

风景园林 2017年9期

GREENinc 景观设计事务所


GREENinc 景观设计事务所

1 平面图Master plan


01 入口庭院ArrivalCourt

02 游客花园VisitorGarden

03 儿童花园Children’sGarden

04 感官花园(园艺疗法)


05 康复治疗花园



06 日间花园DayGarden

07 游戏花园PlayGarden

08 家庭花园FamilyGarden

09 治疗花园HealingGarden

10 沉静花园QuietGarden

11 平台花园TerraceGarden

12 学术平台AcademicTerrace


13 停车场StructuredParking

14 救护院AmbulanceCourt

15 滞洪池 1AttenuationPond1

16 滞洪池 2AttenuationPond2

17 员工停车场StaffParkingCourt

18 修复景观RehabilitatedLandscape

19 庭院服务区ServicesCourt

20 滞洪池 3AttenuationPond3

21 人行道景观SidewalkLandscape

22 主入口MainEntrance






2 场地俯瞰Aerial view over site


医院景观通常由外围的“绿化”空间组成,但这对医院的环境和患者体验帮助甚少。在建筑竞赛中获奖的英国谢泼德·罗布森(Sheppard Robson)国际设计事务所,一改以前的刻板形象,将景观概念化,并以此作为建筑设计的核心。整体景观由5个内庭院和5个外庭院构成,5个内庭分两个层次,5个外部花园具有与医院治疗程序相关的特定功能。



游客花园始于接待区域,其目的是为了延续欢迎的气氛,包括一个俯瞰圆形池塘的咖啡厅露台、座位和可用于筹款活动的草坪空间。通道内设有狭窄的水渠,并由花架遮蔽,水渠将咖啡厅与庭院远处的儿童花园连接起来。 在这个空间里,年轻的访客将有机会远离医院环境的控制,释放压力。 游戏设施包括多彩的木制攀爬装置、滑梯、秋千、攀岩网和粉笔板,以及鸟澡盆和草堆。2个乘骑玩具是由艺术家布朗温·芬德利(Bronwyn Findlay)安装在描画昆虫和动物的彩色马赛克面板上。 在树丛间和攀爬装置下有艺术家温斯顿·卢丘里(Winston Luthuli)所设计的动物嬉戏雕塑。


康复治疗花园的设计可以满足不同类型的身心治疗。该设计旨在满足广泛的功能需求,并从视觉上吸引儿童,以激励他们参与到特定的治疗项目中。 该区域的治疗元素包括沙坑、水上游泳池、橡胶轨道、乘骑玩具和可放置治疗设备的人造草坪。小的休息区可作为非正式会议和户外治疗的场地。


5个内部景观庭院形成医院的“绿色核心”,可确保每位病人、访客和工作人员尽可能多地接触绿植和阳光。 庭院被分为3个活跃的和2个沉静的治疗庭院,每个空间的设计都受到周围医疗功能的影响。

日间、游戏和家庭花园(The Day - , Play -and Family Gardens )是位于一层的活跃的治疗庭院,大部分时间作为白天访客的等候和活动区域。在病人身体状况良好的情况下,也将鼓励他们与家人或陪护人员一同参观花园。

日间花园(Day garden)是一个靠近接待区的小庭院花园。 游客会被真实尺寸的火车雕塑互动玩具所吸引,玩具雕塑是由艺术家玛丽·西班德(Maria Sibande)设计的,被放置在树木环绕的木质平台上,树木茂密时为人们提供阴凉。游客可以在木制长凳和彩色座椅处休息。

3 入口庭院

4 游客花园1Visitor Garden 1

游戏花园(Play Garden)(位于日间花园的对面)被分成一个略低于自然地面的平台和另一个略高的木质平台。日间花园中的木质铺装和树丛一直延续到游戏花园中的低平台,而稍高一点的平台则是多功能活动场地,被开花植物围合,并被橡胶游戏场地覆盖。孩子们可以在一个升高的互动水景中放置纸帆船,并且可以触到浅层的水和底层砂岩的轮廓。树屋(Tree House)是这个空间中的最大元素,是一个颇具特色的休息平台,必须通过梯子、猴子酒吧和篮子秋千才能到达。一个大型的Umlabalaba游戏棋盘被嵌入到橡胶地板中,游戏部件是由浇注型聚氨酯和木材组成的。孩子们可以在五彩缤纷的“毛毛虫(The Caterpillar)”画板上画画、写字,也可以滑动滑板轮制成的算盘玩耍。透过一楼窗户能看到由可移动的花瓣和圆形座椅创造出的图像和图案。

5 游客花园2Visitor Garden 2

6 游客花园3Visitor Garden 3

7 游客花园4Visitor Garden 4

8 儿童花园Children's Garden

家庭花园(Family Garden)在中心轴线的远端,也被分成一低一高的由开花植物围合的区域。地面由橡胶材料和彩色马赛克瓷砖铺成,嵌入橡胶地面的“怪物”欢迎着游客。这个怪物形象的灵感来自于一件黏土艺术品,这件艺术品是一个孩子在儿童基金赞助的研讨会中创作的。长凳上铺有五颜六色的马赛克瓷砖,自由摆放的家具和遮阳篷可为患者和游客创造舒适宜人的环境。“聊天室”是一个木质表皮的构筑物,被放置在遥远的角落里,为孩子们提供了3处多彩的对话和阅读空间。故事屏幕(The Story Screen)是被放置在北部边缘的一个雕塑网格结构。构成屏幕的一个个圆形要素都已经被嵌入插图(用激光在低碳钢上切割),用来展示探索和欢乐时刻的画面。插图中所绘制的图片由孩子们和20个当地艺术家在工作坊创造,全程由彩立方(Coloured Cube)设计公司和Assemblage设计公司共同赞助。

治疗花园和安静花园(Healing–and Quiet Garden)是两个宁谧的庭院花园,位于外科医院和重症监护病房旁的地下层。空间的设计目标是提供平静、有助于康复的环境,在这里病人及家属可以从紧张的环境中得到放松。



安静花园(Quiet Garden)是最僻静的庭院,旨在为需要在自然环境中获得宁静的家庭成员提供休憩空间。一面庭院墙上展示的是由索韦托艺术女士马赛克合作社(the Soweto Art Ladies Mosaic Co-op)提供的6块马赛克板。这幅艺术品描绘了儿童创作“祝福贺卡”的活动画面,此活动是在儿童基金会赞助的研讨会期间举办的。 病人及家属可以在树枝上悬挂自己的祝福贺卡,从而进一步促进情绪恢复。


这些康复花园的设计目的是为了缓解医院环境所带来的压力和创伤情绪。我们希望花园能够对孩子有足够的吸引力,并且希望在花园中的体验会给他们带来更多欢乐时刻。我们的目标是创造一个有助于儿童康复的景观,并为到访者和工作人员提供温馨和支持的空间。为致敬纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的一生,该项目(从概念到竣工)的目标一直是服务于南非的孩子们。

9 感官花园——前景的香料种植Sensory Garden—Fragrance planter in foreground

10 感官花园——互动水景Sensory Garden—Interactive water-feature


11 康复治疗花园Occupational Therapy Garden




景观面积:22 000m²




建筑师:谢泼德·罗布森国际设计事务所,GAPP建筑师和规划师,约翰 ·库珀和鲁本·莱迪建筑师









直接签署合同:游乐设施,钢制幕帘与景观艺术:2016年7月— 2016年12月


12 日间花园——互动火车Day Garden—train sculpture










互动火车:玛丽·西班德(由Alan Epstein制造)













During 2011, we joined the design team of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, a 200 bed specialist paediatric and academic tertiary referral hospital. This hospital envisioned by Nelson Mandela, relied solely on donor funding raised by the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund. Construction was completed in May 2016 and the interior design phase in December 2016.

Therapeutic Landscapes

The landscape design of this hospital (as with the other hospitals in the GREENinc portfolio)is firmly based on the concept and principles of therapeutic landscape design. A landscape with therapeutic value is purposely designed in a way that encourages patients and their visitors to interactwith nature, in order to aid the process of healing. This choice to interact with nature, as well as making decisions while experiencing the garden,provides patients with a sense of control at a time when their health and wellbeing is in the control of others. In return, this sense of control, combined with the sensory benefits of being in a garden,physical activity and social interaction, results in a reduction in stress which ultimately leads to quicker recovery times and good health.

The successful design of a therapeutic landscape rests on four pillars namely: visual amp;physical accessibility to the landscape; ease of mobility for people with movement difficulties;a variety of functional spaces that meet different needs; and the provision of sensory stimulation. The knowledge and understanding of these principles,as well as consultation with our client, medical specialists and other design professional, guided us in all aspects of the therapeutic design process. We also explored the relatively new concept of Horticultural Therapy and hope that our efforts will result in this programme being offered by the hospital.

Project description

The typical hospital landscape usually consists of peripheral ‘green’ spaces that contribute little to the hospital environment and experience.The winning architectural competition entry by Sheppard Robson of the UK, ignored the stereotype and conceptualised the landscape as the centre of the building’s design.The landscape comprises of 5 internal courtyard gardens on two levels and 5 external garden spaces, with specific functions that relate to the programming of the hospital.

14 游戏花园——树屋Play Garden—Tree house

15 游戏花园2Play Garden 2

External Gardens

Visitors’ and patients’ fi rst impression of the facility will be formed by the Arrival Court. As a visit to a hospital is usually a stressful experience for children and their families, the landscape design aims to create a welcoming experience with elements such as colourful signage, comfortable seating, large trees and fl owering plants.

16 家庭花园1Family Garden 1

17 家庭花园2Family Garden 2

18 家庭花园——故事屏幕Family Garden—Story Screen

The Visitor Garden which leads from the reception areas, aims to provide a continuation of this welcoming experience. It includes a cafe terrace overlooking a circular pond, seating and a lawn area that can be utilised for fund-raising events.A narrow water channel set in a pathway and shaded by a pergola, connects the Café Terrace with the Children’s Garden at the far end of the courtyard. In this space, young visitors will have the opportunity to release pent-up energy away from the controlled hospital environment. The play elements include a colourful timber climbing structure with a slide, swings, a climbing net and a chalk-board,as well as a bird-bath and a mounded lawn. Two ride-on toys are mounted on a colourful mosaic panel depicting insects and animals, by artist Bronwyn Findlay.Playful sculptures of animals by artist Winston Luthuli are waiting to be discovered between the plants and under the climbing structure.

The Sensory Garden (Horticultural Therapy) and Occupational Therapy Garden will provide an outdoor venue for the therapy programmes offered by the hospital. Horticultural therapy gives a child the opportunity to actively participate in the cycle of nature and to substitute his/her role as patient with the role of care-giver, through activities such as planting, re-potting, weeding, pruning and‘harvesting’. These activities reduce boredom and stress, resulting in happier children that recover faster. The three raised planters in the Sensory Garden will allow children (standing or in wheelchairs) to easily touch, smell and harvest the plant material, which have been carefully selected for their sensory properties. Herbs and vegetables can be washed at a work bench which also provide storage space for gardening tools. The small seating area with tables and chairs can facilitate structured activities and informal meetings.

The design of the Occupational Therapy Garden can accommodate different types of psychological and physical therapies. The design aims to provide for a broad range of functional requirements and to appeal visually to children,in order to motivate them to take part in their prescribed therapy. Therapeutic elements in this space include a sand-pit, water-play-basin, rubberized tri-cycle track, ride-on toys and an arti fi cial lawn area where physical therapy equipment can be placed outdoors. A small seating area can be used for informal meetings and therapy sessions.

Internal Courtyard Gardens

The 5 internal landscaped courtyards form the ‘green heart’ of the hospital and will ensure that every patient, visitor and staff member will be exposed to as much greenery and natural light as possible. The courtyards have been grouped into 3 active – and 2 passive healing courtyard gardens and the design for each space has been in fl uenced by the nature of the surrounding hospital functions.

The Day - , Play - and Family Gardens are active courtyard gardens on the ground floor level and will mostly serve as outdoor waiting and activity areas for day visitors. In-patients who are well enough, will also be encouraged to visit the courtyard gardens with their family or care-givers.

The Day garden is a small courtyard garden close to the reception area. Visitors are drawn to this courtyard by a life-sized, interactive sculpture of a toy train, by artist Mary Sibande. The sculpture is placed on a timber deck surrounded by densely planted trees which will provide shade when mature. Timber benches and colourful tables with chairs provide seating.

The Play Garden (situated opposite the Day Garden) is divided into a lower terrace over natural ground and an upper terrace constructed over slab.The timber decking and forest like planting of the Day garden is continued on the lower terrace,while the upper terrace is a multi-functional activity space, framed by fl owering planting and covered by a rubberized play surface. A raised interactive water element, allows children to sail paper boats and to touch the shallow layer of water and underlying contoured sandstone surface. The largest element in the space is called the Tree House, as it features a seating platform that is reached by a ladder,monkey-bars and a basket-swing. An oversized Umlabalaba game board has been incorporated into the rubberized floor and the play pieces are made from cast polyurethane and wood. Children can draw and write on the colourful chalkboard structure named The Caterpillar and play with the abacus made from skateboard wheels. Movable seats in the shape of petals and circles can be moved around to create images and patterns that can be viewed from the fi rst fl oor windows.

19 治疗花园1Healing Garden 1

20 治疗花园——芦苇幕帘Healing Garden—Reed screen

The Family Garden at the far end of the Central Spine, is also divided into a lower - and an upper area and framed by fl owering planting. The floor surface is covered by rubberized flooring and colourful mosaic tiles. Visitors are welcomed to the upper terrace by a ‘monster’ embedded in the rubberized floor surface. The image of this monster was inspired by a clay artwork, created by a child during a workshop facilitated by the Children’s Fund. Benches tiled with colourful mosaic tiles, loose furniture and shade canopies create a comfortable experience for patients and visitors. Tucked into the far corner, a timber clad structure called The Chatroom features three colourful conversation amp; reading spaces for children. The Story Screen is a sculptural trellis structure placed along the northern edge of the space. Small vignettes (laser cut from mild steel)have been inserted into the circular components of the screen, to provide many moments of discovery and delight. The images depicted in the vignettes were created during a workshop with children amp;20 local artists, facilitated by The Coloured Cube in partnership with Assemblage.

21 沉静花园Quiet Garden

22 沉静花园——叶型幕帘Quiet Garden —Leaf Screen

The Healing - and Quiet Gardens are passive courtyard gardens, situated on the lower ground floor level next to the surgical theatres and the intensive care wards. The purpose of these spaces is to provide a peaceful amp; restorative environment,where family members can experience a reprieve from their stressful circumstances.

In an attempt to reconnect the occupants of the garden with nature, every surface and element were selected for its visual and sensory qualities.The gardens are framed by a dense buffer of evergreen planting, which provides a sense of privacy and security to the occupants of both the garden and the surrounding intensive care wards.A sculptural steel trellis placed along the length of each courtyard, adds interest when viewed from the building and also creates a permeable backdrop for a row of comfortable benches.

Leaf-shaped reflection ponds and deciduous trees are arranged on a light sandstone gravel fl oor surface. Water contained in leaf-shaped troughs,re fl ects the sun and shimmer through the dappled tree canopy when viewed from the upper floors.When mature, the trees will provide a ‘green roof’for the courtyard and will also bring nature to the occupants of the fl oors above.

The Quiet Garden is the most secluded courtyard and aims to provide a retreat for family members in need of quiet time in a natural setting.Displayed on one of the courtyard walls, are six mosaic panels by the Soweto Art Ladies Mosaic Co-op. The artworks depict ‘paper prayers’ created by children during a workshop facilitated by the Children’s Fund. Family members can hang their own paper prayers from the branches of the trees,to further facilitate emotional healing.


The purpose of these therapeutic garden spaces is to provide relief from the stress and emotional trauma of the hospital environment.We hope that the garden spaces will be inviting to children and that the experience will bring them many moments of joy. Our aim was to create a landscape that would aid in the convalescence of the children and that would provide welcoming,supportive spaces for visitors and members of staff. As a tribute to the life of Nelson Mandela, the intention of this project (from conceptualisation to completion) has been to serve the children of South Africa.

Project Information:

Location: Parktown, Johannesburg, Gauteng Province,South Africa

Client: Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital Trust

Landscape area: 22000 m²

Project Team:

Landscape Architect: GREENinc Landscape Architecture

Planting Design: Dr. Erika van den Berg - Landscape Architect

Architect: Sheppard Robson International, GAPP Architects and Urban Designers, John Cooper and Ruben Reddy Architects

Main Contractor: Group Five

Landscape Contractors:

Landscape sub-contractor: Life Landscapes

Play Structures: Truestyle Hard Landscaping Solutions

Steel Screens: Spiral Engineering


Design amp; Documentation: June 2015—March 2016

Landscape sub-contract: August 2015—October 2016

Direct contracts: Play Structures, Steel Screens amp; Landscape Art: July 2016—December 2016

Project completion: December 2016

Contributors to the Landscape:

Art in the Landscape:

Art Curator: Bongi Dhlomo

Project Manager for art installation: Bié Venter

Exterior Landscape:

Animal sculptures: Winston Luthuli

Sensory Garden Interactive water feature:

Usha Seejarim in collaboration with Bronwyn Findlay

Mosaic panels: Bronwyn Findlay

Interior Landscape:

Interactive train: Mary Sibande (manufactured by Alan Epstein)

Umlabalaba play piecesamp; Abacus pieces: The Coloured Cube

Movable flower shaped seating: Spitfire Furniture amp; Design

Story Screen steel vignettes: The Coloured Cube in partnership with Assemblage

Paper Prayer mosaic panels: Soweto Art Ladies Mosaic Co-op.

Wayfinding Signage:

Vincent Truter—Creative Direction and Wayfinding Strategy Carina Comrie—Creative Direction and Graphic Design

Lou Louw—Project and Production Management Jenny Hattingh—DTP

Design Coordinator: Michelle Foster - Blackbird Design

Translator: LI Jing, HU Yi-ke

Proofreader: TANG Yu-wei

23 治疗花园2Healing Garden 2

The Landscape of the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital

GREENinc Landscape Architecture

