宝琳娜(Paulina Cuevas),是一位来自智利的注册正面管教导师,现在暂居温州。用她的话说,作出这样的选择,“是因为温州的水美,人更美”。
2013年,宝琳娜一只手拎着行李箱,一只手拖着皮划艇来到中国上海工作,在“Shanghai American School”担任心理辅导师。然而全职让她的业余时间受限,加上上海是个超大城市,想要划一趟皮划艇很费时间。无奈之下,宝琳娜从学校辞职,加入中国正面管教协会开启了全世界游走的工作模式。
(本文摄影 蒋 超)
A Chilean Kayaker
in Wenzhou
By Zhou Linzi
Wenzhou is a more beautiful place seen from the angle of view of a kayaker than viewed from the shore. The chemistry between Wenzhou and a Chilean teacher named Paulina Cuevas is also a compelling testimony of the citys success in the implementation of the ‘water governance act. “I chose Wenzhou as my second leg in China because of its beautiful scenery and friendly people,” enthuses Cuevas.
Paulina Cuevas, a registered trainer with Positive Discipline Association - an international organization that promotes and encourages the development of life skills and respectful relationships in families, schools, businesses and community, is sharing with the citys female kayaking community how kayaking can foster a better character and spread positive energy.endprint
Paulina, now 46, is one of the first kayaking enthusiasts in Chile. “I fell in love with kayaking when I was at college,” Paulina recalled, “I made a lot of like-minded friends through kayaking, and it changed my life considerably.”
“We started from get-togethers at weekends, camping and kayaking across Chile. Later we ventured out to have fun outside Chile, in North America and Europe. You see a whole different world when you are paddling across water. Believe me, it is a brand new vision,” Paulina said with excitement and the innocence of a child, as if immersed in fond memories of the worlds most beautiful thing.
Ouyang Yanli is the first kayaking enthusiast Paulina got to know in Wenzhou. The two organized a kayaking program for beginners to try the thrill during this years Womens Day. “I hope all participants can find a new self through such a program. Women cease to be the weaker sex after confidence and courage is restored. Women have much more potentials than being a wife and a mother. Be brave, and be yourself.”
Paulina landed in Shanghai with a luggage case and her kayak in 2013, and started her full-time job at the Shanghai American School. Soon she realized it was almost impossible for her to enjoy kayaking the way she used to be while working full time in such a fast-paced city. She resigned from the school and joined China Positive Discipline Association for more flexibility of working hours.
“Finally I had the time to resume kayaking, but where to find the other kayakers? Kayaking is intended to be a ‘group sport, and in the case of what we call ‘whitewater rapids, it is dangerous not to have someone around.”
Chuck is the first American friend Paulina made in Wenzhou. “The citys Nanxi River, only about one hours drive from downtown Wenzhou, is an ideal place to enjoy the thrill of whitewater kayaking,” Chuck recommended.
When Paulina first came to Wenzhou, the city had finished the first stage of a comprehensive waterway cleanup. She couldnt wait to set off exploring the citys waterway network with two kayaking friends, and very soon she found a local community of kayakers and found she could go kayaking not only on Nanxi River but also in many rivers around Wenzhou.
The hospitality of the locals and the enthusiasm of her new kayaking friends also impressed Paulina. “They treated me like I am a member of their family. I feel the craze about kayaking in every one of them, and I decided to stay.”
She needed to leave Wenzhou for a short while. Before leaving, Paulina paid a whole years rent of an apartment in Lyupu where she decided to stay when she came back. “You must be crazy,” her friend Joe advised her to think twice. “Maybe I am, but I know this is the place I want to stay and thats all I need to know.”
“Moving across water, I feel I am drifting into a whole new world where a new life is unfolding.”endprint