《The Medical Republic》案例分享


中国全科医学 2017年28期

,周海铃(译),黄文静(译),杨 辉(译)

1.3168 Monash University,Melbourne,Australia 2.518003 广东省深圳市,罗湖医院集团黄贝岭社区健康服务中心


《The Medical Republic》案例分享

LeonPiterman1,周海铃(译)2,黄文静(译)2,杨 辉(译)1

1.3168MonashUniversity,Melbourne,Australia2.518003 广东省深圳市,罗湖医院集团黄贝岭社区健康服务中心



PITERMAN L.当临床服务还有其他意思的时候,会让人感到困惑[J]. 周海铃,黄文静,杨辉,译.中国全科医学,2017,20(28):3468-3470.[]

PITERMAN L.When clinical caring becomes confused for something more[J].ZHOU H L,HUANG W J,YANG H,translators.Chinese General Practice,2017,20(28):3468-3470.











译者注:职业关系(professional relationships)——因为某专门工作而形成的人与人之间的关系,如医患关系、师生关系、警民关系、干群关系、上下级关系等。职业关系是人际关系中的一种特定关系,并因职业的性质、特征、应遵从的职业守则和伦理,被赋予特定职业关系的特定范围、边界及行为规范。职业边界(professional boundaries)——医患(护患)关系的重要内容,是肉眼看不到的结构,是关系双方对各自行为的合理性控制。职业边界是法律、伦理、职业标准所决定的,并尊重医生/护士和患者/家属双方权益,以建立起安全的、仅以治疗目的为联系的医患关系,任何一方“越界”都是对尊重和信任的背叛。

志谢:特别感谢原文出版者《The Medical Republic》同意将此文编译后刊登于《中国全科医学》。

Doctors in general,and GPs in particular,form close professional relationships with patients and their families.We share in their joys and we are affected by their sorrows.

However,at all times those relationships need to remain professional,and in instances where boundaries are inappropriately crossed doctors run the risk of suspension from practice,deregistration and,in some cases,may face criminal charges.

Our training prepares us to define those boundaries and to act ethically to avoid circumstances where clinical care is misconstrued for loving,personal care.

Patients and their carers may find themselves vulnerable during times of crisis and may misconstrue the attention that we,as GPs,give in difficult circumstances.

The case of Jane,below,illustrates the difficulties that arise when patients themselves cross boundaries.


Jane was aged 30 and was living with,and caring,for her 65-year-old mother,Louise,who had terminal breast cancer.She was married to Chris,a 35-year-old mining engineer who was often travelling interstate or overseas.They had a three-year-old daughter,Stephanie,who attended a local crèche.

Jane′s parents divorced many years ago and her father had remarried and was living with his family in New Zealand.Jane had no siblings,so was the sole carer,and found herself part of the "sandwich generation" looking after a critically ill mother and a young child.

Louise had been a patient of our clinic for 20 years.The breast cancer was diagnosed eight years earlier and,although apparently eradicated,returned with bone and lung metastases which had not responded to treatment,and she was now in palliative care.

As part of the palliative care team I visited Louise on a weekly basis,prescribed her medications,listened to the difficulties she and Jane were encountering,and offered support and advice.Home visits were made simple as Louise and Jane lived only a few hundred metres from the clinic and were often accompanied by a welcome cup of coffee.Having cared for Louise for such a long time I felt it reasonable to supply my home number in case of emergencies.I was sure this would not be abused.

My car was often parked in an allocated "Doctors Only" space close to the clinic.On a number of occasions,in fact almost every second day,I noted a flower placed under the windscreen wiper of my car.

At first I didn′t think much of this,but given its regularity,I felt I must have a secret admirer.I mentioned this to my colleagues who laughed it off.

Then the phone calls came.At first they were directed to the clinic and would generally happen around midday.The female voice told the receptionist:"Please let Leon know that we will meet for lunch at the usual place … he will know where it is." No identification was offered.

With a wry and suspicious smile,the receptionist informed me about my regular lunch-time date.I found it hard to convince her of my ignorance,or my innocence.These lunch-time dates turned into dinner dates.And then I began to receive calls at home,accompanied by heavy breathing.

When my wife answered the phone the heavy breathing was absent.The calls were so frequent that eventually I had to arrange for Telstra to put diversion mechanisms in place.

Having cared for Louise for such a long time I felt it reasonable to supply my home number in case of emergencies.

I notified the local police who informed me that no crime had been committed so there was little they could do.I notified my Medical Defence Organisation,which offered support and recorded my story.During this time I continued to visit Louise.I became suspicious when I noticed Jane went to some lengths with make-up and stylish clothing for my visits,but it was not until one of our receptionists caught her red-handed placing a flower on my windscreen that the mystery was solved.

I felt insulted,violated and confused and needed advice and counselling.

I also felt that I could no longer care for Louise and was advised my Medical Defence to hand her care over to another doctor in the clinic.

I was concerned for Louise.She was clearly unaware of Jane′s activities and would be concerned that I had abandoned her.However,I had little choice.

A timely holiday break gave me an excuse to hand over her care.Confronting Jane was difficult and I chose to do this by phone.A week later I received a long letter of apology which outlined her confused feelings for me,as well as the difficulties she was experiencing in her marriage in addition to dealing with the imminent death of her mother.Understandably,she felt lost.However,I was not in a position to be her saviour.

There are times when the risks to our professional standing and our future outweigh the need for patient care.This was one of those occasions.

Louise died four weeks later.

Jane subsequently left her husband and moved to New Zealand.I later received a Christmas card from Jane informing me of her new-found love and thanking me for caring for her mother.


General practitioners;Professional relationships;Professional boundaries

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编者按澳大利亚的全科医生具有行业自律性,体现在其自行制定行业标准、自主进行资质考核及自主执业等方面,也体现在《The Medical Republic》这一共享平台上。Leon Piterman是医学学士,医学博士,教育学硕士,英国医生学会会员,澳大利亚全科医生学会会员,Monash University副校长、全科医学教授,从事全科医学临床服务近40年;研究兴趣为慢性病管理、心理健康、医学教育;曾获澳大利亚勋章,医学部医学教育奖,澳大利亚全科医生学会研究奖,香港全科医生学会研究奖等;获多项澳大利亚卫生和医学研究理事会等大型研究项目,发表科学文章和著作章节120余篇,是《全科医学中的精神病学》合作著者。Piterman教授建议我国的全科医生应培养“共和”思想,以为全科医学领域提供更多的平等交流机会。目前Piterman教授定期为《The Medical Republic》撰写文章,本刊深受“医学共和”思想的启发,特邀本刊编委Monash University杨辉教授对Piterman教授的文章进行编译,并进行连载刊登!本期Piterman教授为我们讲述了一例跨越了职业边界患者的案例,职业边界是医患(护患)关系的重要内容,患者在脆弱状态下会对全科医生无微不至的照顾产生误解,而全科医生应具备一定的职业素养,应懂得采用符合职业伦理的行为与患者沟通并保护自己,敬请关注!


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