Word Design
在单词设计大赛中,参赛者们神奇的想象力打动着所有评委和观众,本刊也想与读者们多分享一些精彩的设计。Knock! Knock! 想象力的大门打开,come in——
I love reading.
There are a lot of books in my house.
Open the books, then you will see a big world.
404班 邢子灏
指导老师 朱晓桦
What can we do for the earth?
Take a bus to school!
Bus is a moving room and let me enjoy the view (风景) on the way.
602班 盛世家
指导老师 潘海英
Its so quiet at night.
Well, its a good time to think of something deep (深刻的).
六(4)班 林绮馨
指导老师 张 玉
My favourite animal is the panda.
It is funny and cute.
Its a super treasure (宝贝) of China.
浙江省宁海县西店镇中心小学六(2)班 胡青元
指导老师 陈 丹
I have a little rabbit at home.
Shes got white fur (皮毛) and long ears. How cute!
浙江省宁海县城中小学五(3)班 陈冰彦
指导老师 林 莹
Whats for my mother on Mothers Day?
It couldnt be better to plant colourful flowers for her.
浙江省湖州市凤凰小学602班 杨欣月
指导老师 俞 洁