Positive solutions of discrete φ-Laplacianproblems
( 1. Department of Information Processing and Control Engineering, Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China; 2. School of Mathematics and Information Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Positive solutions of discreteφ-Laplacianproblems
( 1. Department of Information Processing and Control Engineering, Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China; 2. School of Mathematics and Information Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
whereΔdenotesforwarddifferenceoperator,i.e., Δu(k)=u(k+1)-u(k),k∈[a,b-1]Z.Weconsiderthepositivesolutionsofthefollowingdiscreteφ-Laplacianboundaryvalueproblem
Recently, the positive solutions ofφ-Laplacianboundaryvalueproblems(i.e.,generalizedp-Laplacian boundary value problems) have been widely studied. For differentialφ-Laplacianproblems,wereferreaderto[1-8]forsomereferences.Forthediscretecase,therearelessstudyresultsthancontinuouscase[9-10].WealsorefertoCabada[11]andCabadaandEspinar[12]fortheresultsofupperandlowersolutionsmethod,andBondar[13]fortheexistenceanduniquenessresultsbythefixedpointtheoryofcontractionmapping.In[9-10],theexistenceandmultiplicityofpositivesolutionsofdiscreteφ-Laplacianboundaryvalueproblemswerestudiedandfwasassumedtobenonnegative.Inthispaper,weconsiderthesemipositonecase(i.e.thecasef(0)<0).Ourinterestistheexplicitopenintervalsofλsuchthat(1)hasatleastonepositivesolution.
(C1)φ-1isconcaveonR+, and for eachδ>0,thereexistsAδ>0suchthatφ-1(δu)≥Aδφ-1(u),u∈R+andlimδ→∞Aδ=∞.
(A1)f:R→R is continuous and there existsM>0suchthatf(u)≥-Mholdsforallu≥0;
The following fixed point theorem in cones will be used to prove our main results.
1 Preliminaries
Lemma 2 Leta,b∈Ζwitha (3) thenu>von[a,b]Z. φ(Δ(u-q)(s-1))-φ(Δ(v-q)(s-1))= φ[Δ(v-q)(k*)]>0 fors∈[a,k*]ZsinceΔ(u-v)(k*)≥0.Thus, Δ(u-v)(s-1)>0,s∈[a,k*]Z.Itfollowsbysummingfromatok*that(u-v)(k*)>0,acontradiction. Lemma 3 Ifwsatisfies (4) Proof By Lemma 2, we knoww>0on[1,T]Z.Itiseasytoseethattheuniquesolutionof(4)canbewrittenas k∈[0,T+1]Z and Lemma 4[2]Let (A3) hold. The following inequalities hold. φ-1(x+y)≤φ-1(x)+φ-1(y)+φ-1(μ) forx≥-μ,y≥0,μ≥0, φ-1(x-y)≥φ-1(x)-2φ-1(y) forx≥0,y≥0. (5) Itiseasytoseethatproblem(5)isequivalentto k∈[0,T+1]Z (6) (7) (8) and (9) Infact,ontheonehand,by LetK={u∈E:u(k)≥0,k∈[0,T+1]Z},aconeinE.Withthehelpof(6)and(7),defineF:K→Kby Fu(k)= and respectively.ThenF:K→Kiscontinuousandproblem(5)hasapositivesolutionifandonlyifFhasafixedpointinKforλ>0. Foranygivenr>0,set (10) Now,westateourmainresult. Theorem 1 Let (A1)-(A3) and (C2) hold. Assume thatλ0<λrholdsforsomer>0,thenproblem(1)hasatleastonepositivesolutionforλ∈(λ0,λr).Especially,iff∞=∞,thenforeachr>0problem(1)hasonepositivesolutionforλ∈(0,λr). Proof We divide the proof into two steps. u(k)=θFu(k)≤ R.Suchusatisfiesthefollowingboundaryvalueproblem (11) (12) Thenwehave ItfollowsbyLemma2thatu(k)>v(k),k∈[1,k0-1]Z.Notethatthesolutionvof(12)canbeexpressedas φ-1[Cv-φ(Δw(l-1))]+ Δw(l-1)},k∈[0,k0]Z (13) whereCvsatisfiesv(0)=θβ.Thus, φ-1[Cv-φ(Δw(l-1))]+ Δw(l-1)} (14) ItfollowsbyLemma3and4thatfork∈[1,k0]Z, φ-1(Cv)=φ-1[Cv-φ(Δw(k-1))+ φ(Δw(k-1))]≤ φ-1(Cv-φ(Δw(k-1)))+ Thus,by(10),wehavethatfork∈[1,k0]Z, φ-1(Cv-φ(Δw(k-1)))+Δw(k-1)≥ Itfollowsthatfork∈[k1,k0]Z, u(k)-w(k)≥v(k)-w(k)> sincefork∈[0,T+1]Z, (15) Notethat φ (16) By(2),weknow and Thusweagainhave (17) φ(Δw(l-1))]- Δw(l-1)},k∈[k0,T+1]Z (18) φ(Δw(l-1))]-Δw(l-1)} (19) Notethat ). (i)If1≤k≤k0,weusetheexpression(6),i.e., (20) Fork∈[0,k0]Z,let Itiseasytoseethat isnonincreasingon[1,k0]Z.ThatistosaythatGisadiscreteconcavefunctionon[0,k0].Thenwehave (21) From(20)andLemma4wehavethat φ(Δw(s-1)))+w(k0)≤ Itfollowsby(10)that (22) k∈[1,k0]Z (ii)Thesecondcasek0≤k≤Tcanbesimilarlydealtwith.Weusetheexpression(7),i.e., k∈[0,T+1]Z (23) Fork∈[k0,T+1]Z,let k∈[k0,T+1]Z Thatistosay (24) Thuswehaveby(23)andLemma4that Itfollowsby(10)that [1] BAI D, ZUO M. The existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of generalizedp-Laplacian boundary value problems [J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2013, 52(1): 40-44 (in Chinese). [2] HAI D, SCHMITT K, SHIVAJI R. Positive solutions of quasilinear boundary value problems [J]. J Math Anal Appl, 1998, 217: 672-686. [3] WANG H. On the number of positive solutions of nonlinear systems [J]. J Math Anal Appl, 2003, 281: 287-306. [4] BAI D, XU Y. 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New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986. 离散φ-Laplace问题的正解* 2016-05-18 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11371107) 李延明(1973年生),男;研究方向:离散动力系统;E-mail:liym@lzpcc.edu.cn 白定勇(1972年生),男;研究方向:泛函微分方程;E-mail:baidy@gzhu.edu.cn 李延明1,白定勇2 (1. 兰州石化职业技术学院信息处理与控制工程系, 甘肃 兰州 730060; 2. 广州大学数学与信息科学学院, 广东 广州 510006) 离散φ-Laplace问题; 正解; 半正问题 O A 0529-6579(2017)01-0066-08 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2017.01.0112 Main Results