

物理学报 2017年13期

金柯 刘永强 韩俊 杨崇民 王颖辉 王慧娜

(西安应用光学研究所,西安 710065)


金柯†刘永强 韩俊 杨崇民 王颖辉 王慧娜

(西安应用光学研究所,西安 710065)




1 引 言




2 理论模型

图1为研究模型结构,其中图1(a)为模型截面示意图,图1(b)为纳米块阵列示意图.模型分三层:上层为长方体硅纳米块阵列,纳米块高3µm,长1µm,宽0.4µm,纳米块阵列周期为1µm;中间层为硅基底;下层为金属光栅,光栅材料为金,周期0.5µm,厚度0.6µm,占空比0.4,金属光栅栅条与纳米块长轴夹角为45°.入射光为X轴方向偏振的线偏振光,入射方向沿-Z轴方向.本文采用时域有限差分(FDTD)法模拟,由于阵列的周期结构,计算时Z轴方向采用完全匹配层截断电磁场,X轴,Y轴方向采用周期边界条件.硅的相对介电常数为11.56,金的色散采用Drude模型,,其中等离子体频率ωp为1.38×1016rad/s,自由电子平均碰撞时间τ为33 fs[20].

图1 偏振转换模型Fig.1.Structure of polarization transform ation.


图2 入射光的纳米块长轴和短轴分量示意图Fig.2. Schem atic of com ponents along long-and short-axis.

由于同时满足相位差δ=π的波段非常窄,这样其他频率的光只有部分实现了90°偏振转换.此外,硅折射率在中波红外约3.5,导致硅-空气界面的反射率高达30%.为了提高偏振转换后的透射光对比率及其透过率,我们在基底背面设计了亚波长金属光栅,栅条方向平行于入射偏振光偏振方向.这样经过90°偏振转换的偏振光可以透过金属光栅,偏振方向没有转换的光被反射.我们采用有效介质理论设计金属光栅来提高透过率[21].对于偏振方向垂直光栅的透射光,金属光栅等效薄膜的折射率为,其中, nw为金属折射率,nf为光栅槽介质折射率,f为金属光栅占空比.这样我们按照光学薄膜理论设计合适占空比的金属光栅作为硅的减反射膜层,金属光栅等效薄膜的折射率满足为空气折射率,ns为基底折射率.为了使反射率最小,金属光栅厚度应满足h=λ0/(4n),λ0为中心波长.

3 结果与分析

图3为透射光中不同偏振分量的透过率.Tx为透射光中偏振方向平行于X轴的线偏振光透过率,即偏振方向平行入射光偏振方向时光的透过率;Ty为透射光中偏振方向平行于Y轴的线偏振光透过率,即偏振方向垂直于入射光偏振方向时光的透过率.从图3可明显看出峰值波长3.698µm处透过率达到87%,在3.6-3.9µm波段透过率Ty大于80%, 3.4-4.5µm波段透过率Ty大于60%,3.2-4.8µm波段透过率Ty大于40%.可见采用本文设计的模型结构可以实现宽带、高效的90°偏振转换.从图4可以看出,透射光不同偏振分量透过率Ty和Tx在3-5µm光谱范围内的对比率大于104,说明本文提出的模型结构经90°偏振转换后偏振光的偏振度非常高.

图3 (网刊彩色)透射光中不同偏振分量的透过率Fig.3.(color on line)Transm ission of d iff erent polarization com ponents.



图4 透过率Ty和Tx的对比率Fig.4.Calcu lated transm ission contrast ratio.

图5 纳米块长轴和短轴两个场分量的相位差δFig.5.Transm ittance phase differenceδbetween the two field com ponents.

图6 (网刊彩色)(a)峰值波长时在纳米块上的表面电场矢量分布;(b)峰值波长时透过纳米块后的电场矢量分布Fig.6.(color on line)(a)D istribu tion of electric field vector on the su rface of nanorod at the peak wavelength; (b)d istribu tion of electric field vector through the nanorod at the peak wavelength.


图7 (网刊彩色)不同硅纳米块高度下的透过率Fig.7.(color on line)Transm ission at d iff erent heights of silicon nanorod.

图8 (网刊彩色)不同硅纳米块宽度下的透过率Fig.8.(color on line)Transm ission at d iff erent w id ths of silicon nanorod.

4 结 论


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(Received 18 January 2017;revised m anuscript received 1 May 2017)

Middle-wave infrared and broadband polarization conversion based on metamaterial

Jin Ke†Liu Yong-Qiang Han Jun Yang Chong-M in Wang Ying-Hui Wang Hui-Na

(X i’an Institute of App lied Op tics,X i’an 710065,China)

The polarization state is one of the m ost im portant basic properties of the electrom agnetic wave.Researchers have m ade great eff orts to manipulate it.Control of the polarization state of an electrom agnetic wave is a p rom ising promotion for figuring outmany practical engineering problem s in in frared remote sensing,op tical communication and infrared target recognition.In this paper,we propose a w ide-band and high-efficient linear-polarization converter on the basis of them etam aterial,which is com prised of silicon nanorod array and subwavelength m etal grating that can realize a 90°polarization converter of linearly polarized light and is com posed of silicon nanorod array cascade subwavelength m etal grating:on one side of design located is the cuboid silicon nanorod array,on the other side of the design the subwavelength m etallic grating on the silicon substrate,and the angle between silicon nanorod array and subwavelength metal grating is 45°.Because of the deference in geometrical dimension between the long axis and the short axis of the nanorod,results of the equivalent refractive index of the long axis direction and the short axis direction are different, and the anisotropic birefrigent effect is formed.Based on the Jones matrix,the feasibility of polarization converter is described.The polarization converter efficiency and polarization state of the structure are simu lated and analyzed by the finite-difference time-dom ain method.And the variation characteristics of polarization converter transm ittance are simulated under several nanorod with different heights and w idths.In order to im prove the contrast ratio and the transm ission,the effectivem edium theory is used to design them etal grating for im p roving the transm ission.According to the theory of op tical thin fi lm,we design the subwavelength m etal grating with suitab le duty cycle as the antireflection coating.The simulation results show that the structure can realize 90°rotation of linearly polarized light,the polarization converter efficiency is greater than 60%in a spectral range of 3.4-4.5µm and the contrast ratio is greater than 104in a spectral range of 3-5µm.This structure can effectively realize the 90°polarization conversion in the spectral range of medium wave in frared and has the advantages of high conversion efficiency and high contrast ratio. In addition,the range of spectral of polarization conversion can be changed by ad justing the height and w idth of the nanorod.It can be app lied to op tical transm ission control of optical network and optical information system,because of its excellent optical perform ance with the advantages of high polarization conversion efficiency and w ide band in the m id-in frared waveband and low preparation diffi cu lty.

polarization converter,subwavelength metal grating,metamaterial,nanorod

PACS:42.25.Bs,78.20.Bh,42.25.Ja,78.20.Ci DO I:10.7498/aps.66.134201

†通信作者.E-m ail:jinkegoodm

PACS:42.25.Bs,78.20.Bh,42.25.Ja,78.20.Ci DO I:10.7498/aps.66.134201

†Corresponding author.E-m ail:jinkegoodm


基于V 形超表面的透射式太赫兹线偏振转换器*