Raining Petals at the Wedding


Special Focus 2017年10期

By Peng Chunxia Translation: Yu Lan

Raining Petals at the Wedding

By Peng Chunxia Translation: Yu Lan

W ang Qian, the owner of a flower shop,once attended the wedding ceremony of a friend.Seeing the falling plastic petals at the site, she couldn’t help but asking the bride: “Isn’t it more romantic to use real petals?”

The bride smiled and said:“It is too expensive. How much more money would be wasted on it!”

This reminded Wang of the flower baskets sent back to the store after events. The leftover flowers and petals were just thrown away. Why not make use of them? She wondered.Collecting the petals of those deserted flowers and selling them to wedding planning companies would not only achieve the dream of real petals raining at weddings but also turn waste into wealth.

Without delay, Wang started to collect all the flowers that were sent back to her store. She found out, however, the petals were not enough. After calculating, she decided to use two thousand yuan per year, purchasing used flowers from ten other flower shops.

Together with her peers, Wang tore off the petals and put them into different bags according to color. There were the light pink petals of China roses, the violet ones from hyacinth, and the burning red petals of roses.Staring at the bags of petals with delightful fragrance, Wang saw her prosperous future.

However, things didn’t go as planned. Instead of bright future,Wang encountered big trouble.

Fresh petals only last a few days, but weddings only happened every few weeks. Large amounts of petals withered and dried out.In order to maintain freshness,Wang had to water these petals frequently. As a result,customers complained that the water-loaded petals were too heavy and fell to the ground immediately, which failed to produce the effect of confetti.Many regular customers stopped purchasing from her store. Two months later, the total loss caused by this service reached ten thousand yuan.













She started to probe ways on solving this problem and came up with a new method: drying the fresh petals. This way, the petals cannot only be preserved longer, but also become lighter.

Wang searched online for the method. With a great amount of petals waiting to be processed, she was anxious for success and decided to dry the petals with dryers and desiccants. However, this method only worked theoretically and failed to bring the desired effect. Some petals were faded and lost shape due to the strong heat, while others failed to dry out completely and continued to decay.

After the experiment, Wang decided to de-prioritize profits and losses aside, and focus on the project. After countless trials, she succeeded with a method of indoor natural withering—turning the fresh petals into dried ones.

These dried petals had a light fragrance and created a romantic atmosphere. Soon, they won people’s hearts. One bride said at her wedding: “When I saw the petals falling down gently, I felt like a princess in a fairy tale.” Wang’s dried petals swept the market with irresistible force.

Then, Wang stopped her fresh flower business and changed the name of her shop to “Petal Shop.”

After researching the market,she found out crafts using dried petals might be a commercial opportunity. Soon, she purchased some delicate bottles and put flowers in them according to the twelve constellations. In the advertisement, a small bottle became a lucky keepsake that would bring happiness and joy. Buying a“Constellation Petal Bottle” soon became a new trend among young people.

Wang decided to seize the opportunity. She soon built her own processing factory which mass produced “Petal Bottles,” and turned her main business from retail to producing and wholesaling.

Wang also started an online wholesale service and registered her own company, producing and selling classic products while also developing new ones. Three months later, new petal tea bags, petal bath bags, and petal masks were launched on the market.

When the 25-year-old girl talked about how she carved out her career, she said: “The number of ways to make use of the petals depends on your wisdom; the amount of wealth you make out of these petals depends on your efforts.” ◆






文/彭春霞 译/于兰

(From Eastern Youth, Issue 6,2017)


