机选取3个样方(10 m×10 m),每个样方内取3个样点,每样点间隔3 m,分别在各样点挖土壤剖面,按0~10 cm(Ⅰ)、10~20 cm(Ⅱ)和20~30 cm(Ⅲ)3 层,用直径(D)10 cm×高(H)10 cm土钻进行取样,所取土样放入带有标签的PE封口袋中,手捡大型土壤动物,放入装有φ=75%乙醇的指型管中,一同带回实验室。中小型土壤动物采用Tullgren干漏斗法分离,收集于指形管内,用φ=75%酒精保存。在尼康中级体视显微镜SMZ800+D5100下分类鉴定。采用大类别分类法进行分类[20]。土壤动物分类依据中国土壤动物检索[21]。
1.3 数据处理
1.3.1 多样性指数 采用密度——类群指数DG进行群落多样性的比较,其公式为:
1.3.2 群落相似性 选用Jaccard相似性系数q和Gower系数Sg度量群落间的相似程度。计算公式如下:
1.3.3 数据分析 采用Excel软件对林地和湿地土壤动物多样性指数DG进行单因素方差分析。在数据分析前,对个体密度和DG进行lg(x+1)转换,使之符合正态分布。
2 结果与分析
2.1 土壤动物群落组成
由表1可知,川滇高山栎林地和张麦村湿地共捕获中型土壤动物393头。优势类群为弹尾目Collembola、前气门亚目Prostigmata,占总捕获量的76.59%;常见类群为鞘翅目幼虫 Coleoptera larvae、膜翅目Hymenoptera、中气门亚目Mesostigmate、双翅目Diptera、啮虫目Psocoptera、甲螨亚目Orilatida 7类,共计占19.34%;双翅目幼虫Diptera larvae、线虫动物门Nemata、鞘翅目Coleoptera、同翅目Homoptera、同翅目幼虫 Homoptera larvae、原尾纲Protura、半翅目Hemiptera、等翅目幼虫Isptera larvae、缓步动物门Tardigrada 9类为稀有类群,总个体数仅占 5.07%。
张麦村湿地土壤动物优势类群是弹尾目Collembola和前气门亚目Prostigmata,常见类群为盲蛛目Odiliones、膜翅目Hymenoptera、双翅目Diptera、双翅目幼虫 Diptera larvae 4类,优势类群数与常见类群数共占湿地总类群数的42.86%,稀有类群为鞘翅目幼虫 Coleoptera larvae、啮虫目Psocoptera、线虫动物门Nemata、鞘翅目Coleoptera、同翅目Homoptera、同翅目幼虫 Homoptera larvae、原尾纲Protura、半翅目Hemiptera;川滇高山栎林地土壤动物优势类群仅为弹尾目Collembola,常见类群为前气门亚目Prostigmata、盲蛛目Odiliones、鞘翅目幼虫 Coleoptera larvae、中气门亚目 Mesostigmate、双翅目Diptera、啮虫目Psocoptera、甲螨亚目Orilatida 7类,优势类群数与常见类群数共占林地总类群数的72.73%,稀有类群为原尾纲Protura、等翅目幼虫Isptera larvae、缓步动物门Tardigrada 3类。
表1 不同土地类型土壤动物群落类群与数量组成Table 1 Soil fauna community composition and composition in different land types
Note:Abundance refers to the number of some kind of soil animals percentage of total,which can be divided to:+ + +. Abundance gt;10%,as the dominant groups; + +. Abundance 1%-10%,as the common groups; +. Abundance 0.1%-1%,as the rare groups.Data in parenthesis are the number of individuals captured per soil fauna group,and data outside parentheses are the percentage of individuals captured per soil fauna group as a percentage of capture.
2.2 土壤动物群落多样性
2.3 土壤动物群落相似性
表2 川滇高山栎林地与湿地土壤群落多样性对比Table 2 Comparison of soil community diversity of Quercus aquifolioides woodland and wetland
Note:Values with different lower case letters show significant differences in the same line atPlt;0.05.
图1 不同土地类型土壤动物群落的DG指数时序动态Fig.1 DG dynamics of soil fauna in different land types
经计算,q约为0.388 9(0.25~0.49),表明张麦村湿地与川滇高山栎林地间土壤动物群落类群为中等不相似;而Sg为0.275 5,表明土壤动物群落类群个体数的相似性也不高。表明林地与湿地土壤动物群落共有类群不多,且两生态类型土壤动物群落类群个体数相差较大。同时可看出,Gower系数明显低于Jaccard系数,表明林牧交错地带林地与湿地土壤动物个体数的异质性比类群数高。
3 讨 论
4 结 论
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CorrespondingauthorSUN Tao,male,Ph.D,associate professor. Research area:pest control,insect ecology and soil animal research and functional components.E-mail:sunt231@126.com
ZANG Jiancheng1,3and SUN Tao2
(1. Department of Plant Technology,XiZang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College, Linzhi Tibiet 860000,China;2. College of Life Science,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei Anhui 235000,China;3. Lab of Resource and Applied Insect in the Tibet Plateau,Linzhi Tibiet 860000,China)
Based on the comparison of soil animal communities between woodland and wetland in the typical forest and animal husbandry zone in southeastern Tibet,this research was to understand the characteristics of soil animal community in different ecosystems and to provide scientific data for the research of soil animal community in woodland and wetland in this region. The soil samples were collected with soil drilling method in random and was separated by Tullgren dry-funnel method. Soil animals were identified with reference to soil animal retrieval and large categories of classification methods,andDGdiversity,Jaccard similarity coefficientqand Gower coefficientSgwere used to analyze the community structure of soil animal in woodland and wetland in the area. The results showed that there were 393 soil animals,belonging to three phylum,six classes and eighteen groups,in the sampled woodland and wetland. The predominant class in the woodland was Collembola and the predominant groups in the wetland were Collembola and Prostigmata. There was no significant difference inDGdiversity index between two ecological types of soil animal community,but the heterogeneity of soil animal population between woodland and wetland was higher than the number of groups. Density,group and community diversity of soil animal were different between woodland and wetland in southeastern Tibet. Soil water content significantly affected soil animal community structure and quantity. The similarities of group and the total number was not high in the soil animal community structure.
Southeastern Tibet; Woodland and wetland; Soil animal community composition; DG index; Community similarity
The National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41561054); the Introduction of Flexible Talents of XiZang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College(No.RXR201603).
ZANG Jiancheng,male,associate professor. Research area:pest control,insect ecology and soil animal research and functional components.E-mail:zangjc2008@163.com
孙 涛,男,博士,副教授,研究方向为农林害虫防治、昆虫生态学及土壤动物。E-mail:sunt231@126.com