Jack Ma:World should focus more on small businesses, young people
阿里巴巴创始人、董事长马云表示,世界应该确保小企业和发展中国家受益于全球化,并为年轻人提供参与全球事务的机会。马云在纽约举行的彭博全球商业论坛上表示,世界过去主要是支持2 0%的大公司,而这种情况必须改变。他表示,在全球创造一个更包容、更可持续、更健康的环境的努力中,发展中国家应该得到更多的关注。在演讲中,马云特别强调了对年轻人的教育进行改革,以使他们为数据技术时代做准备。他称,科技已经摧毁许多工作岗位,但与此同时也带来了很多机会,世界各国应该使“孩子们变得非常有创新精神和创造力,这样孩子们就能抓住这些机会”。
The world should make sure small businesses and developing countries benefit from globalization and offer young people opportunities to be involved in global issues, said Jack Ma, founder and chairman of China’s online retail giant Alibaba. Ma said at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum held in New York City on September 20 that the world used to focus on supporting 20 percent of the big companies and that the situation has to change. Developing countries also deserve more attention in the global efforts of creating a more inclusive, sustainable, and healthy environment, he added. In his speech, Ma placed special emphasis on reforming education for young people in order to prepare them for the era of data technology. He said that technology has destroyed many jobs but at the same time brought a lot of opportunities.Countries around the world should teach the “kids to be very innovative, very creative” so that the kids will seize those opportunities, he added.
Bilingual Chinese Classical Novels Published
经过1 0年的不懈努力,上海外语教育出版社最近出版了整套中英对照版的中国四大名著:《红楼梦》《三国演义》《西游记》《水浒传》。这套由上海外语教育出版社出版、许多全球知名译者参与打磨的新版本,让公众为之惊叹。由约翰·登特·杨和亚历克斯·登特·杨父子二人翻译的《水浒传》最先于2 0 1 1年出版,随后出版的是英国汉学家大卫·霍克思、约翰·闵福德完成的《红楼梦》,以及由美国芝加哥大学艺术与科学学院院士余国藩翻译的《西游记》。
A new Chinese-English edition of the four classics of Chinese literature was recently published by a Shanghai publishing house after ten years of persistent efforts.The four great classical novels include The Story of the Stone, The Three Kingdoms, The Journey to the West, and The Marshes of Mount Liang. The new editions published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press thrilled the public, as many world renowned translators had devoted themselves to the project.The Marshes of Mount Liang translated by John and Alex Deng-Young was fi rst published in 2011, followed by The Story of the Stone by British sinologists David Hawks and John Minford, and The Journey to the West by Anthony C. Yu, a scholar of literature at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences(AAAS) and the University of Chicago.
Southeast Asia Top Choice for Chinese Outbound Tourists During Holiday
中国旅游研究院数据显示,东南亚仍然是中国人国庆长假出境游的首选地。该研究院的监控数据显示,泰国、新加坡、越南、马来西亚、印尼和菲律宾位居国人“十一”黄金周期间出境游的前十大热门目的地之列。研究院院长戴斌表示,约有4 5%的游客选择东南亚国家。他将这一热潮归因于中国与东南部邻国之间的航班数量迅速增加,以及东南亚国家对中国游客利好的签证政策。
Southeast Asian countries remain top destinations for Chinese outbound tourists during the National Day holiday, according to the China Tourism Academy. Monitoring data from the academy showed that Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines are among the 10 most popular destinations for outbound travelers during the holiday from Oct. 1 to 8.Over 45 percent of the travelers chose Southeast Asian countries, said Dai Bin, head of the academy. He attributed the boom to a rapidly increasing number of flights between China and its southeastern neighbors and the latter’s favorable visa policies for Chinese tourists.