庄慎/ZHUANG Shen
庄慎/ZHUANG Shen
LILI LILI, Jiangsu, China, 2012
1.2 草图/Sketches
To me, sketching is not a medium for communication, but a tool to grasp ideas to facilitate design. Thus, I draw rather quickly, accompanied with my thinking. When the thinking shifted to another direction, drawings ceased or changed accordingly. Instead of a method for polishing and representing, my sketches are more like a graphic device to achieve instant decision. Once fnished, then forgotten. This is also true for the Lili Project.□
3 外景/Exterior view
4.5 内景/Interior views
项目信息/Credits and Data
建筑师/Architects: 庄慎,任皓,唐煜,朱捷/阿科米星建筑设计事务所/ZHUANG Shen, REN Hao, TANG Yu, ZHU Jie/Atelier Archmixing
设计团队/Design Team: 庄慎,田丹妮,杨云樵/ZHUANG Shen, TIAN Danni, YANG Yunqiao
总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 200m2
施工/Main Contractor: 王子奎/WANG Zikui
摄影/Photos: 唐煜/TANG Yu