由中国铁路总公司牵头组织研制、具有完全自主知识产权、达到世界先进水平的中国标准动车组于 2017年6月25日被正式命名为“复兴号”。
“复兴号”从 2012年开始研发,2014年完成方案设计,2015年下线,2017年正式亮相。大量采用了中国国家标准、行业标准、中国铁路总公司企业标准等技术标准,在254项重要标准中,中国标准占84%。此外,“复兴号”整体设计以及车体、转向架、牵引、制动、网络等关键技术都是中国自主研发,具有完全自主知识产权。“复兴号”中国标准动车组构建了体系完整、结构合理、先进科学的高速动车组技术标准体系,标志着我国高速动车组技术全面实现自主化、标准化和系列化,极大增强了我国高铁的国际话语权和核心竞争力。未来,还将在“复兴号”中国标准动车组平台基础上,围绕安全、经济、舒适、节能、人性化等方面持续开展科技创新,研制不同速度等级、适应不同环境需求的自主化、标准化动车组系列产品,更好地满足市场需求,为人民群众出行提供更多的选择。
“复兴号”CR 400系列动车组的成功研制和投入运用,对于我国全面系统掌握高铁核心技术、加快高铁“走出去”具有重要战略意义。
截至2017年6月26日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WoS)的数据报告显示,以“高速铁路(high speed railway)”“高速列车(high speed train)”“动车组(Electric Multiple Units, EMU)”期刊文献分别为8225条与2065条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。
根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“高速铁路(high speed railway)”“高速列车(high speed train)”“动车组(Electric Multiple Units, EMU)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“高速铁路(high speed railway)”“高速列车(high speed train)”“动车组(Electric Multiple Units, EMU)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取 LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。
来源出版物:IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2012, 30(4): 675-683
Challenges toward wireless communications for high-speed railway
Ai, Bo; Cheng, Xiang; Kuerner, Thomas; et al.
Abstract:High-speed railway (HSR) brings convenience to peoples’ lives and is generally considered as one of the most sustainable developments for ground transportation.One of the important parts of HSR construction is the signaling system, which is also called the “operation control system,” where wireless communications play a key role in the transmission of train control data. We discuss in detail the main differences in scientific research for wireless communications between the HSR operation scenarios and the conventional public land mobile scenarios. The latest research progress in wireless channel modeling in viaducts, cuttings, and tunnels scenarios are discussed. The characteristics of nonstationary channel and the line-of-sight (LOS) sparse and LOS multiple-inputmultiple-output channels, which are the typical channels in HSR scenarios, are analyzed. Some novel concepts such as composite transportation and key challenging techniques such as train-to-train communication, vacuum maglev train techniques, the security for HSR, and the fifth-generation wireless communications related techniques for future HSR development for safer, more comfortable, and more secure HSR operation are also discussed.
Keywords:channel modeling; composite transportation;cuttings and tunnels; high-speed railway (HSR); operation control system; train control data; viaducts
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15(5): 2143-2158
High-speed railway lines on soft ground: Dynamic behaviour at critical train speed
Madshus, C; Kaynia, AM
Abstract:Results from instrumented test runs with a high-speed train on a soft soil site in Sweden are presented.It is shown that large dynamic amplifications appear in the dynamic response of the rail/embankment/ground system as the train speed approaches an apparently critical value.The measured dynamic response is analyzed in detail, and it is shown that the critical speed is controlled by the minimum phase velocity of the first Rayleigh mode of the soil and embankment profile at the site. Moreover, it is shown that the critical speed and the amount of dynamic amplification also depend on a coincidence between characteristic wavelengths for the site and the distances between bogies and axles in the train. The displacement response is found to consist of a speed-independent portion in quasi-static equilibrium with the train loads and a dynamic portion representing freely propagating Rayleigh waves. An efficient computer code for the prediction of ground response to high-speed trains has been developed and its ability to reproduce the observed behaviour is demonstrated.
来源出版物:Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2000, 231(3):689-701
Position-based modeling for wireless channel on high-speed railway under a viaduct at 2.35 GHz
Liu, Liu; Tao, Cheng; Qiu, Jiahui; et al.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel and practical study on the position-based radio propagation channel for High-Speed Railway by performing extensive measurements at 2.35 GHz in China. The specification on the path loss model is developed. In particular, small scale fading properties such as K-factor, Doppler frequency feature and time delay spread are parameterized, which show dynamic variances depending on the train location and the transceiver separation. Finally, the statistical positionbased channel models are firstly established to characterize the High-Speed Railway channel, which significantly promotes the evaluation and verification of wireless communications in relative scenarios.
Keywords:high-speed railway; position-based wireless channel; path loss; K-factor; doppler frequency; time dispersion
来源出版物:IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2012, 30(4): 834-845
Recent development of design and construction of medium and long span high-speed railway bridges in China
Hu, Nan; Dai, Gonglian; Yan, Bin; et al.
Abstract:Medium- and long-span bridges of the high-speed rail (HSR) projects play a significant role when crossing certain obstacles, such as rivers, existing highways, etc.This paper provides a state-of-the-art review on the design practice of these special spans in the HSR projects of China. Given standard spans are usually smaller than 100 m,special spans can be divided into two categories by the length of main span: medium length (100-200 m) and large length (200-500 m). For medium length, three structural forms are discussed as feasible design options, including steel arch, rigid frame and hybrid arch-girder. In addition,recently completed long-span bridges are reviewed to feature several innovative structural forms on the HSR of China, including steel truss arches and cable-stayed bridges with truss girder. Finally, the key technical features of long-span HSR bridges are summarized, and a discussion of the feasibility of longer spans is also included.
Keywords:high-speed rail; bridges; design; construction;medium-span; long-span
来源出版物:Engineering Structures, 2014, 74: 233-241
Distributed antenna systems for mobile communications in high speed trains
Wang, Jiangzhou; Zhu, Huiling; Gomes, Nathan J
With the deployment of high speed train(HST) systems increasing worldwide and their popularity with travelers growing, providing broadband wireless communications (BWC) in HSTs is becoming crucial. In this paper, a tutorial is presented on recent research into BWC provision for HSTs. The basic HST BWC network architecture is described. Two potential cellular architectures, microcells and distributed antenna systems(DASs) based cells, are introduced. In particular, the DAS is discussed in conjunction with radio over fiber (RoF)technology for BWC for HSTs. The technical challenges in providing DAS-based BWC for HSTs, such as handoff and RoF are discussed and outlined.
microcells; distributed antenna systems;handoff; high speed train; mobile communications; radio over fiber