汤桦/TANG Hua
汤桦/TANG Hua
Riverside Academy & Epigraphy Museum, Guangdong, China, 2017
1 建筑设计初期构思阶段的草图。该项目场地高差复杂,自然植被茂盛,坐拥180°视野的水域景观。我们希望以一种碎片化的最小干预的方式介入场地之中,在尽量不破坏环境的前提下,完成建筑的置入。同时也希望以片墙形成框景的手法来将自然景色引入到建筑中。
2-4 建筑概念及形态基本确定后的草图,对建筑内部的空间及做法的推敲,片墙和中庭拓扑展开,形成流动的空间。虚体空间、景观、实体空间,实现建筑在空间上的榫卯关系。
5 手绘作为一种表达方式。在建筑方案整体确定后重新绘制了建筑立面的表现图。
1 It is the sketch of the preliminary conception at the very beginning of the project . The site is a hillside along the river, with fourish plants and 180-degree water view. We hope to keep the current landscape as much as possible, with the minimum intervention in a fragmented way.In the meantime, we hope to introduce the natural landscape into the framed scenery with the walls.
2-4 After concept and architecture form are generally confrmed, these sketches shows more thoughts of interior space and details constructions. The wall and the courtyard topology unfold to form a fowing space. Grey space, landscape and interior space become mortise and tenon systems realised in the architectural space.
5 Free-hand drawings as an expressive method. After fnished this building, I redrew the facade. (Translated by QI Yiyi)
项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 汤桦,汪田浩,邵朋,曾杰,赵宇力 等/TANG Hua, WANG Tianhao, SHAO Peng, ZENG Jie, ZHAO Yuli, et al.
摄影/Photos: 张超/ZHANG Chao