摘 要:针对宜宾烟区烤烟赤星病发生严重的问题,为筛选出对烤烟赤星病防治效果较好的化学药剂和施药时期,研究了不同药剂和不同施药时期对烤烟赤星病发生情况的影响。结果表明,10%多抗霉素对烤烟赤星病防治效果最好,40%菌核净次之,50%氯溴异氰尿酸最差。施药时期以旺长末期开始施药效果最好,下部叶成熟期次之,团棵期最差。综合考虑病情指数和产值,以10%多抗霉素(1 000倍液)在旺长末期开始施用(即处理2,A1B2)对烤烟赤星病的防治效果最好,烤烟单位产值最高,为45 753.75元·hm-2,比最低的处理10(A4B1)增值22.89%。
中图分类号:S435.72 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2017.07.022
Fungicides of Controlling Alternaria alternata and Their Applying Time
TANG Ming1, CHENG Zhimin1, CHEN Xusheng1, XIANG Jinyou2, XIE Bing2,3, CAI Yi1, HUANG Sheng1, YANG Ping1, YANG Yide2, YANG Yang2, YI Man2, RAO Zaisheng2
(1. Yibin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yibin, Sichuan 644600, China; 2. Yibin Tobacco Company, Yibin,Sichuan 644600, China;3. College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, Sichuan 611130, China)
Abstract:In view of the serious problem of tobacco brown spot in Yibin tobacco-planting areas, for screening out the good fungicide and applying period to control Alternaria alternate, the effects of different fungicides and different application periods on the occurrence of A. alternate were studied. The results showed that the control effect of 10﹪ polyoxin was the best, followed by 40% dimetachlone, the 50﹪chloroisobromine cyanuric acid was the worst. The best period of beginning to apply fungicides at the late fast growing stage, followed by the mature stage of lower leaf, the rosette stage was the worst. Based on comprehensive consideration of the disease index and output value, the best effect against A. alternate was the 10﹪ polyoxin (1 000 times) applying at the late fast growing stage (treatment 2, A1B2), and the highest yield was 45 753.75 yuan·hm-2, which was 22.89﹪ higher than the lowest treatment 10 (A4B1).
Key words:flue-cured tobacco; Alternaria alternate; fungicides; applying time; control effects
煙草赤星病(Alternaria alternata)是烟草生产中对烟叶威胁最大的一种真菌性病害,具有潜育期短、流行速度快的特点[1-3]。在我国种烟省(区)均有发生,以黑龙江、河南、山东、贵州、安徽、四川等省发生为害较重[4-5],易造成较重的经济损失。宜宾是四川的重要烤烟产区之一,种植烤烟约0.53万 hm2,其烟叶风格独特,在主要卷烟品牌的主辅料中占有重要地位,对促进地方经济发展做出了重要贡献[6]。然而,地处高温高湿的宜宾烟区烤烟赤星病发生严重,一般烟田病株率为20%~60%,重病田可达90%以上,致使烟叶产量降低、品质下降,严重制约着烤烟生产的发展[7]。目前,化学药剂防治仍是最快速、最直接、最简便也是最有效的防治赤星病的方法,若施药时期与防治药剂结合起来,将达到更有效、更理想的效果。为此,本试验开展不同药剂和不同施药时期对烤烟赤星病防治的影响研究,旨在筛选出防治宜宾烟区赤星病的高效药剂和最佳施药时期。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地点
试验在兴文县大坝乡沙坝村四组烟草科技园(海拔500 m)进行,选择赤星病易发且土壤肥力均匀、地势平坦、开阔向阳的地(田)块。
1.2 试验材料