

国际人才交流 2017年9期



Fortune 500 List 2017 Released with 115 Chinese Companies

近日,在《财富》杂志发布的2 0 1 7世界5 0 0强名单上,共有1 1 5家中国企业上榜,登上该榜单的中国企业数量已连续1 4年增长。国家电网和中石化分列榜单第二、三位,2 0 1 6年两家企业的营收分别达到了3 1 5 0亿美元和2 6 8 0亿美元。除金融业以外(包括许多上市中国企业),能源、房地产、工程和建筑行业许多公司也登上了该榜单。有1 0家企业首次登上该榜单,包括安邦保险、阿里集团、腾讯控股、碧桂园等。

One hundred and fi fteen Chinese companies hit the newly released Fortune 500 list for 2017, realizing an increase for the 14th straight year.State Grid Corp and the oil giant Sinopec Corp ranked second and third on the list, respectively, with revenue of $315 billion and $268 billion in 2016. Besides the fi nancial sector, in which many listed Chinese companies are involved, companies in such sectors as energy, real estate, engineering and architecture also showed up on the list. There were 10 Chinese companies on the list for the fi rst time, including Anbang Insurance Group, Alibaba Group Holdings, Tencent Holding, Country Garden and others.


High-speed Train Passengers in China Can Now Order Food Online

中国高铁上的乘客们现在可以有更加丰富的食物种类了,因为新的网上预订服务已于2 0 1 7年7月1 7日生效。这一新的服务正在2 7个省会城市和计划单列市乘坐G或D动车的乘客之间试点。现在,乘客只要是在铁路系统官方订票网站1 2 3 0 6网或其A P P上订票,他们就能订餐。可选饭菜包括传统列车盒饭和与2 7个城市火车站合作的餐馆提供的饭。在成功订餐后,列车工作人员将会把食物送至乘客座位。所有费用,包括配送成本,通过支付宝或微信支付。

Passengers on high-speed trains in China are now able to sample greater food varieties, now that a new online preordering service has taken effect June 17, 2017. The new service is being piloted in 27 provincial and regional capitals for the passengers taking the G or D-bullet trains. Passengers are now able to order meals once their tickets are booked the rail system’s, the off i cial ticket-booking website, or its APP. They can now choose between the traditional meals offered on the trains, or meals from restaurants in partnership with the railway stations in the 27 cities. After successfully ordering the meals, the food will be delivered to the passengers’ seats by train station staff. All the fees, including delivery costs, are paid through either Alipay or WeChat.


China Climbs Well-being Ranks Whilst UK Falls

中国人的幸福感水平增长非常迅速,而英国人却越来越忧心忡忡。这一结论由美国信诺公司的一项研究得出,该公司近日公布了一份年度全球幸福感排行榜。在今年的排行榜上,中国位列第三名,仅次于印度和泰国。而与此同时,英国(2 0 1 5年时位列第三,2 0 1 6年时位列第五)今年降到了第八位。这项研究到底表明了什么?这项研究包含了幸福感的五个方面——健康、家庭、社会生活、财务和工作。在中国,人们很显然在这几个指标方面的感受都很积极。而在英国,主要是财务问题影响了人们的幸福感。

China has fast growing levels of well-being, whilst UK citizens have growing concerns. That’s according to research by Cigna Global Health Benef i ts, who publish an annual ranking of worldwide well-being. China has climbed to third position in this year’s list, just behind India and Thailand. Meanwhile, the UK, which was in third position in 2015 and fi fth position last year, has fallen to eighth in 2017. What does the research actually show?It covers fi ve areas of well-being - health, family and social lives, fi nances and work. In China, citizens apparently have positive feelings across these metrics. In the UK, however, it’s mainly fi nancial concerns that are having an impact on people’s well-being.

