Hu Yanran: Stay True to Yourself and Accomplishment will Follow


Special Focus 2017年7期

By Xu Kuang

Hu Yanran: Stay True to Yourself and Accomplishment will Follow

By Xu Kuang

At an art gallery in Wuhan Horizon Shopping Mall, a visual digital performance named Van Gogh Alive is being held. Over 3,000 pieces of Van Gogh’s works were brought to the audiences by means of high-resolution motion picture technologies, accompanied by the symphonic music, the interactive phonetic narrations, and the huge LED screen, which vividly brought back Van Gogh’s simple but brilliant life.

“When I draw a picture of the sun, I hope people can feel the light and heat of its alarming rotation. When I draw a picture of a wheat field, I hope people can feel the growth of the wheat in its striving towards blooming and maturing,” said Von Gogh. The exhibition fully brings the audience into Van Gogh’s world through the application of the high-tech image technology.

“I want to become an ambassador of culture who introduces the western arts into China and vice versa. This exhibition of Van Gogh in Wuhan was my first debut of art activity. The success has provided me more confidence in promoting cultural exchanges between China and the world,” said Hu Yanran, the sponsor of the exhibition and also the deputy director of Wuhan Cultural and Creative Association, to Special Focus reporter Xu Kuang.

A Sweet and Smiling Lady as her

Now, Hu Yanran is the executive general manager of Wuhan Jinyinhu International Golf Industry Development Co., Ltd.

Yanran came to the interview hurriedly after finishing a working conference. She wore a darkcolored dress with a bright diagonal wollen jacket. Her hair was kept to her shoulder, and her make-up delicate. Even though she was clearly pregnant, she portrayed not a single trace of tiredness despite the fact that she would have to fly to Hong Kong later that day for the infanticipation. She said she’d still work 10 hours a day if her healthy conditions allowed her.

The interview took place in the café of the Jinyinhu Golf Club. It was surrounded by nice and cozy environment with full-view windows, which allow glimpsing the trees and the lake outside. “I designed the café myself. I design the full-view windows here for enjoying the beautiful views outside,” gestured Hu Yanran. It seems that attention to details and perfectionism were her priorities.

Hu Yanran was born into a family of intellectuals. Her father worked in media industry and her mother was a judge in court. Growing up in such good family environment, she aspired to become a media professional with an international mind. So, she decided to apply for U.S. universities and was fortunately admitted to Rutgers University. At that moment, the approval of visa application to America was low because of 911 terrorist attacks. Her parents were worried if she were to be rejected, she would have trouble going overseas in the future. Hu Yanran was confident, “If there is only one person getting a visa today, it will be me.”

The visa officer asked her why she chose to study media. She replied with confidence, “I want to connect China and the West, to bring new ideas to China and introduce the traditional Chinese culture to the outside world.”

Her answer left a deep impression upon the visa officer and she was given the visa. In 2012, Hu Yanran obtained her two bachelor’s degrees in media and sociology.

After graduation, she was faced with the choice of either continuing her education with a master degree or joining workforce. To Hu Yanran, the easier choice was to continue her study. But she chose to work. She believed that school was the ivory tower. Only work could tell her what she really wanted.

But her media career didn’t go well. She realized that U.S. media needed opening up and learned to be inclusive. “I didn’t feel included working there. The ideology was different. It was difficult for a Chinese citizen to be accepted by western mainstream media.”

Hu Yanran then moved to a job in Public Relations Department in a large Chinese hotel and real estate company. In three years, she was promoted to manager and secured the“green card” helped by the company.

Life became peaceful and comfortable. However, Hu Yanran could predict what she will be in the following 50 years. “I started to become restless.” She said. After working in New York for three years, she recalled what she once said to the visa officer about what she aimed to become at the age of 17, that is, a cultural ambassador.

She decided to say goodbye to the stable life in America and returned back to Wuhan, her hometown.“Wuhan is a city full of cultural connotations and I am committed to introducing Chu culture to the outside world.”

Indulging Herself into Sports Industry

After returning to China in 2014, Hu Yanran was admitted to Wuhan TV Station with a high score, and was offered a job as a producer and anchor for the news channel. In Wuhan, she found the inclusiveness and openness she had searched for.

Hu Yanran invested herself in her new TV career. She preferred people to call her an anchor instead of a newscaster, as she believed that an anchor could best show her individuality and personality.

Her parents graduated respectively from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University, which are prestigious universities in China. “Their marriage is a perfect match, very romantic.”Hu Yanran wished that she could also have such a pure and romantic love as her parents some day.

Hu Yanran met her husband Li Tianwei at work. They both had the experience of studying abroad, developed a passion for literature, and had a strong commitment to the pursuit of their careers. Only in five months had they made life promises to each other. “Choose a city to live, and a person to spend your whole life with” was how she described their love.

Li Tianwei graduated from University of South California and returned to China to join his family business with the aim of expanding it. After their marriage, Hu Yanran also joined this business—the Jinyinhu Golf Club.

Nowadays most people still held certain misconceptions about sports, namely, sports and culture are two independent fields. However, she maintained. “The core of sports is culture and sports can best represent one’s mentality and spirituality. Therefore both should be integrated rather than seperated. What I want to do is to promote our traditional sportive culture in the sports arena.”

In 2016, golf returned back into the Summer Olympics after more than a century’s absence. At the end of 2016, Hu Yanran and her team successfully won the rights to hold the World Amateur Golf Championship and National Teenagers Golf Championship.

The four English letters of the word golf stand respectively for Green, Oxygen, Light, and Friendship, which is consistent with the principle of “Integrity, Self-discipline, and Be considerate” advocated by WAGC. “Golf game in China was once regarded as a sport only for the noblemen. However, the nobility of the game lies in its spirit, not the game itself,,” said Hu Yanran. “We’re falling behind in the game not in the hardware in which we can invest; nor in culture which we can perhaps catch up with, but on age gaps. It means that golf is not only served merely as a social tool, but a sport that is enjoyed by all age groups through one’s life.”

With it in mind, Hu Yanran devoted herself to the training of the young golf players in Wuhan. Supported by her family, she initiated a golf summer camp. She was thrilled to find that most children developed their interest in golf after attending the camp. As a result, with the helps from all sides, Hubei Youth Golf Training Center was established in her club in March, 2017.

Golf game is considered as an exotic game. However, Hu Yanran believes that holding international golf game is a good platform to promote Chinese cultures. In all 2017 games sponsored by WAGC, she had the idea to decorate the golf field with Chinese or Wuhan cultural elements.“for example, marking the flags with something that shows local Chu culture.”

Culture is the Natural Overflow of Her Mind

Hu Yanran’s dream of being a cultural ambassador is, to some extent, a best reflection of her own experience.

She never forgot her dream. In 2016, Hu Yanran set up Feibulingyun Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd to engage in the international intellectual property exhibitions in Wuhan. She was determined to provide Wuhaneses the opportunity to witness international cultural exhibitions and planned to manifest Wuhan culture abroad in the future.

“I’m really delighted to have brought Van Gogh to Wuhan and I am grateful that it’s well recognized and welcomed. It’s a joyful thing to find people with similar artistic tastes.”

Hu Yanran met many challenges when she organized the exhibition. The office in Shanghai once questioned directly whether people in Wuhan could appreciate it or not. Encountering such doubts, she replied, “ as a Wuhanese, I am really fond of this exhibition. I have the obligation to bring it to Wuhan. Wuhan is an open and inclusive cosmopolitan city and people here are inclined to appreciate fine arts.”

Hu Yanran was delighted that she made the right decision. Although it was incomparable to the 400,000 audiences in Shanghai, Van Gogh’s exhibition received fairly good sales and public attention in Wuhan. Hu Yanran herself was named one of the Ten Wuhan Cultural and Creative Pioneers in 2016, and the Van Gogh Alive was listed one of the Top-Ten Annual Events. The initial success convinced Hu Yanran of Wuhaneses’recognition and interests in cultural events, which further motivated her to continue performing her duty of bringing international cultures to Wuhan. After this exhibition, she continued to collaborate with Shanghai Gaoting Cultural and Art Co., Ltd to demonstrate a Hans Christian Andersen Exhibition to Wuhan.

“The Andersen show was another international exhibition. Andersen and his fairy tales influenced us for three generations. He is even more widely accepted than Van Gogh in China.”

Hermann Hesse, the winner of Nobel Prize in Literature in 1946, once said, in a society rich in history and highly privatized, culture should be diversified. During the interview, Hu Yanran overstressed the necessity of globalization, “I will feel regretful if couldn’t bring Wuhan’s splendid and colorful cultures to the outside world.”

Hu Yanran spent 8 years in the U.S.. What she enjoyed most there was not the material life, but the culture of having the courage to say no. In her life, she could have chosen a more comfortable life at several crucial moments, but she went against it every time. She is a person who is likely to welcome challenges by nature.

In the wake of globalization, it is quite natural for Chinese and Western cultures to be deeply intertwined with each other. As a saying goes, the future belongs to youth. Hu Yanran is one of the young elites in Wuhan and we can assume more young faces as her are the best representatives of China’s bright future.

(Translated: Zhang Lei)



“我希望做中外文化交流使者,将国外的艺术作品引进武汉,同时也把中国传统文化推向世界。享誉世界的梵高,是我引进的第一个主题展。展览的成功,让我对今后推进中外文化交流更有信心。”引进方负责人武汉文创协会副会长胡嫣然告诉Special Focus的记者。


























胡嫣然一直没有忘记自己要做中外文化交流使者的承诺。2016年,胡嫣然成立飞步凌云文化创意有限公司,她想通过文化公司这个载体,将国际IP(intellectual property)展引进武汉,让武汉市民在家门口看到国际IP展,她希望某一天,还能带领武汉本土文化走出去。








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