Editorial Board of CDC


China Detergent & Cosmetics 2017年1期

One of the features that characterizes the best journals or newspapers is the presence of an outstanding, diverse,and active Editorial Board. Having a highly visible board of recognized, representative, and influential experts who position their reputation, knowledge, and energy with a website will be a key to the success of journals.

As the first English professional journal of Chinese daily chemical industry, China Detergent & Cosmetics(CDC) has been openly published since 2016, and now it is time to create such an overarching Editorial Board. We announce today the first 8 members of CDC Editorial Board, who will serve as the Editorial Board Member for CDC. With the common features of consistent, demonstrated excellence and caring for daily chemical, the members have been chosen to comprise a Board diverse in age, race, gender, field of expertise. CDC will be grateful to these dedicated and productive individuals for their helpful services.

—The Editors

Dr. Gerardino D’Errico

Dr. Gerardino D’Errico (GDE) is the associate professor in Physical Chemistry University of Naples“Federico II” in Italy. His scientific research is aimed at the spectroscopic characterization of amphiphiles’self-aggregation in aqueous mixtures. From the beginning of his scientific career, he investigated anionic, cationic and non-ionic surfactants, as well as their mixtures. Subsequently, he investigated surfactant-polymer mixtures, both in sol and in gel phases. In the last five years, Prof. GDE’s interest was focused on the supramolecular aggregates formed by natural lipids and on their interactions with peptides and proteins. In this framework, he is currently investigating relevant biological processes involving biomembranes, such as the viral fusion and the Amyloid self-aggregation. Publications on international peer-reviewed journals written by Prof. GDE has reached 125.

Dr. Liu Yuliang

Dr. Liu Yuliang is the Executive President of JALA Group. He is also the President of Society of Cosmetic Scientists of China, and the director of Scientific Committee of China Association of Flavor,Fragrance and Cosmetic Industries (CAFFCI), and the editor-in-chief of journal Favors, Fragrance &Cosmetics. Dr. Liu holds a PhD in Medicinal Science from the Second Military Medical University in China, as well as an EMBA from the prestigeous China Europe Internaltional Business School (CEIBS). He has been a strong advocate to promote the development of cosmetic industries as well as the advancement of science and technologies as key enabler for achieving transformational consumer benefits and sustainable development of the industries. Meanwhile, he has been instrumental in establishing the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of China (inaugurated on June 14th, 2016) which will represent China at IFSCC communities. Under the request of the State Council of China, he also authored the Strategic Development Path of cosmetic industries which became part of China’s 13thFive-Year Plan.

Dr. Roger L. McMullen

Dr. Roger L. McMullen served as the Principal Scientist in Ashland Specialty Ingredients (formerly ISP) from 1996 till now. His duties are to develop innovative technologies used to perform physical measurements in the field of personal care. This consists of designing instrumentation or methods for the measurement and quantification of consumer-perceivable properties of personal care products. In addition to matching industry trends with quantifiable data, objectives also included completing rigorous projects in which numerous actives, either experimental or industry benchmarks, were tested providing technique validation. Experience also includes formulating prototypes for hair care applications. Currently Dr. Roger manages a group of six scientists to accomplish R&D objectives in the Materials Science department. Besides, he is also the adjunct professor in the School of Natural Sciences for students pursuing M.S. degrees in Cosmetic Science and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, working as the instructor of Microtoxicity and Biochemistry (CHEM 6529). For his personal achievements in papers or books, parts of the main works are as follows: 1 book—Antioxidants and the Skin; 7 book chapters; 22 original research articles; 7 opinion articles; 26 podium presentations; 6 patents and 4 professional affiliations, etc.

Dr. Qu Xin

Dr. Qu Xin is the manager of Global R&D Lab of Shanghai Technical Center of Ashland Specialty Ingredients. He had his B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China in 1994, and Ph.D.from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 1999, major in Polymer Technology. After graduation, he worked as Postdoc in Columbia University, New York for 2 years, and then worked in Hydromer Inc., New Jersey as Senior Research Scientist since 2002. In 2006, Dr. Qu came back to Shanghai, and joined ISP Corp. (merged with Ashland Inc. in 2010) as Global R&D Lab manager– Personal Care in Shanghai Technical Center. Dr. Qu has published more than 50 articles in both international and Chinese journals and US patents.

Dr. Wiesław Hreczuch

Dr. Wiesław Hreczuch established the MEXEO Wieslaw Hreczuch Company in 2002. He got his Ph.D. in Chemistry, Poznan Technical University of Poland, and his specialization is focusing on surfactant technology.His major interests are in ethoxylates and propoxylates synthesis and application, and he also works for some other fields including production, evaluation and applications of household and industrial surface active agents, industrial auxiliary agents, polymeric emulsions, Bisphenol A, chlorine dioxide - generation and applicationa. Currently, he has strong research interests on new type dimetalcyanide catalysts for ethoxylation and propoxylation; formulation and industrial application of surface active agents; new generation technology of Bisphenol A; polymeric emulsions – preparation and application. Apart from the above, he is the author of c.a. 100 edited papers in Polish and international professional journals,many research reports, and announcements to scientific symposiums. He also obtained numerous commercialized patents and technologies in organic chemistry, and nominated as the winner of many Polish and international professional awards.

Dr. Arkadiusz Chruściel

Dr. Arkadiusz Chruściel is the manager of MEXEO Institute of Technology in Poland. He has 22 original scientific papers published at the international journals, and his achievements are as follows: 40 conference papers in ISI; 5 patents (1 international); peer reviewer of J. Surfact. Deterg.

Dr. Eng. Katarzyna Materna

Dr. Eng. Katarzyna Materna is the assistant professor of Poznan University of Technology in Poland. She works in Faculty of Chemical Technology of Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Her major research interests include physicochemistry of nonionic and zwitterionic surfactants; surface active ionic liquids; cloud point extraction; aqueous biphasic systems; and membrane based separation processes.

Dr. Stephen J. Herman

Dr. Steve Herman is President of Diffusion LLC, a consulting firm specializing in regulatory issues, intellectual property, and technology development. He served as an Adjunct Professor in the FDU Cosmetic Science Program from1993 to 2016, teaching the Cosmetic Formulation Lab and Perfumery, and he continues to teach a General Chemistry Lab. Steve was a columnist for GCI Magazine for 17 years and has written a book, Fragrance Applications: A Survival Guide. His SCC(Society of Cosmetic Chemists) activities include service as Chairman of the NY Chapter in 1992 and 2013, election to Fellow status in 2002, and instructor in the Continuing Education Program. He has more than ten presentations recently, such as “Fragrance in Personal Care” of SCC Continuing Education Course; “Modern Solutions for Preservation” of SCC Annual Scientific Meeting; “An Introduction to Malodor” of NYSCC Malodor Symposium, etc.