Age Factor in Second Language Acquisition


速读·下旬 2016年12期


Abstract:Since many factors determine the differences between children and adults in language learning,such as the learning environment,intelligence etc.It is by no means easy for us to draw an absolute answer.As a matter of fact,children and adults both have their own advantages and disadvantages in second language acquisition.

Key words:Second language acquisition;Age factor;Advantages disadvantages

1 Children(3~4 years old)

Childrens brain is plastic and may have an advantage in acquiring phonetics at this stage.Foreign language learning may have trace on their brain and stimulate the neural circuitry of a phonological system so that it is easy for children to form or develop the language habit as well as ability.And the affective filter of children is low,so that they can positively accept language input and get good results.However,there also appear some disadvantages like poor long-term memory,confusion of native and foreign languages or between native culture and foreign culture,poor ability of abstract thinking.

2 Adolescents(11~17 years old)

They have developed a high cognitive maturity and are good at imitation and memorizing.Adolescents do better in using communicative strategies and are more capable of understanding language and culture,and therefore it promotes input.Furthermore,the affective filter of adolescents is lower than that of adults.So adolescents excel children and adults in learning rate and aspects like morphology,syntax and listening.

3 Adults(more than 18 years old)

Adults have complete neural system and a complete way of thinking,hence,it is easier for them to handle more complicated form or content of a language and have more advantages in reading and writing.Adults have a definite learning purpose and strong impetus,rich knowledge and good understanding and association memory,especially in vocabulary memorizing and mastery of grammar;at the initial stage of learning a foreign language,adults can take the advantage of their mother tongue and monitoring knowledge,which makes them learn faster at the beginning.

4 Conclusion

Owing to the different intelligence,social background and the environment,people have different development on affective aspect,cognitive aspect and the physical aspect,people of different ages have their own advantages and disadvantages.


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