阅读前(pre-reading)是阅读课的第一步,在这一阶段中,教师可先巧妙处理课文的单词,再引导学生仔细观察课文的标题、插图及图表等,并对此进行看图说话之类的活动,让学生利用已有的知识结构、生活经历对课文内容进行预测。Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 1 “The Spirit of Explorers”一课中,笔者处理完单词并给学生展示了Scandinavia的地图后,让学生通过文章的标题“Viking Voyages to America”及地图,对文章的体裁和主要内容进行推测,并说出他们推测的理由,接着回答下面这个问题:
Which of the following people do you think arrived in America first?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Ancient Greeks
C. Chinese Sailors
D. Vikings
1. 略读
略读方法包括:通读文章的起始段和结尾段;阅读标题或次标题;读各段段首句和尾句;找出其他位置的段落主题句;关注主题句中的核心词;从图片和图表中获取有用信息。Module 2 Unit 6 Lesson 3“Chinese Paper Art” Reading一课,学生对课文内容进行猜测后,我布置任务:根据标题和各段段首句和尾句,Read the text quickly and try to decide which of the following are talked about in the text. (多选题)
A. The history of paper cuts
B. The types of paper cuts
C. The sales of paper cuts
D. The customs of paper cuts
2. 文章的体裁意识
说明文模式: Explaining or giving answers to questions: What, how, what is it— definition; What function does it have—Usage; How it is made—process; How it is used—Method.因此,教师应引导学生按照Topic Sentence—Further Explanation—Examples的写作特点和规律进行说明文的阅读,从而迅速理解文章的主旨和语篇结构。Module 2 Unit 4 Lesson 4 “Auckland. New Zealand”的教学中,筆者列表,给出Population,Location,History,Famous sights,Climate等项,让学生一一找出具体信息。这样,学生对课文的篇章结构和内容就一目了然了。
教师让学生把主题句中的关键词找出来, 记叙文模式: Telling a story & Setting episodes:5W+H(when, where, who, what, why, how);Beginning—Developing—Ending.在Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 1,笔者让学生分析5W+H,完成填写表格的任务。
论述类文本的基本结构基本是“三段式”,即提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。解读此类文本应从以下几个方面入手:引导学生概括归纳论点;引导学生把握论点与论据之间的关系;引导学生关注作者的思想情感以及观点;引导学生关注作者严密的逻辑和准确的语言。Module 2 Lesson 1“The Future of Cyberspace”Reading,体裁分析如下:
Background (背景):The internet has grown rapidly.
Topic sentence(主题句):Some experts are pessimistic about the future. (One worry is…terrorists may “attack” the worlds computers...)
However, many people are optimistic about the future of the internet (examples).
Some experts see our future in virtual reality.
3. 文章的逻辑关系
因果关系,如:because, since, so, therefore, thus, accordingly, consequently, as a result, be due to.
并列关系,如:first, second, third; firstly, secondly, thirdly; first, next, then.
转折关系,如:however, nevertheless, though, yet, in spite of, in any case, on the contrary, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison.
层递关系,如:also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, whats more, too, not only…but also.