文欧之韵 Ou Zhiyun 译程贵超 Cheng Guichao
Cultural Exhibition and perfomances from Grassland Promote Mutual Trust and People-to-people Af fi nity Between China and Europe——Report of the Inner Mongolian Art Troupe's Visit to EU Headguartes at Brussels and France
文欧之韵 Ou Zhiyun 译程贵超 Cheng Guichao
演出现场 Scene of the Performance
赵实参观“美丽的内蒙古”民俗风情摄影展 程贵超摄Zhao Shi at the Exhibition Photo by Cheng Guichao
演出现场Scene of the Performance
In the early summer of exuberant woods and blooming flowers, the ancient“Silk Road” has once again rejuvenated at the heart of Europe.Following the full success of the “Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation” held in Beijing, China, the 3rdChina Arts Festival in the EU opened in Brussels, adding another magnificent chapter to the history of the cultural exchanges between China and Europe.
The Festival is co-sponsored by CFLAC, Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the European Union, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of Belgium, Committee of the China Arts Festival in the EU, Europe-China “One Belt One Road”Culture & Tourism Development Committee,organized by the Inner Mongolia Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Inner Mongolia Arts University, Inner Mongolia Photographers Association,EU-Belgium Atlas International Culture Company, Art and Creation Center of Aulnay Sous Bois Ile de France, and has received generous supports from the Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China in Strasbourg, Cultural Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of France, China Cultural Center in Paris, China Cultural Center in Brussels, Brussels Tourism Bureau, Press Club Brussels Europe, and Euro-China Audiovisual Network (Euchan).
At the invitation of the Committee of the China Arts Festival in the EU, CFLAC sent am Inner Mongolian art troupe comprising 43 persons headed by Mr. Zhang Yu, Vice President of Inner Mongolia Federation of Literary and Art Circles to stage distinctive exhibitions and performances for the opening ceremony of the 3rd China Arts Festival in the EU in Brussels, the seat of the EU Headquarters. The group includes such well-known musicians as Burenbayaer, Wurina, Wulantuya,Zhaokejilitu, the young dancer Li Degejing, as well as the excellent teachers and students from the Inner Mongolia Arts University such as Gao Min, Saqieronggui,Jin Nina, Suya and Naqin.
In Brussels and Paris, the group presented two gala performances and two photograph exhibitions under the framework of the 3rdChina Arts Festival in the EU. More than 2,000 people took part in the Festival and enjoyed the performances and exhibitions with enthusiastic applauses and high praises. The events demonstrated the charms of traditional Chinese art and were very well received by the European society. The cultural interaction and mutual trust have therefore been greatly promoted by the Festival.
CFLAC’s Brand Event for Promoting the Interconnection of the Belt-Road Countries
Located at the terminus of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”, Europe is one of the key areas in the Belt-Road Initiative. To strengthen the international, diverse and localized dialogue and cooperation between the Belt-Road countries in the cultural and artistic fields, CFLAC and the Mission of China to the EU, together with overseas partners,have created the platform toadvance the cultural exchanges between China and Europe, to facilitate the mutual visits of the literary and artistic professionals of the two sides, and to push forward the international cultural cooperation between the two great civilizations.
中国-欧盟文化艺术节开幕演出后嘉宾与演员合影程贵超摄The Opening Concert of the China Arts Festival in EU Photo by Cheng Guichao
In the year of 2015 when the 40thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Europe was celebrated, the 1stChinese Cultural Festival was held successfully in Brussels.CFLAC Vice President Mr. Li Qianguang, the Minister of Mission of China to the EU Mr.Zhang Lirong, representative of the China Affairs Office of the European External Action Service, and the President of Press Club Brussels Europe inaugurated the Festival. The exhibitions of Chinese Comics and Photography showcased the development and changes of contemporary China and built up the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples of China and Europe.
In the following year, the Committee of China Arts Festival in the EUwas founded in the EU headquarters, and a normalized mechanism for China-EU cultural and artistic exchanges has thus been initiated. Later in the same year,8 cultural and artistic events of different fields were presented in 4 places of Belgium and Luxemburg under the framework of the 2ndChina Arts Festival in the EU, and classic works and recent achievements of Chinese cultureand art were presented to Europe and even the rest of the world.As an annual event,the Festival aims to display the treasures of Chinese culture, tell the Chinese stories in fine manner, make heard the Chinese voice, and demonstrate the charms and spirits of contemporary China. Meanwhile, the European programs are also presented at the Festival to showcase the diverse and rich contents of European culture.
Over the last two years, the China Arts Festival in the EU has produceda full range of programs, including 6 major categories of exhibitions, performances, video and films, seminars and forums,humanistic exchange events, urban and regional advertisements.
Since its establishment, the China Arts Festival in the EU has received generous supports and cooperation from many important festivals and cultural institutions from both China and Europe. The smooth and orderly communication and collaboration have ensured sound outcome in the presentation of high-level cultural and artistic programs to Europe and also built the festival as a popular brand event in Europe.
Overview of the 3rdChina Arts Festival in the EU
In the evening of May 18, the opening ceremony of the 3rdChina Arts Festival in the EU & “The Sound of Grasslands” Gala Performance of Inner Mongolia China and “The Beautiful Inner Mongolia” Photograph Exhibition were held in Théâtre St. Michel of Brussels. Yang Yanyi, Ambassador of the ChineseMission to the EU Ms. Ms. Zhao Shi, CFLAC Vice President Mr. Ujhelyi Istvan President of Europe-China “One Belt One Road”Culture &Tourism Development Committee, were present and delivered speeches at the events. Over 1200 persons from the EU institutions, diplomatic organs of the foreign countries to the EU and Belgium, international organizations, the EU think tank, the EU and Belgian industrial, commercial and social groups, Chinese institutions, Chinese and foreign media as well asrepresentatives of overseas Chinese participated in the events.
The performing troupe had many well-known artists for the highquality presentation of the charms of Inner Mongolian culture and art. The audience were brought to experience the passionate dances, joyous music, as well as the world and national intangible cultural heritage of Morin-khuur, Long Song and Khoomei. The show included such classic pieces asGalloping Horsesby the morinkhuur ensemble, the popular songThe Green Grassland, long songThe Grey Eagle, khoomei songOde to the Hero, and Mongolian danceBlessings. The unique Mongolian art of distinctive regional features gives expression to the special Chinese charms and presented the contemporary Chinese image of economic growth,national unity, social harmony and happiness of the people. The audience clapped hands to the performing artists every now and then. When the familiar music ofBrusselssounded, the crowds extended their heartfelt thanks with passionate applause and laughter. When the performance came to am end, the audience all stood up and applauded for a long time.
The audience were very delighted to watch such a high-level feast of performance and vigorously exchanged views with one another after the performance. The melodious Long Song, the wondrous techniques of Khoomei singing and the affectionate playing of Morin-khuur brought the audience to the vast grassland of Inner Mongolia and engendered a tangible vision of the harmonious coexistence of the local people and nature. A number of persons claimed that they certainly would visit Inner Mongolia to experience by themselves the sublime views of the grasslands and to rub shoulders with the Mongolian people who are both frank and forthright. They would like to know better of China in the hope of broadening the horizon, and the development of civilizations will thus be promoted in interactions and mutual learning.
On the afternoon of May 21, “The Sound of Grasslands” Gala Performance of Inner Mongolia China under the framework of the Festival was staged in Théâtre du Gymnase Marie-Bell Paris.Present at the event were Mr. Li Shaoping the minister-councilor of the Chinese Embassy in France, Mr. Zhang Yu Head of the Inner Mongolia Art Troupe and Vice President of the Inner Mongolian Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Ms. Xue Ling Deputy Head of the Art Troupe and Deputy Director-General of the International Liaison Department of CFLAC,Mr. Li Yanjun Deputy Head of the Art Troupe and Principal of Inner Mongolia Arts University, Ms.Liu Yujie Founder of the Art and Creation Center of Aulnay Sous Bois, Mr. Sun Shaorong President of the Qingtian Townsman Association, Ms. Ma Lan Executive Vice President of France-China Industrial and Commercial Federation, and Ms. Hou Yuxia President of China-France Art Exchange Association The whole theatre was filled with exciting audience.
The passionate dance ofBlessingsopened the performance. The unique music of Long Song, khoomei, as well as the instrumental music of Sihu, Guzheng and Morin-khuur, apart from the heavenly voice of the male and female singers, won overwhelming praises from the local people and overseas Chinese. The songs of the “My Precious Three” band brought the performance to the climax.
From May 21 to May 22, “The Beautiful Inner Mongolia”Photograph Exhibition of the 3rdChina Arts Festival in the EU was held in the Art and Creation Center of Aulnay Sous Bois.With 80 works created by artists from Inner Mongolia, this exhibition demonstrated the natural scenery, cultural landscape and folk customs of Inner Mongolia. The exhibition presented the achievements in maintaining the local ecological system and reaching the goals of building a peaceful and harmonious society.Moreover, the values were highlighted—the respect for nature, integrity and honesty,and the open prairie culture. Also the cultural exchange was promoted by the event, and the tradition was carried on and further developed.
中国-欧盟文化艺术节开幕演出现场程贵超摄The Opening Concert of the China Arts Festival in EU Photo by Cheng Guichao
Bene fi cial Explorations for the “Go Global” Policy of Chinese Culture
With three years’ explorations and accumulation, the China Arts Festival in the EU has become an important channel for the promotion of the affinity between the two peoples of China and Europe as well as the interaction and dialogue of the two great civilizations.The Festival has not only enriched the China-Europe high-level people-to-people dialogue,but also deepened the mutual trust of the two pouties. It has built an even more solid bridge of friendship and with joint efforts the two parties will build a prosperous,harmonious and happy future.
As a normalized platform, CFLAC and relevant pouties will optimize theevents of the Festival, and set out to continue the efforts for the partnership development for peace,growth, reform and civilization between China and Europe, to further promote the progress of the civilizations of China, Europe and even the whole world, and to make positive contributions to the creation of a community of shared future for mankind.
Meanwhile, the China Arts Festival in the EU has become a brand event for disseminating excellent Chinese culture, and has provided valuable experiences for introducing the Chinese culture to the foreign audiences. Eventually it will add more splendor to our of making the Chinese voice heard and tell ing the Chinese stories in fine manner.