

校园英语·下旬 2017年7期


“Wherever they might be they always remember that the past was a lie, that memory has no return, that every spring gone by could never be recovered, and that the wildest and most tenacious love was an ephemeral truth in the end.” ——Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, known as the famous author of One hundred Years of Solitude which sold more than 20 million copies and was translated in over 30 languages. He first gave readers all over the world the adventure into Latin America, and had left the world an image of a prominent writer in literature.

However, beyond our expectations, as a matter of fact, he was teetering on the edge of literature back and forth for some time and mainly lived on jobs like editors and reporters. He remained the state of showing enthusiasm to literature, but rejected by the door to success for ages.

As a green hand in the society of poets, when handing on his poems passionately, he was only to be told that “Your poetry is not exactly what we know as poetry.” He began to be hesitant about his dream of literature, and thats when he determined to make a difference. Maybe he was too depressed to walk any further or just under the influence of Kafka and Hemingway, he happened to pick up his career as writing novels.

While he came across his Mr. Right on the life road accidentally, fortune still chose not to smile on him temporarily. The novel he wrote ended up with being turned down probably owing to his unique way of story telling, and he got a rejection from one and another publisher. He was buried in silence, he was corrupt, in it up to his neck. Ultimately, after giving his manuscript to a publisher which his novel was approved of, the publisher vanished into thin air, leaving all the expensive expenses to the poor Marquez. He had to moved around and suffered from prejudice and poverty. In addition, after a few years of writing scripts, none of them came to front. Maybe he would be perceived as an inferior editor if not for the things to happen then. It was his dream that drove him to move on motivatedly during the most miserable era.

When an idea flashed into his mind, he wound have thought of it as his masterpiece. He was absorbed in it so that he sold out everything let alone the money borrowed. Having locked himself for a few years, the brilliant work was finished, soon became a hit at that moment, what we known as One hundred Years of Solitude today. Moreover, the great work also won the Nobel Price for him, just as the award words saying “Gabriel Garcia Marquezs novels created a world of her own, an enrichment of the universe, the tumultuous yet vivid believable reality, mapping a continent and its peoples prosperity and poverty.” From then on, his work began to be accepted and appreciated, such as Love in the Time of Cholera as well as Memories of My Melancholy Whores.

During his period in poverty, when he had no alternative but to escape from Paris to Mexico, the landlord let him off. Shortly afterwards he was awarded the Nobel Price, he returned in cheers with a large number of money to return to the warm-hearted landlord. Perhaps the landlord would have never thought of a man in poverty should change into a literary giant.

After being questioned for half of his life, after seeking survival during the war time, after experimenting with losing his home, after working as a poor editor reluctantly, he still stuck to his dream, and eventually, he floated him as a butterfly. The wonder wont be falling from the sky, all of these things are destined to happen after elaborate preparations. Changing from a man outside the door to a master of novel, its anyones guess that how much effort he had put into. He held on to his dream tightly and he succeeded beyond any doubt. Eternal perseverance conquers all, not inconstant, irregular or inaccurate work, but indeed, continuously daily effort toward fulfilling the dream.