孙 莹 崔 静
(中国海洋大学管理学院,山东青岛 266100)
孙 莹 崔 静
(中国海洋大学管理学院,山东青岛 266100)
一、引 言
表1 僵尸企业识别方法
表2 僵尸企业结果统计表
选取2007—2015年间非金融行业上市公司,全部数据来源于国泰安数据库。经处理后,2007—2015年上市公司样本数量(家)分别为1 617、1 671、1 817、2 167、2 398、2 525、2 683、2 868。
图1 僵尸企业数量趋势图
表3 2015年僵尸企业排名前16的行业
表4 变量定义表
对自变量的正态分布检验采用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验(以下简称为K-S 检验),来验证变量是否符合正态分布。僵尸企业前3年样本数据正态分布检验结果显示,2014年、2013年和2012年14个解释变量的P值均小于0.05,拒绝原假设,即14个财务分析指标均不服从正态分布,这与大多数学者的研究结果一致。因此,使用非参数检验的方法。选取独立样本的Mann-Whitney U(曼-惠特尼U检验),僵尸企业前3年的U检验结果显示,2014年14个解释变量概率P值均小于0.05,拒绝原假设,两组指标存在显著性差异,通过检验;2013年14个解释变量概率P值均小于0.05,拒绝原假设,两组指标存在显著性差异,通过检验;2012年解释变量X1现金流利息保障倍数和X12营运指数的概率P值分别为0.143和0.238,大于0.05,接受原假设,说明X1(现金流利息保障倍数)和X12(营运指数)两个指标不存在显著性差异,在回归分析时剔除,其他解释变量概率P值均小于0.05,拒绝原假设,两组指标存在显著性差异,通过检验。
表5 均值比较表
通过显著性检验,2012年12个解释变量通过了显著性检验,2013年和2014年14个指标均通过显著性检验。通过相关检验可知,14个变量之间存在很高线性相关性,由于Logistic回归模型假设变量之间不能存在共线性,因此采用因子分析法。因子分析不仅能够解决变量之间的线性相关性,并且能够降维,将原来的14个解释变量抽象出其共同特征,综合成少数几个因子,代替原有变量参与模型的建立,大幅度减少运算分析过程。KMO 检验和 Bartlett 球形检验结果得出:KMO 值为 0.713,Bartlett 球形检验显著性为0.000,非常显著。通过主成分分析提取了7个因子,累计贡献率为83.867%。
表6 t-1年因子得分系数矩
表7 t-1年Logistic 回归系数估计值及显著性检验结果
从表7可知,因子1、因子2、因子7在0.01的显著性水平下通过检验,因子3在0.05的显著水平下通过检验。由此可见,僵尸企业和非僵尸企业在偿债能力、盈利能力、获现能力和发展能力上与僵尸企业有明显区别,可通过这几个指标实现僵尸企业的预警。得到2014年的Logistic 回归方程:
表8中Hosmer 和 Lemeshow 是拟合统计量,原假设方程对数据拟合良好。本次拟合优度测试结果P指为0.999,显著大于0.05,接受原假设,表明Logistic 回归方程是合适的。
表8 H-L拟合优度检验
将之前挑选出的50对检验样本带入2014年Logistic 回归方程,得到回判结果如表9所示。
表9 Logistic 回归模型在僵尸企业t-1年的判定结果
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/HUANG Chengwei, et al
(The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, Beijing 100028,China)
The multidimensional property of poverty determines that the main body and means for poverty governance should be diverse. Based on the five ways of alleviating poverty, the idea of targeted poverty alleviation realizes the requirement of project arrangements and verifies the multidimensional poverty governance theory. Literature analysis demonstrates that the idea of “five ways of alleviating poverty” is on the basis of multidimensional poverty theory, environmental determinism, governance theory and endogenous development theory, which embodies the accuracy and targetable feature of public strategies. Such idea also has high theory value and conforms to the requirements of “Four-Comprehensiveness“ and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In terms of Lankao, the idea of “five ways of alleviating poverty” and micro situation variable are effectively combined with each other, which results in maximum output of public strategies. Finally, Lankao is alleviated from poverty.
five ways of alleviating poverty; targeted poverty alleviation; multidimensional poverty governance; Lankao
/ZUO Ting, et al
(College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100089, China)
Abstract: The innovation of anti-poverty governance system is not only for the livelihood improvement of the underprivileged, but also for the innovation of the national governance system. China’s anti-poverty governance changes from temporary, project-oriented governance to institutional governance. In order to improve the performance of anti-poverty, Chinese government has made numerous innovations in the governance of anti-poverty system. Four innovations are of great significance to the national governance system. The first one is the moving-down governance center. The second one is the formation of collaborative governance framework. The third one is the involvement of different stakeholders, including the underprivileged, community organizations, cooperatives, the third party organizations and business entities. The last one is the diversification of governance instruments, measures and tools. Diversified governance instruments are implemented and are combined with time and space. At the same time, there are still some potentials to be explored and improved, such as the improvement of autonomous ability of administrative village, the sustainability and replicability of the innovation system, the improvement of endogenous power,the balance between commercial interests and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and the perfection of policy implement.
Keywords: anti-poverty governance system; downward governance; collaborative governance; participatory governance; diversification of governance instruments
/LI Xiaoming
(School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: The paper takes the common SW village in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project’s external migrant resettlement area for example to explore the way of targeted poverty alleviation in reservoir region migrants, the results show that the key to poverty alleviation is the capital transfer. First, it is embodied in that the migrants’ secondary poverty and interventional poverty problems cannot be solved at the beginning of the movement because of coexistence of living exchange subsystem vulnerability and livelihood fracture caused by the blocked transfer way of capital. Second, the key to SW new village’s targeted poverty alleviation for eight years is the reconstruction of the capital transfer path due to efforts made by many sides. That is, breaking the traditional agricultural path dependence by natural exchange upgrading, providing market conversion conditions by the government to make human capital and natural capital transfer to material capital available, excavating the advantage culture capital of migrants’ traditional culture, breaking the segregation system by well-running capital transfer activity and forming a virtuous circle of micro and macro interaction.
Keywords: reservoir region migrants; targeted poverty alleviation; capital transfer; fracture and reconstruction
/ZHENG Ruiqiang
(Economy and Management College, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China)
Abstract: The improvement of poverty exit mechanism may help reconstruct poverty alleviation and development business process, improve living capacity of poverty alleviation subjects and optimize poverty alleviation governance. The paper comprehensively studies the operation characteristics of poverty exit mechanism, such as focusing on poverty alleviation and development system to improve the efficiency of poverty alleviation resources, highlighting the diversity of the main subjetcs involved in poverty alleviation and the creation of governance mechanisms and emphasizing the use of modern information technology and new management model innovation in poverty exit mechanism. Then it analyzes the practical difficulties in poverty exit as follows: The standard of poverty exit is rigid and fails to measure in a scientific way; The understanding divergence makes the idea of “procedure legitimacy is reasonable” be available; The positive incentives in poverty alleviation is ineffective. Finally, it makes the following suggestions: taking strict targeted measures in poverty alleviation, improving index system of poverty exit, focusing on strict exit procedures of poor household and poor villages, paying attention to the appraisal of poverty exit work, enhancing publicity education on poverty exit, combing spiritual poverty alleviation with material poverty alleviation, relating positive stimulation with negative stimulation, providing support guarantee for poverty exit work, innovating support polity and developing sustainable ability of the living of the subjects.
Keywords: poverty exit; policy implication; operational characteristics; practical dilemma; improving strategy
/HUANG Ju, et al
(School of Marxism, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
Abstract: People have the dual attributes of nature and society. The extension and externalization of human social dimension is manifested in the form of community. The community has become the focal point of philosophy due to its close connection with people. Based on ethics, faith, a priori multi-dimensional degree of discussion, it is possible for Western philosophy to form the city community, the community of beliefs, the contract community, a priori rational community, the community of love and other major community thinking. The common feature of the traditional community is to understand the community in an abstract and intuitive way and the understanding of the community is introduced to the abstract field. Through criticizing the abstract limitations of the traditional community thought, Marx holds that social relations are the fundamental link to maintain the common life and the union of the free people is the development direction of the community. Thus, it is possible to bring about the revolutionary change on the core issues related with the premise of the community and the foundation, the relationship among internal members and the development direction.
Keywords: Marx;community thought;practice;abstract
/SHAN Lianchun, et al
(School of Marxism, Hohai Universtity, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: The revolutionary change of Marxism philosophy is developed in the practice of constant struggle. The issue of “material interests” is the harassing problem to Marx because his early idealism thought keeps conflict with objective reality. It is the period of 1844 Economic Philosophy Manuscript (called Manuscript) that Marx’ philosophical thought undergoes a revolutionary change on the basis of the study of economics. In the Manuscript, Marx introduces human practice to philosophical criticism and realizes the transformation of philosophy from conceptual ontology to practical ontology. Marx holds that material production plays decisive role in and thus makes revolutionary transformation on historical idealism by means of historical materialism. Based on the new interpretation of alienated labor, Marx scientifically predicts the inevitability of the realization of the proletariat’s communism ideals. Therefore, in the new era, to keep on developing Marxism, it is necessary to understand the internal logic of the transformation of Marx’s philosophical thought.
Keywords: Marxism philosophy; revolutionary change; material interests
/YU Dahuai, et al
(Research Base of Socialism Theoretical System with Chinese Characteristics, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: Based on the follow-up studies of “China experience”, the paper discusses three important cognitive elements, namely, decisive elements, descriptive elements and evaluative elements. In general, the follow-up studies of “Chinese experience” should find the decisive factors in economic and social development, realize the descriptive elements in humanistic concern and complete the evaluation factors in the history of social development. At the same time, the interaction and impact of the three elements determine the research aspect and research quality of the “Chinese experience”.
Keywords: China experience; values; capital; happiness
/PAN Gege, et al
(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: The idea of shared development is an important part of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the latest theoretical achievements arising from the exploration of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The idea of shared development fits into the demands of the times of social development, scientifically interprets the purpose, the subjects and the benefits of the development achievements. The idea of shared development is people-oriented and further stresses the people-oriented nature of shared development. Such idea is of great theoretical significance to build a well-off society. It helps to improve the social equity mechanism, provides system for building a well-off society and makes the ultimate realization of the free and comprehensive development of human beings available.
Keywords: sharing;development idea; historical implication
/WANG Jigan, et al
(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: The confirmation and allocation of initial carbon dioxide emissions are the preconditions of carbon emissions trading market. Based on the harmony theory,three pairs of equilibriums namely supply-demand equilibrium, regional-industry equilibrium and equity-efficiency equilibrium are considered. The connotation and thinking of harmonious allocation for initial carbon dioxide emissions are analyzed. The harmonious allocation methods and theoretical frame of initial carbon dioxide are put forward. Firstly,Based on carbon emissions control target, scenario analysis theory and interval mathematics theory, the pre-allocation model of initial carbon dioxide emissions is set up to get preconfigured plan. Secondly, to evaluate the harmonious degree of the preconfigured plan, the harmonious evaluation model is established. Thirdly, on the basis of improving preconfigured plan failed to pass the harmonious evaluation, the harmonious evolution model is obtained.
Keywords: initial carbon dioxide emissions; supply-demand;regional-industry; equity-efficiency;harmonious allocation
/LIU Liang
(Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract: Finance is the core of modern economy and promoting the industry innovation through finance is one of the important contents of the strategy of China’s“developing the country through science and education”. This paper discusses the theory and mechanism of promoting industry innovation development through finance from the perspective of cross-regional capital investment effect, resource allocation discrimination effect, growth span effect and industrial innovation development effect. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the present situation of the Yangtze economic zone including cross-regional industry development through finance, hierarchical development of regional financial center construction and cross-regional industry coordination development, this paper puts forward the strategic idea of promoting the coordination development of industrial innovation in the Yangtze economic zone on the basis of coordination development of financial center construction.
Keywords: the Yangtze Economic Zone; finance; industry; coordination development
/LIU Jun, et al
(China Institute of Manufacturing Development, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China)
Abstract: Identifying the key factors that have impact on air pollution can provide a scientific basis for the rational formulation and effective implementation of air pollution policies in China. This paper uses panel data of 119 prefecture-level cities from 2012-2015 to study the influential factors of air pollution with the spatial dynamic panel data model. The results show that there are significant spatial spillovers and dynamic effects in the spatial dimension and time dimension of urban air pollution in China. There is a significant inverted “U” relationship between air pollution and economic development, which verifies the existence of Environmental Kuznets Curve. The industrial structure measured by the second industry of GDP and the increasing density of the population significantly aggravates the urban air pollution. Technological advances and urban greening may improve the pollution, while the investment of governing air pollution in urban environment is not significant. According to the above findings, this paper makes the corresponding policy suggestions for improving urban air pollution at last.
Keywords: air pollution; influential factors; AQI
/TANG Zhen,et al
(Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
Abstract: Based on the value co-creation theory, the paper makes intensive study of using customer community to co-innovate between firms and customers. On the basis of value chain model and value co-creation theory, this paper firstly constructs conceptual framework for innovative customer community. Then, it proposes theoretical propositions of developing innovative customer community by analyzing existing literatures. Thirdly, it verifies the propositions by taking Cspaces and its customer community as research subjects. Finally, it reconstructs value chain model for innovative pattern of customer community.
Keywords: customer community; value co-creation theory; value chain model; innovation mode
/QI Xiaoming, et al
(College of Humanities and Social Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)
Abstract: The traditional rural community is mainly dominated by government, adopting top-down and exogenous development, and often ignores the community's internal capacity construction. In fact, community capacity construction may have an impact on community development and the well-being of rural residents. The paper takes the southwest of Anhui rural areas for example and analyzes the relationship between rural community and rural residents’ well-being on the basis of factor analysis and ordinal regression model. It is found that at the present stage in Southwest Anhui the well-being of rural residents in general is at the middle level. Rural community ability factors include rural community organization ability, rural community autonomy ability and the ability of rural community to cultivate internal social capital and external social capital. Rural community autonomy has the most positive impact on the well-being of rural residents, the ability of the community to cultivate internal social capital follows and the impact of community organizational capacity is the minimal. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to vigorously promote the villagers’ autonomy, cultivate the social capital of rural communities, especially good interpersonal trust and neighborhood mutual assistance and further improve the organization and management capabilities of existing organizations in rural communities.
Keywords: community capacity; rural area; well-being; rural residents; community
/SUN Ying,et al
(School of Management,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100, China)
(责任编辑:高 虹)
Abstract: Zombie company problem has become a hot topic in recent years,but there is no consensus on the identification of zombies in academic circles. Identify zombie company is the first step to solve zombie company problems and early warning is the fundamental solution to avoiding the emergence of zombie company. Based on the long-term evolution characteristics of zombie enterprises, the paper proposes zombie enterprises’ identification method that conforms to China’s reality, combining with China’s national conditions and taking bank subsidies and government subsidies into consideration. Then it establishes early warning model of zombie enterprises from the perspective of finance. Built on the analysis of three-year early warning model, it is found that the ratio of total cash liabilities, cash flow liabilities, net profit margin of total assets, net profit margin of current assets, net profit per share after deducting non-recurring gains and losses have stable forecasting effect, which can realize the warning of zombie enterprises. It provides theoretical basis for enterprises to detect crises in advance and take measures on time.
Keywords: zombie company;recognition methods;financial warning