Erratum to“A systematic review of active video games on rehabilitative outcomes among older patients”[J Sport Health Sci 6(2017)33–43]


Journal of Sport and Health Science 2017年2期

Available online 8 May 2017

Erratum to“A systematic review of active video games on rehabilitative outcomes among older patients”[J Sport Health Sci 6(2017)33–43]

Available online 8 May 2017

This is an erratum to our published paper entitled“A systematic review of active video games on rehabilitative outcomes among older patients”.1

In the paper mentioned above,there are some errors that we want to clear in this erratum.The details are as follows:

In the footnote of Table 2,the abbreviations“4MWT=4 min walk test”should be corrected as“4MWT=4 m walk test”, and“10MWT=10 min walk test”should be corrected as“10MWT=10 m walk test”.

The editorial of fice would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.


1.Zeng N,Pope Z,Lee JE,Gao Z.A systematic review of active video games on rehabilitative outcomes among older patients.J Sport Health Sci2017;6:33–43.

Peer review under responsibility of Shanghai University of Sport.

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