Iris Chang (March 28, 1968~November 9, 2004), a famous Chinese-American female writer, historian1 and freelance2, is best known for her history master-piece: The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust3 of World War II. She was born in Princeton, New Jersey and raised in Illinois. After brief stints4 at the Associated Press and the Chicago Tribune, she got a masters degree at Johns Hopkins University. Since then, she started her career as an author and lecturer. On November 9, 2004, Chang was found kill herself in her own car in California.
Iris Chang is good at using unique ways to ex-pose the unknown history of China and the Ameri-canese in her works, such as the Hsue-Shen Tsien (or Qian Xuesen), Nanking Massacre, American-born Chinese, which also become the important his-torical resources. However, there is one masterpiece deserving to be mentioned, that is The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. 张纯如擅用独特的手法在作品中揭示鲜为人知的中国历史和美国华人史,其作品如《钱学森传》《南京大屠杀》《华人在美国》等也成为了重要的史料。然而,其中最值得一提的是于1997年在美国出版的《南京浩劫:被遗忘的大屠杀》。
It is the first book that has disclosed the a-trocity5 of the Nanking Massacre from different aspects to the whole world. The book has been listed by New York Times as the best seller for three months constantly and has been republished 20 times with half a million copies. Chang chooses to present this dusty, gloomy and bloody history to the public in her own way without any hesitation.
However, her action also attracted various questions, abuses6 and even personal attacks. She had to change her phone number many times, strictly keep her home address and family in privacy and refused to receive any interviews at home. After suffering prolonged7 stress and the bom-bardment8 of public opinion, she developed depression and had to rely on drugs to keep her mood stable. On November 9, 2004, she chose to kill herself. She was only 36 years old when she died.
She holds a strong belief in uncovering the truth of history at the cost of her life. She is just like a hard lilac9 whose fragrance10 will firmly stick to this history forever.