

中学生英语 2017年6期


(满分:120 分)

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)

第一部分 听力部分




( )1.A.Next Friday. B.That’s great. C.Twice a year.

( )2.A.A week later. B.For one month. C.In two days.

( )3.A.I’d rather stay at home.B.Have a good time. C.Don’t mention it.

( )4.A.I don’t think so. B.It’s exciting. C.I’m lucky.

( )5.A.You are very kind. B.I’d like a T shirt.

C.I want to book a room.



( )6.Where are they going to have lunch?

A.At home. B.In the park. C.In the office.

( )7.What’s the man doing?

A.He is eating cake. B.He is shopping.

C.He is doing his math homework.

( )8.What can we know from the conversation?

A.Nobody can solve the problem.

B.If Peter can solve the problem,anybody can.

C.If only one can solve the problem,it must be Peter.

( )9.Where are the man and the woman?

A.In the store. B.In the library. C.At the doctor’s.

( )10.Which would the man like to drink?

A.Tea. B.Coffee. C.Water.

( )11.How many times has Alice visited Mount Tai?

A.Four times. B.Twice. C.Three times.

( )12.How long will the movie last?

A.One hour and a half.B.One hour and forty five minutes.

C.Two hours.




( )13.What does Mrs.White probably do?

A.She is a teacher. B.She is a doctor. C.She is a student.

( )14.When did Peter feel uncomfortable?

A.Early in the morning. B.Before he went to the park.

C.Many days ago.

( )15.What caused Peter’s problem?

A.The cold weather. B.He is too tired. C.The flowers.


( )16.What festival are they celebrating?

A.New Year. B.Christmas. C.Thanksgiving.

( )17.What’s the weather like in New York?

A.It’s snowy. B.It’s hot. C.It’s rainy.

( )18.Why is the man in Canada?

A.He is enjoying the snow there.

B.He is on business.

C.He is visiting there with new friends.


( )19.What are they talking about?

A.A party. B.The art exhibition. C.The weekend’s plan.

( )20.When will they get home on Saturday?

A.Very early. B.Very late. C.It doesn’t tell us.

( )21.What will they do on Sunday?

A.Sleep all day. B.Enjoy a dinner party. C.Go to the Art Museum.

( )22.Where are they talking?

A.At the seaside.

B.Near Mike’s office.

C.In front of Betty’s office.


( )23.What day was it that day?

A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Sunday.

( )24.Why did a bell ring from far away?

A.The repair worker rang the fire alarm.

B.The building was on fire.

C.The speaker rang the fire alarm bell.

( )25.What happened to the lift?

A.It had a fire accident.

B.It was turned off by the speaker.

C.It was stopped for repairs.

第二部分 笔试部分



( )26.—Could I use your pen for a while?


A.Not at all B.Yes,please

C.It doesn’t matter D.It’s a pleasure.

( )27.—Help yourself to get some more beef.

—_______.A.I’m full,thanks B.It’s my pleasure C.It doesn’t matter D.You’d better not

( )28.—How is everything going with Mr.Smith now?

—Although he was badly hurt in that car accident,he luckily_______alive.

A.gets B.stays C.feels D.becomes

( )29.—How do you like this tie?

—It is clear that it doesn’t_______your shirt very well.

A.match B.suit

( )30.—I hear Tom is always hard working.

—Yes.But I’m really_______that he failed the exam this time.

A.afraid B.surprised C.sure D.glad

( )31.—Should I give up smoking,doctor?

—For your health,I’m afraid you_______.

A.may B.must C.have to D.need

( )32.—I don’t like_______of the sweaters.Would you please show me a third one?

—No problem.I’ll get one for you in a minute.

A.both B.any C.all D.either

( )33.—What’s up?

—Oh,Mr.Brown.You are_______on the phone!

A.wanted B.asked C.invited D.required

( )34.—Did you pass the final exam?

—Yes,except Roger.But he seems_______.

A.upset B.calm C.angry D.anxious

( )35.—Mum,there are so many guests that we can’t put them up for the night.

—Never mind.Two sofas can be_______as guest beds.

A.regarded B.used C.provided D.served

( )36.—We’ve had our meal,waiter.Bring me the_______,please?

—OK!Wait a moment please. B.note C.bill D.list

( )37.—Dad,I failed again this time.But I believe I could beat you at chess_______day!

—Good boy!I expect that day.

A.some B.any C.all D.every

( )38.—It was_______of Timmy to go skating on such thin ice!

—Yes,we must warn him of the danger.

A.dangerous B.difficult C.crazy D.surprising

( )39.—There are only three hours left for us to do the work.

—We must finish it in time,so every minute_______for us.

A.counts B.costs C.influences D.appreciates

( )40.—Mary told me she would drop English.

—Really?I’ll try my best to ask her to_______such foolish ideas.

A.take away B.send away C.put away D.keep away



( )41.A.hardly B.mostly C.only D.especially

( )42.A.lead B.turn C.belong D.take

( )43.A.danger B.treasure D.neighbor

( )44.A.better B.close C.perfect D.friendly

( )45.A.fear B.interest C.excitement D.sadness

( ) B.walk C.pass D.move

( )47.A.known B.developed C.raised D.grown

( )48.A.seldom B.always C.sometimes D.rarely

( )49.A.changed B.formed C.strengthened D.increased

( )50.A.kill B.rob C.damage D.steal

( )51.A.actions B.movements C.signs D.words

( )52.A.writing B.printing C.telling D.saying

( )53.A.fearful B.doubtful C.pitiful D.impressive

( )54.A.strongly B.actively C.disappointedly D.casually

( )55.A.honest B.good C.welcome D.gentle




( )56.The above material must be_______.

A.a menu B.a poster C.a newspaper D.a guidebook

( )57._______might be interested in it and wants to have a try.

A.An 80year old grandma B.A successful businessman

C.A busy housewife D.An active college student

( )58.If you work 5 days,8 hours per day for it,you can get_______.

A.$11.86 B.$59.3 C.$474.4 D.$117372

( )59.If one wants to know more information,he can_______.$11.86 B.go to Washington

C.go after March 31 D.check online

( )60.It’s clear that_______. can build certain skills if you get the job’s available at any time if you are interested in it can travel all around the world if you do it well’s easy to get more money if you are a housekeeper


Is there anything you can do to keepgerms(细菌)out of your body?

Think about the three ways that germs come into your body:through breaks in your skin,with the air you breathe,and with food you eat.How can you keep germs from coming in through breaks in your skin?

In the first place,you can be careful,so that you do not hurt yourself.Once you have cut your skin,you must wash the cut at once withsoap(肥皂)and hot water.Soap and hot water kill germs or wash them away.

Can you keep germs from coming into your body through your nose and throat?You can’t stop breathing,of course.You can’t help breathing in some germs.

What you can do is to stay away from people if they have colds and other sicknesses made by germs.Some kinds of germs move through the air.They go from one person to another.If you have a cold,you should try not to give your germs to others.Be sure to cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough.

How can you keep germs out of your mouth?One way is by keeping such things as pencils and fingers out of your mouth.

Another way is washing your hands before meals.Then you will not put germs on the food you eat.You should also wash your hands after you use the toilet.

Never use a drinking glass that someone else has used.Wash it first with soap and hot water.Never bite from food if someone else is eating it.

( )61.The passage is mainly about_______.

A.the ways that germs come into our body to fight germs germs make us sick D.where the germ is

( )62.The second paragraph tries to tell us_______. germs come into our bodies we can keep germs from coming in through breaks in our skin

C.why germs come into our bodies

D.why to protect ourselves

( )63.We can keep germs from coming into our bodies through our noses and throats when_______.

A.we stay away from people who have colds and other sicknesses

B.we stop breathing

C.we do not hurt ourselves person goes to another person

( )64.If we have a cold and want to cough we should cover our mouths because_______.

A.we should not give germs to others

B.the air is full of germs

C.we will feel better

D.others give us too many germs

( )65.In the last three paragraphs the writer tells us_______. to stop germs from coming into our bodies through our mouths to keep the food we eat clean

C.what to do to keep our mouths clean

D.what kind of hospital we should go to when we are ill


Nina felt nervous this morning.She couldn’t believe that she decided to try out for a talent show.She loved to sing but she disliked singing in front of other people.

Taking a deep breath,she pushed open the door of the theater and went inside.

The room was filled with laughing children.Nina saw Luz,James and others from her class.The bright,sunny room left her no place to hide.A few teachers sat on chairs.They waited for the children to become quiet.

“Hi,Nina! ”Luz called out,“I didn’t think you would try out.You are sotimid(胆怯的)in front of people.”

“That’s not true,”Nina said,“I’m not shy at all.”

“Yeah,right.”Luzchuckled(轻声地笑)and ran off to find a seat.

One by one the students got up on thestage(舞台)and did their acts.

“Nina Martinez!”a voice called out.It was Mrs.Brent,the music teacher.Nina rose from her chair.She felt small as she walked to the huge,empty stage.Her face was hot and her shaking hands were as cold as ice.

“II ”Nina began,and then stopped,“I can’t.”she said softly.

“Close your eyes,”said Mrs.Brent gently,“Forget about everyone else.Just sing.”

Nina felt silly,but she gave it a try.She closed her eyes and raised her voice and sang out.Her hands stopped shaking.The song was so nice that everybody enjoyed it.

Nina heard Mrs.Brentclap(鼓掌)loudly at the end of her song.“That’s the first time I have really heard your voice,”she said,“You are in the show! ”

Nina let out a bigsigh(叹息)and smiled happily.

( )66.What was the weather like that day?

A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Snowy. D.Cloudy.

( )67.Why did Luz laugh as he ran off to his seat?Because_______.

A.he thought Nina looked silly

B.he thought Nina was very funny

C.he did not believe Nina was telling the truth

D.he did not believe Nina had a good music teacher

( )68.When Nina walked to stage,her face was hot and her hands were cold.That’s because she was_______.

A.very excited B.badly ill C.too nervous happy

( )69.Mrs.Brent told Nina to just sing for herself.It showed that Mrs.Brent_______.

A.wanted Nina to do well

B.thought Nina’s voice was too soft

C.did not think Nina would be in the show

D.did not think Nina would remember the song

( )70.Which word best describes Nina at the end of the story?

A.Silly. B.Lucky. C.Proud. D.Terrible.




pull/special/put on/awake/keeps on/laid

71.He_______in bed until his mother asked him to get up for breakfast this morning.

72.It’s a gift from my grandfather.It has_______meaning to me.

73.I think if we continue to_______together,we’re going to win the next one.

74.Many animals sleep in the daytime and they are_______at night.

75.His love for mountain climbing is so great that he_______climbing mountains even after the terrible experience.

71._________ 72._________ 73._________ 74._________ 75._________



76.f_________ 77.b_________ 78.p_________ 79.H_________ 80. i_________

81.r_________ 82.s_________ 83.c_________ 84.s_________ 85. d_________












参考词汇:lecture hall演讲厅 follow the rules遵守秩序


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming.___________________________________________


70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk