

农业工程学报 2017年12期

王丽红,张 娜,坎 杂,李成松,朱兴亮


王丽红1,张 娜1,坎 杂1※,李成松1,朱兴亮2

(1. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832000;2. 新疆农业大学机械交通学院,乌鲁木齐 830052)

针对现有用于番茄果秧分离的双偏心块振动发生器运动参数易受载荷影响、分离滚筒易堵塞以及前期研究的单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器传动部件载荷不均衡等问题,设计了一种三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器。对双偏心块式振动发生器驱动下分离滚筒的运动进行了分析,获取了分离滚筒拟合角位移、角速度曲线,并将其作为三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的输出目标曲线。通过建立非圆齿轮传动比方程以及节曲线方程,确定了三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器非圆齿轮的基本参数。搭建了分离滚筒运动测试试验台,利用高速摄像系统在振动发生器输入转速为111 r/min,高速摄像系统帧率为800 帧/s的参数条件下获得实测角位移、角速度,通过MATLAB软件获取了分离滚筒在三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器驱动下的角位移和角速度拟合曲线,并分别与对应的仿真曲线和目标曲线进行对比分析,结果表明:试验角位移和角速度曲线与仿真及目标曲线基本吻合。验证了非圆行星轮系振动发生器设计的合理性。通过ADAMS获取了三组和单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的齿面接触力,通过对比分析,发现单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的齿面接触力变化范围为0~200 000 N,三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器齿面接触力为0~125 N,验证了三组相对于单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器更加均衡的特性。该研究为多组非圆行星轮系番茄果秧分离振动发生器的开发提供参考。


0 引 言






1 三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的结构及工作原理



1. 输入轴总成 2. 系杆总成 3. 壳体 4. 输出轴总成 5. 输入轴 6. 轴承座 7. 同步带轮 8. 定非圆齿轮 9. 行星非圆齿轮 10. 输入系杆 11. 输出系杆 12. 行星圆齿轮 13. 输出轴齿轮 14. 输出轴 15. 法兰


2 三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器运动模型的建立


2.1 振动发生器输出目标曲线


图2 双偏心块振动发生器驱动下分离滚筒的拟合角速度、角位移曲线(目标曲线)

2.2 非圆齿轮传动比方程



2.3 非圆齿轮节曲线方程




Note:is the center distance between the two gear, mm;is the pitch point of gear transmission;1,2,3and4are the polar radius of fixed non-circular gear, planetary non-circular gear, planetary gear and output shaft gear, respectively, mm.

图3 齿轮啮合节曲线示意图

Fig.3 Diagram of gears meshing pitch curve







按照振动发生器空间结构要求,初定非圆齿轮m= 2.5 mm,定非圆齿轮齿数1=60,行星非圆齿轮齿数2=60,进而根据弧长公式=π,求得非圆齿轮中心距=143 mm,绘制三组非圆齿轮的齿廓如图4所示。此时,圆齿轮模数=2.39 mm,行星圆齿轮齿数3=57,输出轴齿轮4=63。

1. 定非圆齿轮 2. 行星非圆齿轮

3 仿真分析与试验验证

3.1 试验设计


3.1.1 运动学试验

将振动发生器模型导入ADAMS中进行仿真分析,设定模型输入转速参数为111 r/min,获取三组非圆行星轮系番茄果秧分离振动发生器输出轴角速度、角位移曲线。

试制三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器并替换FS-35振动分离试验台[27-28]上双偏心块式振动发生器进行试验,利用CPL-MS70K型高速摄像系统拍摄分离滚筒的运动情况[29-30],将试验的转速设定为111 r/min,高速摄像系统帧率设定为800帧/s。试验时调整高速摄像系统与机架的距离,以确保标记的分离滚筒拨杆处于摄录区域内。


1. 变频器 2. 电动机 3. 非圆轮系振动发生器 4. 试验台 5. 标记的分离滚筒拨杆 6. 高速摄像系统

3.1.2 齿面接触力试验

为验证三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器传动部件载荷较为均衡,将三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器与单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器输出轴齿轮齿面的受力情况进行比较。在ADAMS软件中设定振动发生器输入转速为111 r/min,分别获得三组和单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器行星齿轮与输出轴齿轮啮合的接触力大小,导出数据并绘制三组和单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器齿面接触力随时间变化的曲线。

3.2 试验结果与分析

3.2.1 运动学试验结果分析

利用高速摄像分析软件Blaster Mas对摄录视频进行分割、标记并进行逐帧追踪,得到分离滚筒实测角位移散点图,并求解出角速度散点图。利用MATLAB和Origin9.0将散点拟合后得到实测拟合角位移、角速度曲线,拟合度2分别为0.861和0.981(均≥0.85)。为验证装置的准确性,将得到的实测拟合角位移、角速度曲线与目标曲线和仿真曲线进行对比,如图6所示。


由图6可知,三组非圆轮系振动发生器输出轴角位移曲线呈现摆动增加趋势,输出轴角速度呈现周期性变化,且二者周期相同;实测曲线与仿真和目标的角位移、角速度曲线存在微小误差,角速度曲线峰值差小于0.4 rad/s,角位移峰值差小于0.05 rad,但各曲线变化趋势及关键数据点仍较为接近。即从运动学分析可知,三组非圆轮系振动发生器能产生保证果秧分离的运动需求,同时由于齿轮传动所具有的特性可保证果秧分离过程中运动参数不易受载荷影响而发生变化,从而避免发生阻塞。

3.2.2 齿面接触力试验结果分析


图7 三组与单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器齿面接触力对比图

从图7可看出,单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的齿面接触力变化范围为0~200 000 N,三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器的齿面接触力变化范围为0~125 N。因此,三组非圆行星轮系振动发生器传动部件载荷相对于单组非圆行星轮系振动发生器更加均衡。

4 结 论




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Design of tomato fruit separation vibration generator with multi group non-circular planetary gear

Wang Lihong1, Zhang Na1, Kan Za1※, Li Chengsong1, Zhu Xingliang2

(1.832000,; 2830052,)

The processing tomato planting area is increasing year by year in Xinjiang, and mechanized harvesting has become an important mean of tomato harvesting. Fruit seedling separation device is one of the core working parts of processed tomato harvesting machine. At present, double eccentric block type of fruit seedling separating vibration generator is widely used. However, there are still some problems with this relatively matured technology, such as motion parameters are easily affected by load, device is easily blocked and so on, which strongly affect the performance of processing tomato harvesting machine. Some scholars proposed to apply non-circular planetary gear to the structure design of tomato fruit seedling vibration generator, but this type of tomato fruit seedling vibration generator has a problem that its transmission components load is imbalanced. To solve above problems, in this study, we put forward multiple-group non-circular planetary gear of tomato fruit seedling vibration generator. The research results published from other scholars about trajectories of separation roller and conditions of tomato harvesting vibration were used when we designed tomato fruit separation vibration generator base on multi-group non-circular planetary gear. Trigonometric function and MATLAB software were exploited to fit separate roller angular velocity and angular displacement scatter curve. Then fitting curve of angular displacement and angular velocity were obtained as well as input and output angular displacement fitting function type, which served as the objective function of tomato fruit separation vibration generator based on multi-group non-circular planetary gear. The fitting degree with no more than 0.85 of angular displacement and velocity were obtained. The OriginPro9.0 was used to obtain angular velocity and angular displacement fitting function. According to the method of theoretical mechanics and dynamics, the theoretical equation of dynamics and kinematics were established to obtain the transmission ratio and pitch-curve equation of the non-circular gear train. Non-circular gears based on three groups were designed and gear tooth profiles of non-circular gear were generated by using gear’s pitch curve got from MATLAB. Then, the whole structure of fruit seedling vibration generator base on three group non-circular planetary gear was designed according to the selected type and corresponding parameters of gear train, which was mainly composed of input shaft assembly、tie rod assembly、shell and output shaft assembly. When this vibration generator working, power was input from the input shaft uniformly and transferred to the separation roller by transmission of this vibration generator. In this way, the uniform motion of input shaft was transformed into variable speed rotary motion of output shaft to drive the separation roller achieving the separation of fruit and stem seedlings. The model of vibration generator based on multi-group non-circular planetary gear was constructed, and this model was analyzed by simulating in the ADAMS at speeds of 111 revolutions per minute. The contrast figure of non-circular gear vibration generator and three groups non-circular gear vibration generator’s tooth surface contact force diagram was obtained by analyzing the tooth surface contact force between the planet gear and the output shaft gear, which showed that the vibration generator possessed uniform stress, and small vibration and the correctness of the model were verified. Finally, the physical prototype of vibration generator based on multi-group non-circular planetary gear was developed, and then tomato fruit seedling separation test was conducted in the way that replacing double eccentric block vibration generator with vibration generator based on multi-group non-circular planetary gear on tomato fruit seedling separation test platform, in this test, the motion process of separating drum was tracked shot using CPL-MS70k high speed camera system, whose frame rate was set to 800. The test data were analyzed and we found that the actual motion curve of drum separation fitted better with simulation curve and objective motion curve, from which maximum error was less than 0.4 rad/s, showing that the mechanism design was reasonable. This study provides a new idea for the improvement of processing tomato fruit seedling separation device.

vibration; separation; gears; harvesters; non-circular gear; planetary gear train; gear pitch curve








王丽红,女,河北邯郸人,博士,教授,主要研究方向为农业装备工程。石河子 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,832003。

坎 杂,男,新疆精河人,博导,教授,主要研究方向为农业装备工程。石河子 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,832003。

王丽红,张 娜,坎 杂,李成松,朱兴亮.用于番茄果秧分离的多组非圆行星轮系振动发生器设计[J].农业工程学报,2017,33(12):34-39. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.005

Wang Lihong, Zhang Na, Kan Za, Li Chengsong, Zhu Xingliang. Design of tomato fruit separation vibration generator with multi group non-circular planetary gear[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(12): 34-39. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.005

