1: 狗牙根Cynodon dactylon(Linn.)Pers. 2: 棒头草 Polypogon fugax Nees ex Steud. 3: 大画眉草Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) Link ex Vignolo-Lutati. 5: 看麦娘 Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. 6: 菵草Beckmannia syzigachne(Steud.)Fern. 7: 刺蓼Polygonum senticosum (Meisn.) Franch. et Sav. 10: 小飞蓬 Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. 11: 鼠麯 Gnaphalium affine D. Don. 13: 苣荬菜 Sonchus arvensis L. 16: 积雪草Centella asiatica (L.) Urban. 19: 水蓼Polygonum hydropiper. 21: 空心莲子草 Alternanthera Philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb. 22: 刺苋 Amaranthus spinosus. 24: 毒芹 Cicuta virosa L. 26: 毛豆 Glycine max. 27: 阴石蕨 Humata repens (L. f.) Diels. 28: 毛茛 Ranunculus japonicus Thunb. 29: 通泉草 Mazus japonicus (Thunb.) O. Kuntze. 35: 雪见草 Salvia plebeia R. Br. 36: 旋覆花 Inula japonica Thunb. 37: 假稻 Leersia japonica (Makino) Honda. 38: 鸭跖草 Commelina communis. 40: 野老鹤草 Geranium carolinianum L. 41: 黄鹌菜Youngia japonica. 43: 簇生卷耳Cerastium caespitosum Gilib. The same below. ButtElev:Elevation factor; Shapindx:Shape coefficient; HydrChar:Hydrological characteristics; HygrCoef:Soil moisture absorption coefficient; Distance:Distance away from the water. 图2 物种与环境因子的RDA贡献率双序图Fig.2 RDA double sequence diagram of species and environmental factors
3.2.2 植被分布对滩地相对水面高差因子变化的响应关系 滩地相对水面高差因子是影响植被分布最显著的因子,以灵山港上游溪口四桥滩地(L1)、中游周村滩地(L6)、下游高铁桥滩地(L9)以及衢江口彩虹桥滩地(L10)为例,说明不同区段滩地内,相对水面高差因子对植被分布的影响。4个滩地内,植被分布的相对水平面高差云图见图3~图6。
图3 上游区段植被空间分布Fig.3 Spatial distribution of vegetation in the upper reaches
图4 中游区段植被空间分布Fig.4 Spatial distribution of vegetation in the middle reaches
图5 下游区段植被空间分布Fig.5 Spatial distribution of vegetation in the lower reaches
图6 河口植被空间分布Fig.6 Spatial distribution of vegetation in the estuary
可见,I、II、IV、VI、VIII、IX类植被主要生长在高差较大的滩地内部,满足其排水和向阳条件,III、V、VII类植被主要生长在高差较小的临水边,满足其水分需求较高的特点。各类植被的分布特点也存在一定的差异。I类植被(通泉草、牛毛毡、鼠麯、小飞蓬和狗牙根等)广泛分布于高差0.25~1.2 m内,且易形成大片群落。主要是因为该区间内,土壤受水流作用,土层松动,沙性明显,水分条件及排水较好,适宜I类植被生长。II类植被(小花糖芥、细风轮菜和旋覆花等)分布范围较广,主要分布在高差>1.8 m的位置。IV类植被(艾草、野豌豆和北美车前等)大多分布于高差1.8~2.1 m内,少部分会出现在临水边0.36~0.54 m处。V和VII类植被(沿阶草、积雪草、水蓼等)主要分布于高差<0.9 m的临水边,主要是因为积雪草叶片中的机械组织不发达,抗旱能力极差,是阴生湿生植物,而蓼科和莎草科等阳生湿生植被,根系不发达,没有根毛,但根与茎之间有通气的组织,以保证取得充足的氧气,生活在阳光充足、土壤水分饱和的沼泽地区或湖边。III类植被(棒头草、假稻、鸭跖草和酸模叶蓼等)会与V和VII类植被集群分布。VI类植被(刺蓼、阴石蕨和野菊等)主要分布于高差0.4~1.25 m(刺蓼、山大颜和毒芹)、1.8~2.4 m(阴石蕨和野菊)的位置。VIII和IX类植被主要分布于高差1.8~2.0 m的位置,在滩地内缘有少量出现。
图7 滩地外缘至内缘植被生物量变化Fig.7 Biomass variation from outer to inner edge of floodplain
图8 不同相对水面高度下的植被多样性Fig.8 Vegetation Shannon-Wiener under different relative elevation of water
3.2.3 植被分布对形态系数的响应关系 滩地总体形态变迁是影响植被多样性的另一个重要因素,稳定的滩地生境是植被分布特征优化,以及发挥生态效益最大化的重要保障。由图9可知,随着滩地Pe/Pa指数的增大,植被覆盖率也随之增大。从图3~6亦可看出,短宽和窄长滩地对等高线分布及滩地断面植被容纳量有明显的影响。选择滩地边缘线发育系数SDI(即Richardson所提出的紧凑度C0的倒数,SDI=1时,滩地形态近似圆形)和滩地横纵径(短长轴)比值Pe/Pa(避免SDI较大时,滩地出现过分窄长的情况),来反映滩地形态的弯曲和狭长。Pe/Pa和SDI与植被多样性响应关系分别见图9和图10。
图9 Pe/Pa与植被覆盖度和多样性的响应关系Fig.9 Response of coverage and Shannon-Wiener to Pe/Pa
图10 SDI与植被多样性的响应关系Fig.10 Response of Shannon-Wiener to SDI
3.2.4 植被分布对水文特性的响应关系 从植被空间变异特征(图11)可知,距离水边10 m以内,指数的平均差异性Δr(h)约为0.100,空间变异幅度较小,这主要是由于滩地临水边缘小区域受水流影响较大,植被物种差异性不明显,多为喜湿耐冲型植被,将这一区域称为低变幅区。距离水边10~25 m时,指数的平均差异性Δr(h)达0.206,空间变异幅度较大,这主要是由于微地貌的变化,使得滩地淹没所需水流深度增加,这一因素的限制,在平水位情况下,水力冲蚀削弱,主要生长中生型植被,植被种类丰富,将这一区域称为高变幅区。距离水边>25 m时,指数的平均差异性Δr(h)仅为0.052左右,无明显的空间变异性(寺下、上扬村受人为干扰,变异性依旧较大),此时结构因子正在逐渐替代水文特性成为主导因子,且由表3可知,变程值a均>25 m;因此,将这一区域称为平稳区,主要为乔灌草结构。
图11 植被空间相关性曲线Fig.11 Vegetation spatial correlation curve
将低变幅区与高变幅区,即离水边缘25 m以内的植被带,作为植被分布对水文特性响应关系的研究区域。各区段滩地外缘植被带土壤性质、植被多样性和生物量的变化见表4。
表4 植被分布对水文特性的响应
从植被形态可塑性角度看,为了适应高流速、大紊动的水流条件,滩地外缘植被的叶片和杆茎均为轻柔和狭长,能够顺水流方向倾伏,以克服水流的拖拽力及紊动卷携,从而保持在该条件下的生存能力。表现为在滩地外缘25 m带宽范围内,蓼科和棒头草出现的频率均占40%,菵草和狗牙根出现的频率均占30%,沿阶草出现的频率占10%,均为喜湿耐冲型植被,与内缘植被差异性较高。从植被生长属性角度看,灵山港滩地基本呈现上、下游区段植被多样性较高,生物量较低,而中游区段植被多样性较低,生物量较高的现象。这是由于上、下游水流适度的扰动及短期水位变动,为低多样性集群物种的存活率创造了条件,在主要植被类型基础上,新增细风轮菜、通泉草、小飞蓬、鼠麯、小花糖芥、鸭跖草和积雪草等植被物种,使得植被带宽内多样性指数较大;但由于物种茎秆及根系较小,生物量相对较低。而中游在集中的木本植被阻流缓冲和局地小气候效应影响下,植被带宽内水文效应薄弱,滩地生境稳定,种类单一化明显,多为阴石蕨、沿阶草和毒芹等,使得植被多样性较小;但由于庞大的小块根及高含水量,使得生物量较大。
4 结论
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Vegetation distribution and its driven-forces on the floodplains of small and medium rivers in hilly area
YU Genting1, XIA Jihong1, BI Lidong1, WANG Yingjun2, LIN Lihuai1, CAO Weijie1, YI Zihan1
(1.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower, Hohai University, 210098, Nanjing, China; 2.Water Conservancy Bureau, 324400, Longyou, Zhejiang, China)
[Background] Vegetation in riparian zone is an important buffer to sustain the health of a river system. It is a typical ecotone characterized as edge effect, and plays a significant role in the conservation of river system health. Therefore, it is vital to know how the vegetation in floodplain distributes and what the driven-forces of the distribution are. [Methods] Taking the Lingshan River, in Longyou County, Zhejiang Province, as a typical example of small and medium rivers in hilly area, the characteristics of the vegetation distribution and its driven-forces were studied. After investigating the vegetation species in the quadrat sampling, the data was calculated and analyzed using the Clustering Analysis (CA) in SPSS software, and the Redundancy Analysis (RDA) in Canoco5 software and through which the composition and cluster numbers of vegetation species, the cosine of the angle at the origin of the two vectors, the contribution rate of driven-forces were calculated. On the basis of GPS site survey and the maps downloaded from Google Earth, the elevation and shape coefficient were analyzed by Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Surfer software. Then combined with the regression analysis, the relationship between the vegetation and driven-forces were obtained. [Results] In the floodplain of Lingshan River, there were 62 vegetation species (61 kinds ofAngiospermaesand one kind ofPteridophyta) and the vegetation community structure was mainly divided into 9 classes. The major three driven-forces of the vegetation distribution were elevation factor (ButtElev), shape coefficient (Shapindx) and hydrological characteristics (HydrChar), and their contribution rates were 37.50%, 27.50%, 16.82%, respectively. Particularly, under the influence of ButtElev, from outer to inner edge of floodplain, the moisture capacity varied from strong to weak, the diversity varied from low to high, and the biomass varied from small to large. There was at least 60 percent of the guarantee rate making the vegetation diversity between 1.03 and 1.96 when the SDI coefficient was between 2.0 and 4.0, and the Pe/Pa was between 0.12 and 0.3. The hydrological characteristics affected the morphological plasticity of vegetation and the habitat conditions of the floodplain. The sand content in the outer zone of the floodplain decreased with the increase of the distance from the water, and the anti-scour ability and moisture capacity of the vegetation decreased from strong to weak. [Conclusions] The elevation factor, shape coefficient and hydrological characteristics are the key driven-forces of vegetation distribution in small and medium rivers in hilly area. When we design ecological restoration projects, the three factors should be focused on, and the suitable measures should be employed in order to control and optimize the three factors.
hilly area; small and medium rivers; floodplain; vegetation distribution; driven-forces
项目名称: 国家自然科学基金“蜿蜒型河岸带潜流层水动力学机制及溶质运移规律研究”(41471069);浙江省水利科技项目“龙游县中小河流滩地时空演化机理及生态修复技术研究”(RC1527)
余根听(1992—),男,硕士研究生。主要研究方向:河岸带生态机理。E-mail: yugenting@hhu.edu.cn
†通信作者简介: 夏继红(1970—),男,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:河岸带生态机理。E-mail: syjhxia@hhu.edu.cn