

英语世界 2017年3期

译/刘晗 审订/张政


译/刘晗 审订/张政

Politics on Four Legs:Presidents and Their Pets

A dog saved Richard Nixon’s political career.

[2] In September 1952, Republican presidential nomine Dwight Eisenhower was furious with Nixon, his running mate1running mate(竞选副总统的)竞选搭档。艾森豪威尔竞选总统,尼克松作为他的搭档竞选副总统。in the coming presidential election.Nixon, who came from modest means2means收入。and lacked financial independence,had been accused of receiving illegal campaign contributions. According to Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland, Eisenhower expected Nixon to resign in a humiliating televised address for the good of his campaign.

[3] Instead, Nixon went on TV and produced one of the great populist3populist民粹主义,或平民主义,以维护平民的利益为由反对权威,不惜采取任何手段。masterstrokes of all time. He transformed himself into the sympathetic victim he believed he was. He explained he was deeply in debt, even to his parents. His wife, he pointed out, did not have a mink coat.4曾有抗议者手举意指尼克松夫人的标语“尼克松(夫人)没有貂皮大衣——只有冷冰冰的现金(No Mink Coats for Nixon—Just Cold Cash)”,这一举动激怒了尼克松,于是他对此做出回应。And there was one gift, he insisted,that he would not return.

[4] It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that he (a donor) sent all the way from Texas. Black-and-white spotted. And our little girl—Tricia, the six-year-old—named it Checkers. And you know the kids love that dog, and I just want to say this right now, that regardless of what they say about it,we’re going to keep it.5这段话节选自尼克松的演讲。尼克松曾提起自己的两个女儿渴望有条狗,得克萨斯州旅行商卢·卡罗尔知道后就给她们邮寄了一只刚出生的可卡犬。

[5] Overnight, Nixon went from being a shady politician to a downtrodden6downtrodden受压迫的。guy struggling against heartless elites who wanted to take his kid’s dog away(no one had actually demanded he return the dog, but that was beside the point).

[6] Nixon’s opponents saw the speech as transparently manipulative, but Perlstein says that the new suburban class, struggling with their own mortgages, recognised one of their own in Nixon, who refused to give up that most emotionally-charged symbol of domestic stability.

[7] Nixon has gone down in history as America’s most villainous president.Homer Simpson7动画片《辛普森一家》的男主人。even informed his son that Checkers was in “doggie hell” along with Hitler’s dog.

[8] But Nixon was not the first president to get political mileage by pretending his dog was being persecuted.Campaigning in 1944, the sainted Franklin Delano Roosevelt faced claims he had left his Scotch Terrier Fala behind in the Aleutian Islands and sent a naval destroyer to retrieve him at enormous cost. FDR ruthlessly mocked his Republican opponents, saying he didn’t resent personal attacks, but Fala “has not been the same dog since”.

[9] There is little doubt that dogs are politically useful. A half-serious study in the political science journal PS suggests a “diversionary8diversionary转移注意力的。dog” theory. The authors fi nd that presidents display their dogs more during wartime and scandals,though less during economic crises,when the public does not want to see the president frolicking with a spoilt pet.

[10] Despite the hypnotic attraction of humans to cats, there have been far fewer of them in the White House, and they have generally avoided the cameras.An exception was Bill Clinton’s cat,Socks9因该猫背部毛色漆黑,四个爪子呈雪白色而得名。. In a daring triangulation strategy,Clinton kept a dog and a cat at the same time. It didn’t work out. Cats remain under-represented in Washington.

[11] Politicians may consider dogs a safer political choice. Dogs represent the loyalty and interdependence we associate with families. Bo, the Obamas’ first dog, was the result of a public promise Barack Obama made to his daughters on the night of his election to the presidency. According to journalist Dan Balz, one of the reasons Obama remained popular despite early job setbacks was his home life. Voters“remembered that each night when he was in Washington he had dinner with his wife and children in the White House residence”. Bo is cute in his own right, but he also reminds people of Obama’s strong, loving family.

[12] Cats are different. A massive study of the domestication of cats led to the conclusion “we think what happened is that cats sort of domesticated themselves”. Sort of. Cats are not known for their vigorous completion of tasks. They obtain things by highly evolved manipulation skills, as people who love them will readily admit. This is also an important presidential quality,but not one the president wants to remind people of. ■


[2] 1952年9月,正值总统大选到来之际,共和党总统候选人德怀特·艾森豪威尔却冲着他的竞选搭档尼克松大发雷霆。尼克松收入平平,经济不能自给,被指控收受非法竞选捐款。里克·珀尔斯坦在《尼克松国度》中这样描述:艾森豪威尔想让尼克松在电视上发表演说,退出竞选,以免拖累自己。











[12]猫不一样。驯养猫的大量研究得出以下结论:“我们认为,事实是,猫可能是自我驯化的。”可能是。众所周知,猫不会像狗一样按主人的指示出色地完成任务,但能用高超的手段控制人,从而得到自己想要的东西。这一点爱猫的人肯定深有体会。这也是作为总统应具备的重要素质,不过没有总统想让民众知道这一点。 □


