CITED AS:Zhao KC,Sun HY,Fan JY,et al.Effect of standardized pain management on old patients after hip fracture surgery[J]. Zhongguo Kangfu Lilun Yu Shijian,2017,23(7):848-850.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
表1 两组一般资料比较
1.2 方法
1.2.1 常规疼痛管理
1.2.2 规范化疼痛管理
1.3 评定方法
治疗前后采用疼痛视觉模拟评分(Visual Analogue Score,VAS)评价患者最高疼痛程度。出院前调查患者满意度评分。
1.3.1 VAS
用一条长10 cm直尺,两端分别标上数字“0”和“10”,“0”表示无痛,“10”表示最剧烈疼痛,标尺上的数字代表疼痛程度。不定期多次评估,取最大值。
1.3.2 患者满意度评分
1.4 统计学分析
采用SPSS 19.0统计软件进行统计学分析。服从正态分布的计量资料(年龄、体质量、患者满意度评分)采用(xˉ±s)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;非正态分布资料(VAS)采用中位数(四分位数)表示,采用秩和检验。计数资料用χ2检验。显著性水平α= 0.05。
2 结果
表2 两组治疗前后VAS的比较
3 讨论
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Effect of Standardized Pain Management on Old Patients after Hip Fracture Surgery
ZHAO Ke-cong,SUN Hai-yan,FAN Jing-yu,ZHANG Bao-cui,YANG Wei,LIU Ke-min
1.Capital Medical University School of Rehabilitation,Beijing 100068,China;2.Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation,Beijing Bo'ai Hospital,China Rehabilitation Research Center,Beijing 100068,China
LIU Ke-min.E-mail:keminlqliu@sina.com
ObjectiveTo observe the effects of standardized pain management on old patients with hip fracture.Methods From January, 2015 to June,2016,75 old patients(more than 58 years old)with hip fracture were randomly divided into control group(n=37)and observation group(n=38).The control group accepted routine pain management,while the observation group accepted standardized pain management.They were assessed with Visual Analogue Score(VAS)of the most intensive pain,and their scores for satisfaction were compared.Results There was no significant difference in VAS between two groups before operation(Z=0.845,P>0.05).The VAS was significantly lower in the observation group than in the control group postoperatively(Z=5.427,P<0.001).The scores of satisfaction was more in the observation group than in the control group(t=21.346,P<0.001).Conclusion Standardized pain management can significantly reduce perioperative pain in old patients after hip fracture surgery,and improve the satisfaction.
hip fracture;aged;standardized pain management;nursing