(邵阳学院 理学院,湖南 邵阳,422000)
(邵阳学院 理学院,湖南 邵阳,422000)
定义2 令0
(2)非齐次Herz 空间定义为
定义3 令α∈R,1 定义4 令bj(j=1,…,m)为固定的局部可积函数,0<δ (1)∫Rnψ(x)dx=0; y)f(y)dy,ψt(x)=t-n+δψ(x/t)当t>0。 记Ft(f)=ψt*f。定义 此即为Littlewood-Paley算子(见文献[15])。 对Ⅰ,取r,s>1,使得 对Ⅱ,记 λ=(λ1,…,λm),λi=(bi)B,1≤i≤m, 注意到当 y∈B,x∈B(x0,2k+1l)B(x0,2kl),有 而且 定理2 令0 Ⅰ+Ⅱ。 对Ⅰ,令 故,当m=1时, 因此, C‖b1‖BMO C‖b1‖BMO 当m>1时,有 从而 Ⅰ= ≤ 注 定理2对非齐次Herz空间也成立。 [1]LIU Lanzhe.Weighted weak type(H1,L1)estimates for commutators of Littlewood-Paley operators[J].Indian J of Math,2003,45(1):71-78. [2]LIU Lanzhe.WeightedBlock-Hardy spaces estimates for commutators of Littlewood -Paley operators[J].Southeast Asian Bull of Math,2004,27:833-838. [3]LIU Lanzhe.Weighted weak type estimates for commutators of Littlewood-Paley operator [J].Japanese J of Math,2003,29(1):1-13. [4]LIU Lanzhe ,LU Shanzhen.Boundedness for commutators of Littlewood-Paley operator[J].Adv in Math(China),2003,32:473-480. [5]LU Shanzhen.The local versions of Hp(Rn)spaces at the origin[J].Studia Math,1995,116(1):147-158. [6]LU Shanzhen.The decomposition of the weighted Herz spaces and its applications[J].Sci in China(ser A),1995(1),38:147-158. [7]LU Shanzhen.The weighted Herz type Hardy spaces and its applications[J].Sci in China(ser A),1995,38(5):662-673. [8]LU Shanzhen.The continuity of commutat ors on Herz-type space[J].Michigan Math J,1997,44:255-281. [9]CHEN Dazhao.Weighted Boundedness for Toeplitz Type Operators Related to Strongly Singular Integral Operators[J].Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2014,2014(1):42. [10]CHEN Dazhao.Mean Oscillation and Boundedness of Toeplitz Type Operator Related to Singular Integral Operator with Variable Calderón-Zygmund Kernel[J].Integral Transforms And Special Functions,2014,25(7):588-596. [11]CHEN Dazhao.Mk-type sharp estimates and boundedness on Morrey space for Toeplitz type operators associated to fractional integral and singular integral operator with general kernel[J].Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications:2015,6(3):1-14. [12]CHEN Dazhao.Boundedness of Toeplitz type operators associated to Riesz potential operator with general kernel on Orlicz space[J].Open Mathematics,2015,13(1):678-690. [13]LIU Lanzhe Sharp weighted estimates for multilinear commutators[J].J London Math Soc,2002,65(5):672-692 [14]STEIN EM.Harmonic analysis:real variable methods,orthogonality and oscillatory integrals[M].NJ Princeton:Princeton Univ Press,1993. [15]Torchinsky A.Real variable methods in harmonic analysis[M].New York:Academic Press,1986. BoundednessformultilinearcommutatorofLittlewood-PaleyoperatoronHardyandHerz-Hardyspaces CHEN Dazhao (School of Sciences,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422000,China) Littlewood-Paleyoperator;multilinearcommutator;BMO(Rn);Hardy space;Herz-Hardyspace 1672-7010(2017)04-0019-06 2017-03-18 湖南省教育厅科学研究一般项目(15C1236) 陈大钊(1979-),男,湖南益阳人,副教授,硕士,从事调和分析方向的研究; O A1 定理和证明