

中学生英语·中考指导版 2017年10期


Theres no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. In fact, some cat behaviors that puzzle, strange or even offend1 people are a cats ways of expressing its affection.


1. Cat Purrs2 发出咕噜声

Cats purr can mean a variety of things, from delight to expressions of concern. And kitty purrs range from soft to mack truck loud. When your cat purrs in your presence, you can be sure shes expressing her love for you.


2. Cat Rolling 翻滚

When kitty throws himself on the ground at your feet, and rolls around, consider this a lov ing greeting and a request for attention. Presenting the tummy3 in this way, the cat is in a vulnerable4 posture. So cats generally reserve the rolling around for people they truly love.


3. Cat Bunting5 碰触

When a cat cheek rubs you, head bumps your face, or pushes against you, he leaves his scented6 signature. These behaviors, are expressions of affection cats display to other cats, dogs and their most favorite people.


4. Cat Scratching7 抓挠

Cat scratching leaves both scented and visual marks of ownership. Pay attention to where your cat scratches the most. The areas most important to kitty often are related to those places associated with the owner, like a favorite chair where you sit.


5. Cat Kneading8 揉踩

Kneading behaviors—front paw treading on soft surfaces happen when theyre feeling most relaxed and content, and thats often when being petted on the owners lap. Kneading is an obvious expression of adoration9.


6. Cat Gifting 馈赠礼物

Hunter cats that catch everything from toys to bugs, mice or frogs, often share them with those they love. Kitties who present you with the gifts deserve praise. They wouldnt bring these special gifts if they didnt love you.


7. Cat Playing 玩耍

Kittens play out of pure enjoyment, and many never outgrow playtime. Some cats may actually control the interaction of petting by moving just out of reach—so you must go to them.endprint


8. Cat Sleeping 睡觉

As sleep champs, felines10 typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. Because they are most vulner able during sleep, the place your cat chooses to sleep must be in a secure and trusted location. There is no greater loving compliment than a cat choosing your lap for a favorite sleep spot.


9. Cat Eyes 眼睛

A kittys eyes are very large—if humans eyes were the same proportion11, our eyes would be eight inches across!As such, cat eyes are important for survival, yet extremely vulnerable. Cats that place their faces and wide open eyes near a human express great trust and love.


10. Cat Tails 尾巴

Cats also signal their love when they approach you with the tail held straight up, and the end slightly tipped over. Kittens use this to greet their mother—and adult cats continue to treat their favorite humans like a beloved mom, with tails flagged high in respect.


11. Cat Meowing12 喵喵叫

Cats rarely meow at other cats. Kitty uses these specifically to interact with her people. Do you make a point to talk with those you dislike? Neither do cats!Even when kitty pesters13 you with lots of meows, shes interacting with you out of love.


12. Cat Grooming14 梳洗打扮

Cats spend an enormous amount of time self grooming. They also groom each other, but shared grooming behaviors only happen between friendly cats. Kitties that groom their human by licking your skin or hair, or even nibbling or sucking on your clothing, indicates great affection. This spreads familiar scent and helps mark you as an important part of her family group.


13. Cat Butts15 嗅屁股

Cats offer it to only their most trusted, beloved people. When your cat jumps on your lap and presents her tail in your face, the invitation is obvious—not that you need to sniff16. Because kitties identify each other by scent, butt sniffing is like giving someone a very personal handshake.



1. offend [ ] vt. 冒犯;使……不愉快

2. purr [ ] vt. 发出喉音 3. tummy [ ] n. 肚子

4. vulnerable [ ] adj. 易受攻击的;易受伤害的;有弱点的

5. bunt [ ] vt. 顶撞

6. scent [ ] n. 气味;嗅觉 vt. 闻到;发觉;使充满……的气味

7. scratch [ ] vt. 抓;刮;挠 8. knead [ ] vt. 揉合,揉捏;按摩

9. adoration [ ] n. 崇拜;爱慕 10. feline [ ] n. 猫科动物 adj. 猫科的

11. proportion [ ] n. 比例 12. meow [ ] vi. 猫叫

13. pester [ ] vt. 纠缠,烦扰 14. groom [ ] vt. 整饰 vi. 打扮

15. butt [ ] n. 屁股vt. 碰撞 16. sniff [ ] v. 嗅endprint

